Thursday, January 28, 2016

Lower Saxony has Speculation about job cuts at VW back – Reuters Germany


Berlin (Reuters) – Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) rejected speculation about job cuts at Volkswagen.


“There’s nothing in it” because of the Oldenburger “Nordwest-Zeitung” (Thursday edition) said, according to a preliminary report. It should target the Supervisory Board and all shareholders, to keep the core workforce. Similarly, most recently a VW spokesman had already expressed and denied a report by the “Manager Magazin”. In it had been called in order to achieve the targeted productivity increase, thousands of jobs would be eliminated at VW. The state of Lower Saxony owns 20 percent stake in Volkswagen.


Because defended the controversial compensation policy of the Group as “appropriate”. In the United States get affected customers $ 1,000 in Germany not. The ratios are

not comparable, said the prime minister: “The emission standards in the United States are more stringent, the violations against it insofar significant, and the recall might take longer to complete.” The recall campaign in Germany will recover much lost trust among customers. The country has a fairly accurate picture of the processes that have led to the exhaust scandal.


Volkswagen had admitted in September under pressure from the US Environmental Protection Agency, to have installed a software to manipulate the pollutant emissions. Worldwide which eleven million vehicles are affected, including 8.5 million in Europe.


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