Saturday, January 30, 2016

Pollution: Technical problem slows production in VW plants … – ABC Online

Saturday , 01.30.2016, 14:03
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Europe’s biggest carmaker Volkswagen has production interrupt in his works in Hesse Baunatal and in Lower Saxony Emden due to technical problems in part.

The action had nothing to do with the gas crisis, said a VW spokesman on Saturday in Hannover. In Emden a broken pressing plant in the Passat production was responsible, for this reason, can currently only be produced with a reduced force. When the defect could be corrected, is still unclear. The throttled production in Emden has direct

consequences for the VW Transmission Plant in Baunatal near Kassel. Already on Friday had according to a report of “Hessian / Lower Saxony generally” (HNA) approximately 400 employees of the plant in Baunatal stay at home, for Monday were even up to 2500 employees of the transmission assembly affected. In the work among other parts for the Passat are made. Also on 5 and 8 February further closing days are provided.


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