Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tim Cook on Apple’s quarterly results: Further, no cheap iPhone – Mac & i

Apple Boss Cook

(Photo: dpa, Christoph Dernbach / archive).

The Apple CEO has commented in an interview with analysts on the future business strategy, since the low growth a matter of concern when the iPhone Exchange. Also for Cupertino increasingly important growth market China he called Details

The question is likely to be slow boring of Apple CEO Tim Cook -. But still they came in the conference call yesterday with analysts about the current record quarterly figures again. Will Apple build a low-cost iPhone? No, such a device does not plan the Group, Cook pointed out.

He insisted that he wants to remain faithful to the previous strategy, even if the sales of smartphones currently grow only very timidly. The vision of the Apple boss: It raging global economic storm that passes eventually. And in countries like China or India just arises a huge middle class with potential new customers for Apple devices.

iPad continues to shrink

Since the iPhone launched in 2007 came, Apple sold more units than in the same quarter in each quarter. Last Christmas sales still managed just now with an increase of more than 300,000 devices on the best value of 74.8 million iPhones. But already in the current quarter it will be different for the first time: “The iPhone sales will decline,” Cook admitted in the teleconference on presentation of current numbers

The iPhone is Apple’s money machine, the single most important product. which accounted for 68 percent of the business in the last quarter. Stagnating iPhone sales, also the entire Apple turnover hardly moved. Other product lines such as the computer clock or Apple Watch the TV box Apple TV could not deliver growth jumps to date – even if both segments generated in the Christmas quarter, according to Apple Record sales (figures called Apple not here). The tablet business shrank last again by one-fifth, in spite of the launch of the larger and more expensive iPad Pro.

hope of China’s middle class

The iPhone thus remains the backbone Apple Business and Cook must find the correct answer to a crucial question: Meanwhile, the limitations of the market reached for expensive smartphones? Finally, the growth of the business comes primarily from emerging and developing countries and there predominantly favorable appliances are in demand. Cook is diametrically disagree. Had yet in 2010 in China less than 50 million people belonging to the middle class, “2020, there will be half a billion”, calculated before the Apple CEO. “This is a great opportunity for us.” In India, the iPhone sales had jumped up by 76 per cent in the last quarter.

Also in Russia and Brazil, where the low commodity prices on the world

market of the population withdraw purchasing power, the situation in the long run will improve again, Cook is convinced. “We do not pull back there.”

Exchange Willige users

In addition, about being “overwhelmed” at Apple have been of the number of changing willing users of rival Google operating system Android , Cook explained, once again without any specific figures. And stressed that among the global iPhone users 60 percent older devices from the time before the larger 6-models would still -. So there is the prospect of a large exchange-business

Cook’s message to the stockbrokers, in view of the growth concerns dropped by one-fifth, the share in the past six months: Apple thinks long-term and will not be possible also by weaker quarters dissuaded. Cooks based position that the average selling price of an iPhone does not give way, and finally rose slightly to 691 dollars. The industry’s costs a smartphone, according to estimates by market researchers on average a little more than 200 dollars. The difference is explained by Apple’s huge profits

war chest well stocked

by money worries Apple is now as distant as any other company. The group sits on a cushion of $ 216 billion. And every quarter new and additional billions. But the $ 18.4 billion profit last quarter was a world record again. The stock market will still see new sources of revenue in addition to the iPhone. Chief Financial Officer Luca Maestri hunt in this situation, the attention to the growing service business, among other things with the music service Apple Music and the payment procedures apple pay.

For this, as the Apple Watch and the fresh Apple TV just as new beat revenue bringer, made the Group as mentioned still no concrete information. It remained with the information that sales, grew under the heading “Other Products”, in which they are stirred together with the iPods and the purchased Beats headphones by 62 percent to 4.35 billion dollars.

VR for Apple “exciting”

The ongoing rumors about Apple’s plans in the car business played in the teleconference on Tuesday not matter. But Cook expressed unusually positive about the virtual reality technology, in which you can immerse yourself in virtual worlds with special glasses. “I do not think that VR plays in a niche. This is really cool and has some interesting implications,” the Apple CEO.

Designed to was recently announced that Apple after acquisitions also renowned VR experts Doug Bowman committed. ( with material from dpa ) / (BSC)


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