Wednesday, January 27, 2016

ROUNDUP: Consumers optimistic start to the new year – Stable consumer confidence – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Nuremberg (dpa-AFX) – Germany’s consumers are started with unchanged good consumer sentiment in the new year. Even terrorist threat and refugee crisis would have consumer sentiment in January can not tarnish particularly, the Nuremberg market research company GfK reported & lt; GFK.ETR & gt; on Wednesday in its latest consumer climate survey. As long as the economy is stable and secure jobs, are expected for the time being also unlikely to change, said the GfK consumer researcher Rolf Bürkl

Although expected by GfK findings, many consumers in the coming months with a slight decline in income. but that does not result that they move larger purchases, reported Bürkl. Also with regard to the economy the Germans were somewhat more optimistic again. This anticipates the GfK for February with an unchanged consumer confidence index by 9.4 points. The consumer climate remains more stable, Bürkl is convinced.

Confident agrees the consumer researchers that again grown trust of German citizens in the economy. The determined during surveys of 2,000 consumers indicator for economic expectations is with a value of 4.2 again clearly positive; in December he had only located at 2.9, but in the boom period a year ago at 22.5 meters. . “Allen risks spite go consumers currently believe that the German economy will continue to grow moderately,” said Bürkl

The fact that the stock market turmoil has consumers left largely untouched the beginning, Bürkl not surprised: “Consumers respond calmly. The few are invested in equities.” However, many consumers saw that the weak global economy and the low price of oil, which had triggered the price declines, could in the medium term also impact on the German economy. Many priority for counting the current positive labor market situation and the continuing economic growth.

Nevertheless, the current risk for the consumer climate should not be underestimated, warned Bürkl. A terrorist attack in Germany, or even the growing sense of consumers to be overburdened financially by the continuing flow of refugees could tip the good consumer sentiment in Germany rapidly, said the consumer researchers. “This could be people unsettling. And uncertainty is poison for the consumer

climate. Then keep consumers quickly their money together instead it stuck in the consumer.” / Kts / DP / jkr

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