Thursday, June 23, 2016

Thomas Middelhoff escapes further criminal proceedings for Oxford-payment – SPIEGEL ONLINE

Thomas Middelhoff no longer has responsibility for suspicion of infidelity itself. Following a decision of the Oberlandesgericht Hamm, the process has been set at the request of the prosecutor’s office.

The Authority had the former manager charged with December 2014, after a payment of Arcandor AG in 2009 at the University of Oxford. The transfer of 800,000 Euros as sponsorship should have made arbitrarily and without the knowledge of the Supervisory Board as head of the Arcandor Group two days before his departure Middelhoff. The
companies got nothing in return. Middelhoff himself sat at the time in a panel at the university.

According to the Criminal Procedure Code a setting is possible if the accused has already been sufficiently punished by a judgment. The Oxford case is to

clarify the opinion of the OLG only at great expense in detail. These two points together are decisive for the setting, the court said.

Middelhoff currently serving in Bielefeld a prison sentence of three years and is located in an open prison. The ex-manager had previously been ordered by the Landgericht Essen for embezzlement and tax evasion as head of Karstadt parent company Arcandor in another process.


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