Saturday, January 30, 2016

Drive for the German labor market: study reveals: reasons immigrant … – FOCUS Online

Saturday, 01.30.2016, 12:49
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Are immigrants risk or opportunity for the German labor market? When it comes to business start-ups, are migrants according to a study in any case forward. Every fifth founder accordingly has foreign roots or foreign citizenship.

immigrants dare frequent the step into self-employment and also employed more staff than the average founder in Germany. This emerges from a study of the development bank KfW. Then around one in five founders has foreign roots or foreign citizenship.

The annual Founder rate of immigrants was in recent years an average of 1.86 percent, which is about one-tenth higher than the general rate (1, 68 per cent). One reason: migrants often do not have attractive job alternative and are likely to be unemployed before the foundation

in 2014 were of 915,000 entrepreneurs 179,000 migrants

Another result of the special evaluation of the KfW Start-up Monitor:. Provide migrants more frequent and more jobs. “With its larger founding inclination and higher employment effect they make an important contribution to the start-up activity in Germany,” said KfW Chief Economist Jörg Zeuner.

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In the middle of the years 2013/2014 employed by KfW that

one in four migrants with a new foundation at least one employee. Overall, however, only 18 percent of company’s founders presented the first year employee. The number of employees was on average the equivalent of two full-time positions slightly higher

However:. They interrupt their careers more frequently from

From 915,000 entrepreneurs were in 2014 some 179 000 immigrants. Most new entrepreneurs start in the service sector (approximately 70 percent) .Migranten rely more frequently on trade

KfW According break your career as an entrepreneur but also more frequent and faster. Three years after its launch made 70 percent of all start-ups even in migrants is 60 percent. Among the reasons is called the study of the state development bank, inter alia:. The lower the age of the founders, their frequent starting from unemployment and the increased settlement commercially

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"For the termination risk is not a national of the decisive factor, but the experience and knowledge of the founders and what projects they have realized," said Zeuner. Moreover ended migrants their independence rather again, when would offer attractive job opportunities

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