January 29, 2016

The Fischer dowel and its inventor: 14 million pieces are produced daily. Photo: AP
Artur Fischer, Pat King and dowel-inventor, died with 96 years. More than 1,100 patents Artur Fischer has received. Today about 14 000 products sold his company.
In the name of Artur Fischer immediately rattles the prejudice machine going. He was born in 1919 in Tumlingen. The place is mentioned for the first time 900. Today it has about 1,000 inhabitants. Since 1974 he belongs to the municipality of Waldachtal. In the last elections there was only the CDU and the Free Voters Association. We are located on the edge of the Black Forest. That was a while one of the poorest regions in Germany. Today Tumlingen advertises on the Internet with these words: “If you approach from the east of Horb Tumlingen ago, you have from above the lake Tumlinger a wonderful panoramic view. Past the famous Fischer works is the view of the picturesque town center. The residential area spreads on the slopes and to the side valleys of. “
This is the world from which comes the economic miracle. Every day, for example, only 14 million dowel. The idyll is one of them for industrialization. They will be destroyed by it, and it brings forth repeatedly. When half of humanity now lives in cities, in megacities, then we know: If there growth should be done, it must be based on entirely new, previously unknown paths happen
And to what. prejudice is at stake? The Swabians. This Schwaben, Daimler, Bosch – all tinkerers. More than 1,100 patents Artur Fischer has received. Today about 14 000 products sold his company, which now belongs to his son. There is a huge success story.
The Germans tend to stick to the people of poets and thinkers. They follow the image that the French writer Madame de Staël drew from them the early 19th century. The Swabians brought the in this rhyme formula: “The Schiller and Hegel, Uhland and Hauff, who are with us the rule which fall not on.”

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This is a completely false picture of Germany and also from Württemberg.
The history of Germany since the 19th century is an economic success story, thanks to its engineers and inventors, its engineers and their business acumen. What role have played the specific characteristics of Protestantism, for example, in Elberfeld and in Swabia, about prejudices long have formed concerning, for example, the tinkering pietism.
How often is the Californian garage been described, in the internet age was born? The Swabian handicraft parlors of the 19th century are the senior citizens familiar. For example, from the biography of Robert Bosch, the former Federal President Theodor Heuss wrote in his years of inner emigration. But
Another prejudice is our talk of reconstruction. That’s not quite, but mainly wrong. The economic boom of the Federal Republic after the devastation of World War II would have been so rapidly impossible if you had to leave it at the mere reconstruction. You had to see that it was necessary to eliminate the destruction not only as something terrible. You had to see it to create something new a chance. That this happened, made a miracle out of the development of the Federal Republic. With the pure reconstruction of the old, it would not have given. The fact that so many men were killed in the war, was not only terrible, but also a chance for the younger
It all began in Tumlingen
Artur Fischer brings 1958 S-anchor on the market. He is one of the most successful products of the second half of the 20th century. In an enlightening interview that Alexander Smoltczyk conducted with him in the “mirror”, Fischer warns against imitation. You have to “search his own way,” he said. That can only say with as much conviction, who invented, for example, the “flash cubes” for the photographer. It’s not like that of his own way necessarily leads to success. Imitating one can already feel safer there. But the own way is a well, which is not anything goes. This helps one in the further search.
Fischer works there are now almost everywhere in the world. In the United States, in Latin America, in almost every European country, in the United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, China and Japan. It lacks Africa, Australia and the whole area between Moscow and Beijing. It all began in Tumlingen!

Artur Fischer (recorded in the 1960s). Photo: Fischer / dpa
The capital may be sexy. In Opinions differ. There is agreement indeed about the fact that she is poor. The province makes Germany rich. There are not people who make the money of other people even more money where it is afterwards send other money, but they are the inventors who are not tired of small improvements, devise facilitation, according to which demand worldwide.
Artur Fischer retired already in 1980 from the company’s management back. At that time his 1950 born son Klaus Fischer was overall manager of the company. Under his leadership, the company self-expression, “developed the still heavily focused on Germany and on plastic anchors SMEs into a global company.” It will be interesting, whether the family is similarly successful going into the third generation.
On Wednesday Artur Fischer died. The pietistic hobbyist should have the last word today. On the question of Alexander Smoltczyk “Is there something you would like to have invented,” he said at the end of 2014: “One should do what one can think and just what you need. Inventing goes through the soul. The soul is both recipient and donor. We are a part of creation, so we can deal with it and we do business to be creative. From “

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