Saturday, January 23, 2016

Accounting for ten years, Google will pay in the UK 172 million euros … – ABC Online

Saturday, 01.23.2016, 16:13
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Google pays taxes equivalent to EUR 172 million after and there is future higher taxes paid in the UK. That looks an agreement with the UK tax authority, such as the Internet company announced.

Google is in the UK for the past ten years, 130 million pounds (172 pay extra million euros) in taxes. It agreed the US Internet giant and the British tax authorities, as a Google spokeswoman announced on Friday evening. London had started six years ago, investigations, why multinational corporations with their

headquarters outside the country in the UK pay as little tax.

strategies of corporations for tax avoidance have come in recent years, sharply criticized. “As a result of the international tax system is changed. This agreement takes this into account,” said the Google spokeswoman overlooking the agreement with HM Revenue & Customs HMRC. The total tax would paid retroactively from 2005 onwards.

The British Broadcasting BBC reported, the future will Google a major part of its stores in the UK register, and not in Ireland, where the European headquarters sits and corporate taxes in the EU -comparison are particularly low. A spokeswoman for HMRC expressed his satisfaction: Google will now pay tax on all profits appropriately, which are incurred in the United Kingdom

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