Sunday, January 31, 2016

Flüchtlingskirse: refugees could cost around 50 billion euros by 2017 – TIME ONLINE

lodging, meals as well as integration and language courses for refugees to the State according to a forecast by the Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW) cost 2016 and 2017 almost 50 billion euros.

In the current year fell for room and board of approximately 1.5 million asylum seekers 17 billion euros on, reported the Rheinische Post , citing an IW study. There would also be another five billion Euros for language and integration courses.

In the coming year will increase the accommodation costs according to the report on 22, 6 billion euros if the number of migrants rises to 2.2 million. Along with the integration costs were € 27.6 billion in 2017, the paper quoted from the forecast of employer-Institute.

Would predictions reality, would the Federal Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) of the IW’s view in 2017 at the latest record again new loans. The Commission acknowledges that rely this year on a twelve-billion-euro surplus from last year Schäuble, however, it states that it is a “one-off


The Federal Employment Agency (BA) is meanwhile believes that the integration of refugees in the German labor market will be a lengthy process. “We should not have too high expectations,” said the new board member Detlef Scheele BA of Süddeutsche Zeitung . “If things go well, maybe ten percent in the first year after entry have a job, after five years, it is half, after 15 years 70 percent.”

The Federal Employment Agency calculated according to him 2016 350,000 refugees who will be on the state basic security, so Hartz IV, instructed. The children who come here now in the school would have to be good prospects, the specialists of tomorrow. “Who is under 35, has a good chance to qualify for a job. For people who are well over 40, it becomes difficult,” Scheele said.


Privacy – Why the Safe Harbor judgment the fear of chaos Stokes – Sü

{“themeName”:””,”themeUrl”:””,”teasers”:[{"id":"sz.1.2685679","external_id":"1.2685679","external_system":"sz","types":["article"],”title”:”Amt With Alufolie”,”overline”:”Datenschutz”,”image”:{“imageUrl”:”×156?v=1444407996000″,”imageAltText”:””,”lazyLoad”:true},”teaserPrefix”:””,”suffixLabel”:””,”targetUrl”:”″},{“id”:”sz.1.2688855″,”external_id”:”1.2688855″,”external_system”:”sz”,”types”:["article"],”title”:”Macht Destroy what your data gathering “,” overline “:” Pirate Bay founder Peter Sunde”,”image”:{“imageUrl”:”×156?v=1444725480000″,”imageAltText”:”Re:publica 2015″,”lazyLoad”:true},”teaserPrefix”:””,”suffixLabel”:”Interview”,”targetUrl”:”″},{“id”:”sz.1.2790857″,”external_id”:”1.2790857″,”external_system”:”sz”,”types”:["article"],”title”:”Diese Privacy reform Weltgeltung”,”overline”:”EU-Einigung”,”teaserPrefix”:””,”suffixLabel”:””,”targetUrl”:”″},{“id”:”sz.1.2771141″,”external_id”:”1.2771141″,”external_system”:”sz”,”types”:["article"],”title”:”EU-Kommissarin: Better protection for European Nutzerdaten”,”overline”:”Datenschutz”,”teaserPrefix”:””,”suffixLabel”:””,”targetUrl”:”″},{“id”:”sz.1.2743786″,”external_id”:”1.2743786″,”external_system”:”sz”,”types”:["article"],”title”:”CDU-Politiker Calls “certain lightness ” when dealing with data “,” overline “:” MEP Axel Voss”,”teaserPrefix”:””,”suffixLabel”:””,”targetUrl”:”″}]}

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    Prestigious job: US President gets new Air Force One – ABC Online

    Sunday, 01.31.2016, 15:32
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    The Air Force One is probably the most famous aircraft in the world. Now the machines of the US president to be replaced with a newer brands. The contract for the development of the prestigious Machine of the American company Boeing has secured.

    The aircraft manufacturer Boeing developed the new US president machine Air Force One . The US Department of Defense has the Airbus competitor now officially commissioned to build. The new jumbo jet type 747-8 are to replace the aging 747 jets, which the president fly around the world since the early 1990s. The Air Force has two machines that are specially tailored to the needs of the bosses in the White House.

