Sunday, January 24, 2016

Auto: Daimler CEO Zetsche for better emission tests – ABC Online

Sunday , 01.24.2016, 08:37
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and at car brands Mercedes Smart has shown the exhaust inspections of the Federal Motor Vehicle Office as a result of the affair of competitors VW, according to Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche “no abnormal values”.

At the same time, the chief executive said talking of the “Welt am Sonntag” for more realistic emission tests in cars.

“The representatives of the Federal Motor Vehicle Office were two days with us and there were cars tested. Here, to my

knowledge there are no conspicuous exhaust emissions have been measured, “said Zetsche. “We will not be deceived, when we no exhaust emissions have been tampered with.”

Zetsche demanded better emission tests, especially as the previous measurements on chassis dynamometers “represent only a part of what you can do with a car everything”. Rather, the future also situations should be taken into account, “in which a car is claimed more extreme than in the previous regulations”.


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