the referendum spurred the exchanges: the pound sterling is the highest since December 2015 more. Our live blog to vote on the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union
- UK decide: should the country remain part of the EU or for the exit – the so-called Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union – agree
- show Recent surveys indicate that the stock of EU-trailer is slightly ahead.
- Until 23:00 German time can the British vote.
- with a meaningful result is expected on Friday morning about 5 o’clock.
- What if the British vote for a Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union, read here.
- the fact that even without the British would, commented Ludwig Greven.
- Philip Faigle has spent the past few days on the island, his impressions, click here.
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on the stock market bet -. that the British want to remain in the EU
The rain has stopped, there’s not much going on anyway. Polling Station on Queens Drive in Finsbury Park, North London - “40705″
If one of the British comedy Yes Minister thinks of the 1980s, the EU referendum is simply part of a British foreign policy with a long tradition. to bring Europe to the collapse, from the inside and from the outside: the goal.
- “40714″
Diane is retired and vote for the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union. “One hundred percent! Definitely out.” Previously everything was better simply. “Why tell us over there, what hairdryer and what light bulbs we buy?” Absurd is the. “Then there’s just a recession,” says Diane. “We stand by. America it’s all well and which are not in the EU.”
- “40693″
In Brussels there then but less routine than expected:
Today, even the Middle East conflict seems quite small.
The Chancellor had kept conspicuously covered before the referendum. But they can, this historic referendum today not leave without comment: In Berlin, Angela Merkel warned of frantic reactions to the vote. Europe should advise the result “together and in peace.” “I do not believe, now disintegrating into subgroups.” The result will advise on the EU summit on Tuesday and Wednesday in Brussels. You want a decision “in the United Kingdom remains a part of the European Union”.
Nordlondon: Who can in London afford a house, one of the better-off who want mostly vote for an EU whereabouts.
the Dax and exchanges across Europe Bet continues to insist that the UK remains in the EU. The exchange rate for the British pound is at an all time high and stock prices continue to rise. They seem bookmakers in betting offices and to trust the polls that predict a narrow victory for a stay.
How did it all actually started? What bothers the critics so much on the EU? What they can upset to really? Why do they want necessarily emerge? Colleagues Claas Tatje and Claus Hecking have switched sounds. Your results: “ The naked truth about Europe ”
Another oddity : the UK should take over in the second half 2017 as scheduled, the EU Presidency . If the British vote for the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union, it would have to organize themselves negotiating his exit. Presumably, therefore, would stand in another country.
Abgestimmt Balwinda and Malki. They are from the Indian Punjab. He has voted in favor of the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union. “There are too many immigrants. This has to stop, otherwise our children get afterwards no more jobs.” They voted against the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union. “Otherwise there will be even more controversy and trouble.”
” In the last election the polls terribly off the mark and we have lost a lot ” says the local Labour politician Carole William. “Now it hangs in the balance.” The assassination of their party colleague Jo Cox’m in discussions with the voters on the referendum not before.

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