Friday, January 22, 2016

Franken – Graf von Faber-Castell died – Sü

From pencil to Brilliant stick: The products of Faber-Castell probably almost everyone knows. Now the head of the company, Anton-Wolfgang von Faber-Castell, died at the age of 74 years.

The well-known for its pens Frankish family entrepreneur Anton-Wolfgang Graf Faber-Castell is dead. As a company spokeswoman announced on Friday, died on Thursday at his family home in the US Houston. He was 74 years old. The entrepreneur is survived by his wife and four children. He headed Faber-Castell in its eighth generation, and for almost 40 years.

Born in Bamberg on June 7, 1941 Graf von Faber-Castell initially studied law and then worked as an investment banker in London and New York , In 1978 he became the sole managing partner of the Faber-Castell Group and later with the conversion into an unlisted company whose shares CEO. “I always found it interesting to gain experience abroad,” summed Graf von Faber-Castell. “I think that for my children to be important.”

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He is survived by his son from his first marriage three daughters from the relationship with his wife Mary. During his youngest daughters – twins – with 19 years still standing on the threshold of adult life, his son Charles is already mid-thirties. The former investment banker has occurred two years ago in the company. In November also wife Mary rose from the management of the cosmetics division in the Executive Board of AG, where also a brother of the deceased has been working.

“his First autonomously, before coming into the company”

Graf von Faber-Castell has always desired that the company remains in the hands of the family after his death. However, he deliberately took his children at a young age in the operation. “This is a basic rule with us that we need to be self-employed first before getting into the business.” In the education of his children he had always been careful to let them grow into normality and to educate about modesty, tolerance and moral courage. No one should feel like something better, just because he was privileged Graf emphasized von Faber-Castell. “In the end one of the character, and that stands on its own feet and shows power.”

High standards set Graf von Faber-Castell also to himself and his work. In conversation

polite and attentive, never lacked the tall man with the softly falling silver hair while the handkerchief to a suit and tie – an esthete who laid emphasis on style. This is also reflected in his hobbies again. In addition to tennis and skiing Graf von Faber-Castell collected as a young man of art, especially contemporary drawings. He himself, however, to draw more than in boring meetings on the edge of his documents, he confessed once.

But he put a lot of energy in the preservation of the family heritage. The castle in stone on the outskirts of Nuremberg, he awoke from a slumber for decades and had renovated it. Just in time for the 250th anniversary in 2011, partly designed and decorated by Art Nouveau interior designer Bruno Paul spaces were opened with an exhibition on the company and family history for visitors.

Nuremberg Trials journalist WG on Castle Stone

During the Nuremberg Trials resided Ernest Hemingway, Willy Brandt and Markus Wolf in the flintlock. They drank and quarreled around the bathroom.

Graf von Faber-Castell celebrated in the same year his 70th birthday – for him no reason to retreat to the retirement home. “From 90, I work part-time,” announced the “Eco Manager of the Year 2008″ at the time with a smile on. The title had the support of the Federal Cross of Merit 1st class get awarded because he launched a large-scale afforestation project in its Brazilian plantations and eco-friendly paints introduced.

Quite aware Graf von Faber-Castell staged as a value-oriented family businesses aristocratic descent, to impart a vigorous advertising face so the brand. But crucial for the survival of the company is ultimately something quite mundane, he wrote in 2014 in a Festschrift: “What saved us from (…) to go down is not the belief in revolutionary innovations but which reflect on core values ​​and core competencies after Motto “Cobbler, stick ‘to your last” “

Again and again stressed Graf von Faber-Castell:”. I do not believe in short term profits “. Only sustainable yield bring long-term success. The development seems to give him rights: As the company had to contend with the knights of the logo in recent years, with market declines and currency fluctuations, a record turnover of around EUR 600 million is for the running in March financial year anticipated



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