Sunday, January 24, 2016

Iran orders large order with Airbus – SPIEGEL ONLINE

In March, the first aircraft will be delivered to Iran: Having been exposed to a week before most economic sanctions, will as soon as possible to modernize its outdated civilian air fleet the country. Negotiations with Airbus ran for several months, was initially of 114 aircraft, the speech, but only now the contracts were concluded with the European aviation group. is

The aim now is to buy up to 127 Airbus aircraft, announced deputy transport minister Asghar Fachrieh Kashan on Sunday. Iran wants to buy 16 jets of the A350 and A320 long-haul pilot, A330, A340. We hope to obtain the contracts later this week for signing. Nearing completion already stand the acquisition of eight A380 models, which could be supplied from 2019, Kashan told the news agency Reuters.

If the land actually order as many of the metropolitan area flyer, would a lull for Airbus at the end – the aircraft manufacturer has not received a single order for its largest aircraft last year. Deliveries of the Airbus pilots should be made in 2016 and 2022, according to Kashan between. Airbus told to seek in accordance with international guidelines for the best solution.

Iran is also interested in acquiring more than 100

aircraft of US rival Boeing, it said. With the worst Airbus competitor there admit it but not yet prepared contracts, Transport Minister Abbas Achundi said aloud information the agency AFP.

Just a week ago were the sanctions against the Islamic Republic, which were imposed in connection with the controversial nuclear program, has been canceled. At the first meeting of international businessmen in Tehran to the suspension of the sanctions said the chairman of the Iranian Development Commission in Parliament, Mahdi Hashemi, the country could require even up to 500 new machines in the next three years.

The sanctions had hit the civilian airlines hard in Iran. Since they could no longer buy spare parts, many of the machines were considered unsafe. Many planes had completely remain on the ground last. Currently Iran dispose of only 150 ready machines, which are already 20 years in the air on average.


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