    As the Pentagon announced on Friday, Boeing was awarded an initial contract in the amount of 25.8 million dollars (23, EUR 8 million). Thus, an enterprise should develop a plan showing how the machines can meet all the requirements in the proposed budget.

    President machines could more than 1.6 billion cost

    How much does the are two new aircraft, the ministry has not yet been announced. According to the “Wall Street Journal” was in earlier budget estimates of more than 1.6 billion dollars, the speech. The new machines were equipped with the latest communication technologies, inter alia, and anti-missile devices. Boeing was the only candidate, the paper said. It

    is already known since last year that the current Air Force One to be scrapped.

    For the latest generation of built since the 1960s, traffic Jets Boeing takes barely interested. The Airbus competitor had therefore recently announced zusammenzustreichen massive production due to lack of new orders. As of September only six machines to leave the type 747-8 per year the factory buildings.

    Airlines are increasingly buying smaller long-haul jets

    Currently, each year more than 15 pieces made. Most airlines prefer to buy smaller long-haul jets. Boenig has developed more than 1500 machines sold by Type 747 – in repeatedly modernized versions, as a passenger jet and a cargo

    In the video:. Boeing 747 – The Queen of the Skies

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    Flood of money the ECB: State saves billions – THE WORLD

    Full cash fire the imagination. That proved the government fractions impressive this week. On Tuesday morning, the CSU drummed for a billion-dollar purchase premium for electric cars. On Thursday negotiated a grand coalition on a 4.3 billion euros Apartment heavy promotion program. And in between, on Wednesday called for the SPD Economics Minister times just a several hundred billion euro “modernization pact”.

    In good times like these is the list long on output requirements. The federal government last year achieved a record surplus of 12.1 billion euros, the majority of federal states also was in the black. The covetous desires – and makes short-sighted. Because those responsible overlook the fact that the exceptionally good cash flow situation of the state is not even worked out, will be even permanent. She is due in large part low interest expenses. This show calculations of the Deutsche Bundesbank, the present of the “Welt am Sonntag”.

    According to the federal government, provinces, municipalities and social insurance have been saying for 2008 and write € 193 billion saved on interest payments – compared with a level of interest rates as an outbreak of financial crisis in 2007 consisted. But in 2015 the state had 43 billion euros to spend less on debt.

    The savings are so great because in the wake of the financial and sovereign debt crisis, the European Central Bank (ECB) has cut interest rates to near zero. In addition, German government bonds are compared to many others as a safe investment. Pay the state had 2007 or more than four percent interest, he can borrow almost at zero cost now.

    Many communities depend on a drip cheap interest rates

    Thanks to this interest savings worth nearly € 200 billion reorganized itself public budgets almost of its own accord. The opposition in parliament evaluates the numbers because even as evidence of the inaction of the federal finance minister “. Wolfgang Schäuble resting on the low interest rates Fed President Mario Draghi has clearly done more with its low interest rate policy for the balanced budget as Schäuble himself,” says the budgetary spokesperson for the Greens, Sven-Christian Kindler.

    backing received by the Minister of Finance on the other hand by the economic experts Lars Feld. “There is a power to provide at least a balanced budget if the desires given the good budget situation threatens to grow into infinity,” says the Freiburg professor of economics. The problems he sees rather elsewhere: “Countries and communities that do not manage to consolidate itself under such favorable conditions must be wondering what they did wrong.”

    An analysis of the state-owned bank KfW illustrates how municipalities depend on a drip cheap rates. 2014 have compared to the 2000 saved around 1.7 billion euros interest the cities and towns. That is roughly equivalent to their net lending. Households many eunuchs would quickly slide around, interest rates should rise.

    In spite of cheap money, many local authorities have built up a large portfolio of cash advances. Such loans are actually only bridge liquidity shortages. Many municipalities use them, however, to plug long-term budget deficits. Early 2015 their volume totaled 51.5 billion euros. Should interest rates for municipalities from the current 0.3 to 1.3 percent rise, which would still be a low level,

    the interest costs for cash advances from 155 to 670 million euro would rise.

    ” From Broken savings can be no question “

    The situation is similar in the countries. “Fiscal consolidation has greatly facilitated the countries due to the high tax revenues and lower interest costs,” says Niklas Potrafke by the Ifo Institute. “From Broken Save as lamenting some state politicians, can not speak.”

