Who gets the minimum wage and living in a big city, has, because of the high rents often not enough money to live. The show details the federal government to a request of the Left Party, which existed AFP on Monday. Accordingly, the monthly rent and heating costs for a sample employee should be a maximum of 336 euros, so that the subsistence level is maintained. Scattered Housing is much more expensive.
In its request, the Left Party had taken a single persons without children as an example, which receives the minimum wage and week 37, 7 hours worked. This is the average collectively agreed weekly working time in this country. The pattern is then employed on a monthly wage of 1338.62 euros gross and 1040.27 euros net.
The average subsistence level of a working Singles lies at 1053 Euro , as is apparent from the calculations, was reported on the first the “Rheinische post”. The amount is therefore remains together from the Hartz IV standard set of 404 euros, average accommodation costs of 349 euros and the employment allowance of 300 euros.
The pattern minimum wage earners so long not only cost under the subsistence, accommodation and heating him more than 336 euros a month – or 13 euro less than the state-recognized average. In many cities, recognized averages are much higher: In Munich, for example, there are, according to the documents 492 euros a month, in Frankfurt am Main 468 euros and 423 euros in Stuttgart. Even in the much smaller Pforzheim there are 353 euros.
Who the state-approved supplies can not meet with his or her income, right to receive supplementary Hartz IV benefits has , becoming the so-called spiking. Therefore Links Group Vice Klaus Ernst complained to look at the numbers, that full-time workers “continue the government giving” hung with minimum compensation, especially in West Germany and in metropolitan areas.
“the minimum wage is too low. He does not even securing its supply is official assurances” concluded Ernst. He referred also to other official statistics showing that there December 2014 – shortly before the introduction of the minimum wage -. With a total of 169,740 spiking and in October 2015, 168 363 only slightly less
end of June to make its proposal to the amount of the minimum wage from 1 January 2017, the minimum wage commission. Ernst demanded the minimum wage would “be very much higher than is currently being considered in the minimum wage commission”.
The panel must make a “total consideration” according to the law. The amount of the minimum wage should therefore be “appropriate”, “contribute to a reasonable minimum
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