Every craftsman knows its anchor, but they are only the tip of the iceberg: Artur Fischer filed for more than 1,100 patents and left unmistakable traces in everyday life of the Germans. Despite everything, the entrepreneur showed modesty – and stayed until the end inventor
Its plastic dowels and the “Fischertechnik” -Baukasten have introduced him around the world.. For patents King Artur Fischer but that was no reason to go into retirement. Into old age he went almost every day in the which he founded Fischer plants in Waldachtal in the Black Forest. His office he had set up in the development center of the company, that is, grew up with his invention, the anchors.
1100 patents and utility models
He had his whole life “problems of his daily life transformed into solutions “, the European Patent Office honored once Fischer’s work and awarded him for his life’s work with the inventor price. More than 1,100 patents and utility model applications go to Fischer’s account. That he has developed alongside the gray plastic anchors well-known also sync flash for cameras and screws for the healing of bone fractures, few know.
Researchers urge felt Artur Fischer at a young age. He always wanted something to tinker or assemble, he likes to tell. His famous art kit, with the children a lot to learn about machines he invented itself as a Christmas present for anchor customers – the usual case of wine or the pens were too boring for him
War returnees with zest
Born was fishing on 12/31/1919 in Waldachtal-Tumlingen, there he lived until recently. He was down to earth, but anything but worlds away: “In the early years of the company I was so many times in the wide world that it meant a sacrifice for my family.” After high-school diploma and apprenticeship as the young man had to first in the Second World War. He survived Stalingrad and was in his own words more than once “millimeter
The anchor was just the beginning
Ten years later, he succeeded with the dowels the next coup. And he had even more ideas: Fischer also created steel anchors, drills and cement fortifications. “His inventions are every day a million times around the world uses,” reads the patent office.
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The family business now has more than 40 subsidiaries in 32 countries, more than 4100 employees and a turnover of almost 661 million euros per year , Since 1980 son Klaus conducts business.
Inventors until the end
When he was asked about his 95th birthday if he still wants to invent something, Artur Fischer said : “It’s set in the stars.” With what he has achieved, he was quite satisfied. Last Wednesday, Fischer died at the age of 96 years surrounded by his family and was buried on Friday morning in Waldachtal-Tumlingen.
“The group of companies Fischer mourns and commemorates Professor Artur Fischer with respect and gratitude,” says in the statement of Fischer works. Also the place is mourning: “We have lost our honorary citizen and a true entrepreneur and inventor who has made known our church world”
said a representative of the 5700-inhabitant village Waldachtal in the video. This Trick repair overwound dowels and thread in no time

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