The German loves beer – at least that the cliché. That’s true even still, but the sales figures in Germany fall. The increasing popularity of German beer abroad has nevertheless saved the breweries last year’s business. The Beer exports rose in 2015 by 4.0 percent, while sales in Germany fell by 0.7 percent to a record low of 79.5 million hectoliters. Taken together, the volume of beer rose year on year by 0.1 percent to 95.7 million hectoliters, as the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden reported on Friday. For the export boom especially the overseas countries were responsible with a volume growth of 16.8 percent. Within the EU, the thirst fell to German beers however, by 2.5 percent.
The most important beer-State was the second time in a row Bayern, where 24.8 percent almost every fourth German beer was brewed. In second place landed again Pils stronghold North Rhine-Westphalia with a share of 23.4 percent. The Bavarian breweries also had the largest share of exports: Nearly one in three locally brewed degree (30.5 percent) went abroad
The figures are based on the beer tax statistics.. The tax-free beers without alcohol are not included here – but probably beer mixed drinks, decreased their amount year on year by 2.9 percent. They make up more than 4 percent of total sales. In the tax-free amount is as small proportion of so-called house drink included, left the breweries to their employees.
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The German Brewers’ Association designated as a successful year in 2015, which have reached the level of the previous year even without major sporting event. The demand for non-alcoholic beers climb further. 2016 expecting to positive influences of the European Football Championship and the 500th anniversary of the German purity law.
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