    So had to pay 15.8 billion euros for its debt service the country last year. Compared with interest rates of 2008, the country saved according to calculations by the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) only last for this newspaper a year 12.5 billion euros in interest payments. “This is roughly equivalent to three percent of the total national issues,” says IfW researcher Jens Boysen-Hogrefe.

    The politicians at federal, regional and local authorities should therefore better verplanen not too much money. The apparently free agents are still needed. For the period after the turnaround in interest rates.

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    Saturday, January 30, 2016

    Drive for the German labor market: study reveals: reasons immigrant … – FOCUS Online

    Saturday, 01.30.2016, 12:49
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    Are immigrants risk or opportunity for the German labor market? When it comes to business start-ups, are migrants according to a study in any case forward. Every fifth founder accordingly has foreign roots or foreign citizenship.

    immigrants dare frequent the step into self-employment and also employed more staff than the average founder in Germany. This emerges from a study of the development bank KfW. Then around one in five founders has foreign roots or foreign citizenship.

    The annual Founder rate of immigrants was in recent years an average of 1.86 percent, which is about one-tenth higher than the general rate (1, 68 per cent). One reason: migrants often do not have attractive job alternative and are likely to be unemployed before the foundation

    in 2014 were of 915,000 entrepreneurs 179,000 migrants

    Another result of the special evaluation of the KfW Start-up Monitor:. Provide migrants more frequent and more jobs. “With its larger founding inclination and higher employment effect they make an important contribution to the start-up activity in Germany,” said KfW Chief Economist Jörg Zeuner.

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    In the middle of the years 2013/2014 employed by KfW that

    one in four migrants with a new foundation at least one employee. Overall, however, only 18 percent of company’s founders presented the first year employee. The number of employees was on average the equivalent of two full-time positions slightly higher

    However:. They interrupt their careers more frequently from

    From 915,000 entrepreneurs were in 2014 some 179 000 immigrants. Most new entrepreneurs start in the service sector (approximately 70 percent) .Migranten rely more frequently on trade

    KfW According break your career as an entrepreneur but also more frequent and faster. Three years after its launch made 70 percent of all start-ups even in migrants is 60 percent. Among the reasons is called the study of the state development bank, inter alia:. The lower the age of the founders, their frequent starting from unemployment and the increased settlement commercially

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    "For the termination risk is not a national of the decisive factor, but the experience and knowledge of the founders and what projects they have realized," said Zeuner. Moreover ended migrants their independence rather again, when would offer attractive job opportunities

    In the video:. Dramatic Crash: In this country, Merkel is now more unpopular than Putin and Orban

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    IMF facilitates loans to Greece – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

    Farmers protest against the reforms in Greece.

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) sets about defining new rules for lending to crisis countries such as Greece. In future it will be easier to forgive rescue loans. If countries are heavily indebted, will no longer be as before to force a restructuring of the loans of the IMF. Instead, the maturities of short-term debt could be extended in the future, said the IMF in Washington.

    In particular, the aid loans in Greece have repeatedly come up with the rules of the International Monetary Fund in conflict. Too big Greek debt to slow the progress in debt reduction were – in summer IMF staff threatened repeatedly: Greece could not bear his debt, new loans spend it by the IMF only if the other creditors waived in effect on money – even Germany .

    These negotiations led to the fact that Greece debt relief were promised, as soon as the next reforms are decided. It is all about cuts hardly affordable pensions. But the reforms in Greece delayed, the resistor is hard – now even Greece’s finance minister Tsakalotos expects that the reforms be adopted only in April. But until then, a new would run the old IMF program, to be decided – and that could come into conflict with the old rules

    Read more. Topic

    The current IMF reform refers however not officially on the Greece-hassle out of summer. In the IMF’s Communication states, employees have worked out the reform already over the past few years. They have learned from the first lending in 2010.

    The result will help but also in the forthcoming negotiations to Greece. Under the new rules, the IMF can also give money when other creditors cottages also have enough money borrow. Then, the IMF expects the future on the assumption that the country comes back to his feet and he gets his money back.

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    Pollution: Technical problem slows production in VW plants … – ABC Online

    Saturday , 01.30.2016, 14:03
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    Europe’s biggest carmaker Volkswagen has production interrupt in his works in Hesse Baunatal and in Lower Saxony Emden due to technical problems in part.

