Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Energy: Coalition agrees with the fracking – ABC Online

Tuesday , 06.21.2016, 19:13
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Fracking polarized: longitudinal tested and harmless, some say, highly dangerous and unnecessary, say others. SPD and Union could for over a year to agree on a law. Now suddenly goes after a foray Niedersachsen everything very quickly.

The grand coalition has agreed on a fracking law and leaves it to the states to decide on the controversial method of gas extraction. The compromise proposal provides that exploratory drilling can take place only with the consent of the state governments, said SPD parliamentary leader Thomas Oppermann on Tuesday. So-called unconventional fracking, which particularly criticize environmentalists should be indefinitely banned. The factions of the CDU and SPD both voted by a large majority. The coalition was under pressure after company had announced in Lower Saxony to make fracking applications.

The Bundestag is expected to adopt the fracking law on Friday. It was after a Cabinet decision more than a year on ice because it was not strict enough members of both government parties. “This bill includes Fracking in Germany almost out,” said the CDU deputy chairman, Armin Laschet.

The bill provides that in exploratory drilling an expert commission created a review, but the decision should lie at the end of the Bundestag. “I believe that we provide certainty for businesses, but above all protection for the citizens,” Oppermann said.

When fracking gas from deep rock formations under high pressure and use of chemicals recovered. Teams are afraid of is that the groundwater is charged and there is an earthquake. The green energy politician Julia Verlinden criticized the grand coalition wants the law “in the lee of Proposed

referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union vote and Football Championship” decide and spoke of a “fracking permission packet”. Only in April Greens and the Left applications for a fracking ban had introduced in the Bundestag and thus rekindled the debate.

The coalition became difficult after the announcement of the company from Lower Saxony under pressure. They had refrained for years voluntarily. Lower Saxony SPD-Green state government had announced that if necessary to determine the regime at the country level. “Thus has the pressure that I have built up again in recent days, paid,” said Economy Minister Olaf Lies (SPD) of the German Press Agency.

Conventional Fracking in sandstone in Germany there are already length. In future it will no longer be as before regulated only by the mining law, but also by the water law. Unconventional Fracking in other rock types, such as the extraction of shale gas is operated mainly in the US.

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