Sunday, January 31, 2016

Prestigious job: US President gets new Air Force One – ABC Online

Sunday, 01.31.2016, 15:32
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The Air Force One is probably the most famous aircraft in the world. Now the machines of the US president to be replaced with a newer brands. The contract for the development of the prestigious Machine of the American company Boeing has secured.

The aircraft manufacturer Boeing developed the new US president machine Air Force One . The US Department of Defense has the Airbus competitor now officially commissioned to build. The new jumbo jet type 747-8 are to replace the aging 747 jets, which the president fly around the world since the early 1990s. The Air Force has two machines that are specially tailored to the needs of the bosses in the White House.

As the Pentagon announced on Friday, Boeing was awarded an initial contract in the amount of 25.8 million dollars (23, EUR 8 million). Thus, an enterprise should develop a plan showing how the machines can meet all the requirements in the proposed budget.

President machines could more than 1.6 billion cost

How much does the are two new aircraft, the ministry has not yet been announced. According to the “Wall Street Journal” was in earlier budget estimates of more than 1.6 billion dollars, the speech. The new machines were equipped with the latest communication technologies, inter alia, and anti-missile devices. Boeing was the only candidate, the paper said. It

is already known since last year that the current Air Force One to be scrapped.

For the latest generation of built since the 1960s, traffic Jets Boeing takes barely interested. The Airbus competitor had therefore recently announced zusammenzustreichen massive production due to lack of new orders. As of September only six machines to leave the type 747-8 per year the factory buildings.

Airlines are increasingly buying smaller long-haul jets

Currently, each year more than 15 pieces made. Most airlines prefer to buy smaller long-haul jets. Boenig has developed more than 1500 machines sold by Type 747 – in repeatedly modernized versions, as a passenger jet and a cargo

In the video:. Boeing 747 – The Queen of the Skies

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