    The action had nothing to do with the gas crisis, said a VW spokesman on Saturday in Hannover. In Emden a broken pressing plant in the Passat production was responsible, for this reason, can currently only be produced with a reduced force. When the defect could be corrected, is still unclear. The throttled production in Emden has direct

    consequences for the VW Transmission Plant in Baunatal near Kassel. Already on Friday had according to a report of “Hessian / Lower Saxony generally” (HNA) approximately 400 employees of the plant in Baunatal stay at home, for Monday were even up to 2500 employees of the transmission assembly affected. In the work among other parts for the Passat are made. Also on 5 and 8 February further closing days are provided.


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    The new Air Force One has been appointed – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

    Exit in the wind: Barack Obama and his wife Michelle left her Air Force One

    The aircraft manufacturer Boeing developed the new US presidential plane Air Force One. The US Defense Department has the Airbus competitor now officially commissioned to build. The new jumbo jet type 747-8 are to replace the aging 747 jets, which the president fly around the world since the early 1990s.

    The Air Force has two machines of the special needs Chefs are tailored to the White House. However, the word “Air Force One” refers not only to these aircraft, but is the call sign of the aircraft on board which the American president. Part are the older Boeing 757. ‘/ P>

    <"image" span class = "Medialink" itemprop = itemscope = "" itemtype = ""> Bo, the  pet dog of US President Barack Obama and his  family, climbs the back stairs of Air Force One at  Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida Follow the President dog Bo in the old Air Force One … Photogallery

    The group itself has announced only two weeks ago, a lack of demand 747 to cut production of the Boeing Next – on only six machines a year. So to build a few airplanes, actually deemed not profitable. Then two explanations were traded. One of them was that Boeing still waiting for the “Air Force One” job.

    As the Pentagon announced on Friday, Boeing was awarded an initial contract in the amount of 25.8 million dollars (23.8 million Euro). Thus, an enterprise should develop a plan showing how the machines can meet all the requirements in the proposed budget.

    Read more about

    How expensive are the two new aircraft, the ministry has not yet been announced. According to the “Wall Street Journal” was in earlier budget estimates of more than 1.6 billion dollars, the speech. The new machines were equipped with the latest communication technologies, inter alia, and anti-missile devices. Boeing was the only candidate, the paper said. It is already since last year announced that the former Air Force One to be scrapped.

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    Korean Jin Air airplane takes off with the door open

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    Giant airplane The A380 is only once saved

    Because of the huge fliers is so rarely ordered, Airbus had already been thinking about the setting the A380 program. But now the situation is improving. More Christian Schubert, Paris

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    Banks: Metzler-banker: low interest rates drives investors into taking unnecessary risks – ABC Online

    Saturday , 01.30.2016, 08:24
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    The many cheap money ECB helps ostensibly the economy – but that is only one side of the coin. The development Mountains also considerable social upheaval, warns a Frankfurt banker.

    The low interest rates in Europe is driving investors after observing the Frankfurt-based private banker Emmerich Müller by Bankhaus Metzler in unnecessary risks.

    “investors invest in things in which they had never invested – for lack of alternatives,” said the responsible for operational business partners Founded in 1674 traditional house. “The level of interest rates pushes investors into riskier asset classes.”

    This development mountains could be dangerous: “If in many European countries pension systems in the long run no longer function, which is a social problem,” warned Müller. “When many people get the feeling that this Europeanization is to its detriment, the considerable social explosives poses.”

    The European Central Bank (ECB) will flood the markets until at least March 2017 cheap money, interest rates are Moreover, at a base rate of 0.05 per cent or less abolished. ECB President Mario Draghi had nonetheless fueled the hope that the Federal Reserve further steps in the fight against the mini-inflation makes -. Possibly already at its next meeting on March 10

    “I do not see the need, that the ECB again nachlegt. Nor do I believe that this bank’s policy continues to help us for a long time, “said Müller. “We are

    dealing with a cartel of the debtor, that is our main problem. By trying to make the interest burden portable, the central banks do to prisoners of politics. “

    Müller has little hope that the ECB will scale back its expansionary course in the near future. “We currently have the tendency to do it with a drifting apart of Europe. Even more so, the ECB is in a situation where they will not initiate a turnaround. “

    The low interest rates also makes the banks to provide. “The profitability of banks in Germany is much too low by international standards,” stated Mueller, who is currently also Chairman of the Bankers Association Hesse. “At the moment, all banks are trying reasonably develop their business models and to reduce dependence on the interest margin. Some that will not make you. “


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    Dispute over burger chain Hans im Glück – Hamburger Abendblatt

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    Plug fracture and electric shock – Südwestpresse

    In the worst case threatens the users an electric shock. That’s why Apple calls its customers to convert numerous Power Plug Adapter. Affected are connector for iOS devices and Mac.

