Wednesday, January 27, 2016

First VW recalls cause confusion –

Status: 01/27/2016 18:59 clock

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The first car was apparently already converted -. although the official release of the Federal Motor Vehicle Office was missing

Actually wanted Volkswagen only begin on Thursday with the recall of vehicles affected by the exhaust scandal. On Wednesday (dpa) is but for information of the German Press Agency been playing a software update at least one car model Amarok. This is to the illegal operation, the doctored exhaust emissions, are turned off. For the conversion of at least one other car there was already an appointment.



The letters to the car owners are sent, the first diesel vehicles from Volkswagen are converted. You are concerned? We’ll tell you what to do. more

Enable for Amarok since Wednesday evening

The owner of Amarok have received a letter by dpa-information, in the VW tells the customer, “that the necessary software is available and your vehicle can be reprogrammed now”. The surprising thing about it: The Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) had the retrofitting of vehicles not yet been approved. “A release of the technical solution for Volkswagen by the KBA is the hour not yet available,” a spokesman of the Office said yet on Wednesday afternoon. The crucial part of this statement was apparently “the hour”, because only a few hours later, a release was before – once just for the type whose conversion apparently already running. “The Federal Motor Vehicle Office has today the final release for the vehicle model Amarok 2.0 liter granted,” it says in a statement by the KBA on Wednesday night. “This VW can begin the recall and the conversion of this model.” The shares for the other affected by diesel scandal models would still being examined, the KBA continues to write.

retrofitting “officially not yet started”

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A photographer of dpa has held the

conversion of a VW Amarok in the picture on Wednesday.

That has already taken place software updates, neither the KBA still the Volkswagen Group in Wolfsburg wanted to confirm. In VW computer system for traders stand according to dpa before the release, the new software should be played “without delay and immediately”. A spokesman for the brand VW Nutzfahrzeuge explained the confusing situation as follows: “The retrofitting program has not yet officially begun,” the software lies the traders but even before. Earlier this week, the letters were sent to the affected customers. Exactly course would not have happened without present release. Whether it still happened because someone was a little overzealous at VW Nutzfahrzeuge or because the company may make the approval by the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt not so serious, it remains unclear.

For more information

For Volkswagen, the problems are currently not End: Go to the exhaust scandal, problems with airbags and automatically starting motors join. Again have cars in the workshop. (01.27.2016) more

VW has made progress in educating the exhaust affair for information from NDR, WDR and BR a breakthrough. An employee who was involved in the manipulation has been unpacked. (01.22.2016) more

VW is expanding in the United States from its voucher program. Now get even owners of large-volume engines $ 1,000 as compensation for the exhaust tampering with their diesel cars. (01.12.2016) more


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