    “gallery-glider” rel = “#
    gallery-lightbox” class = “box-cycle”>
    Caution risk  of breakage: Some of these Power Plug Adapter from  Apple k & # XF6; can GeF # XE4; be annually  The manufacturer offers free replacement..

    Photo: AP

    Image 1 of 1

    Caution risk of breakage: Some of these power plug Adapter from Apple can be dangerous. The manufacturer offers free replacement.

    The US company Apple recalled millions of AC plug adapters back. As the company has announced that the connection pins can be damaged at the affected connectors. It threatens for users in the worst case, the risk of electric shock. Here are the key questions and answers about the recall:

    Which connectors are affected by the defect? It’s about plug adapters in Euro-plug format for power supplies from some iOS devices (iPads with 10- and 12-watt power supply) and Mac computers. They were delivered from 2003 to 2015th In addition to the European connector types including those for Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina and Brazil are affected. They were sold, among other things with the travel adapter set by the manufacturer.

    How to recognize affected plug? The plug-on modules for the computer power supply and larger USB chargers wear on the inside of the junction a four- or five-digit number, some are not marked at. Revised contrast and thus secure, according to Apple connector wear a three-letter country code (eg EUR, KOR, OFF, or ARG BRA).

    If the use of plug dangerous? Apple recommends that you stop using the affected connector. Users of iPads can change to the exchange on USB ports of computers or other USB chargers. Mac users can use the supplied extension cable with safety plug.

    How do I get a new connector? This is done either through the Apple Store, the dealer or through an online form on Apple’s website. To these may be the serial number of the device and an Apple ID is required. Apple replaced the plugs voluntarily and free from.

    If the power supply itself is also affected? No, according to Apple only on adapter with two plug-in contacts are affected. The power supply itself, and the supplied extension cable adapter with safety plug must not be replaced.

    What’s with chargers for the iPhone? They are not affected by the current recall. For some older models since 2014 but there is a private exchange program because they can overheat due to other technical problems.


    Friday, January 29, 2016

    The anchor was his thing –

    Waldachtal. Its plastic dowels and the “Fischertechnik” -Baukasten have made him known worldwide. For patents King Artur Fischer but that was no reason to embark on’s old part. Into old age he went almost every day in the which he founded Fischer plants in Waldachtal in the Black Forest. His office he had set up in the development center of the company, that is, grew up with his invention, the dowel. Now he has died at the age of 96 years.

    He had his whole life “problems of his daily life in solutions transformed”, the European Patent Office honored once Fischer’s work and awarded him for his life’s work with the inventor price.

    More than 1,100 patents and utility model applications go to Fischer’s account. That he has developed alongside the gray plastic anchors well-known also sync flash for cameras and screws for the healing of bone fractures, few know.

    Researchers urge felt Artur Fischer at a young age. He always wanted something to tinker or assemble, he likes to tell. His famous art kit, can learn a lot about machines with the children, he invented itself as a Christmas present for anchor customers – the usual case of wine or the pens were too boring for him

    Born Fischer am 31.Dezember1919. in Waldachtal-Tumlingen, there he lived until recently. He was down to earth, but anything but worlds

    away: “In the early years of the company I was so many times in the wide world that it meant a sacrifice for my family.” After high-school diploma and apprenticeship as the young man had to first in the Second World War. He survived Stalingrad and was in his own words more than once “millimeter sidestepped the death”.

    After the war in a prison camp and he was raring to go. As a photographer his daughter could not photograph because it was too dark in the room, he developed the synchronous flash. This invention enabled him to his own company, which he built in his native Black Forest 1948th

    Ten years later, he succeeded with the dowels the next coup. And he had even more ideas: Fischer also created steel anchors, drills and cement fortifications. . “His inventions are every day a million times around the world uses,” it says at the Patent Office

    When he was asked about his 95th birthday if he still wants to invent something, Artur Fischer said: “This is in the stars. “With what he has achieved, he was quite satisfied. Last Wednesday, Fischer died at the age of 96 years with his family.


    Hans im Glück loses 12 branches – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

    Hans in birch grove “made.”: This is what the modern burger restaurants of “Hans im Glück “.


    Hans exchanges and returns, exchanges and are – until he no longer owns. Yet Hans is happy at the end. As far as the tales of the Brothers Grimm. In real life, “Hans im Glück” a fast-food chain, converting the millions of burgers, with branches to the trendy corner of the country:. Berlin, Hamburg, Munich


    Happy Days are the company did not before, soon it could a few million euros be less. One of the biggest franchisee of “Hans im Glück”, Patrick Young is jumped. At a stroke, losing the chain of twelve 43 restaurants, mainly in the north of Germany.

    Who announced the existing contract, has not been clarified. A spokeswoman for “Hans im Glück” tells about the reasons of the end of cooperation Handelsblatt that franchisees boy repeatedly arbitrarily changed the product range and unlawfully the brand “Lucky Hans” have used for promotional activities. Again and again he had been warned, other franchisees have complained about boy.

    Read more about

    But the loss of branches is not the only problem for “Hans im Glueck”. The previous franchisee Young intends to continue its Burger restaurants: just under a different name and with some other products. Thus, the fast food chain would not only about a quarter of its stores less, but also a new competitor on the burger market.

                                                                                                                                                                                   salts - Burger

    title="Unlike Burger King: Hans was in luck primarily known for its high-quality hamburgers."> Unlike Burger King: Hans was in luck primarily known for its high quality Hamburger .

    In recent years, an increasing number of burger restaurants are in the major German cities have been opened – to the displeasure of the top dogs McDonald’s and Burger King, had to report the loss of sales. Unlike them, the new eateries focus on visually appealing dishes and a craft individual charm in its stores. Also, the products are much more expensive. One have McDonald’s and “Hans im Glück” but in common: very profitable, strictly speaking are both classical system Gastronomien who serve at each of its locations, the same fries and the same burger

    Obviously, the business with premium burgers. , Each year about 2.2 million euros are to be implemented in an “Hans-in-Luck” restaurant. In addition to about seven percent revenue share in a franchisee needs 40,000 Euro entry fee “Hans-in-Luck” pay to.

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    Artur Fischer of Fischer plugs: Farewell to Daniel anchor engines – SPIEGEL ONLINE

    About his desk always circled solar powered airplane game on a thread. Because Artur Fischer had fliers actually want to be. “I have my mother always said. I want to fly Fly lot, she said then, we have together brought boards, a board on the ground, a vertical, then a hole in front, a crank with a propeller from a roof batten She said..: Let’s go, now we fly. “

    Fly is to make the severity easily. And that’s why the inventor Artur Fischer was a flyer, one of the best that this country has produced. He has thought up, the modern wall plugs, the modular system Fischertechnik and more than a thousand other inventions and the facilitation flashcubes. What Bill Gates was for the home computer, was Artur Fischer, son of a village tailor, for the handyman. On Wednesday, he died in his birthplace Tumlingen in the Black Forest, at the age of 96 years.

    The problem of stone and screw the incompatibility of two materials. The metal thread requires elastic, the masonry, however, is brittle. Until that Saturday in 1958 Tumlingen screws were fixed in holes with wooden wedges or hemp-filled aluminum sleeves. But now there was the polyamide “Nylon”, a material of reliable strength, yet yields readily to pressure. It put them in nylon stockings and the parachute silk of the Allies.

    “He needs a tip, and he needs the column so that the dowel spreads open when one pushes something. The teeth, so that it does in hard or soft can festbeißen material. The hole inside is conical. If now the screw is screwed in, it locks on the beak and jammed firmly in the hole. I later the two locking tabs on the side additionally attached. If the hole is slightly larger, can be stop turning the anchor during assembly “

    It may be assumed that there is little walls in Germany, where not somewhere a Fischer plugs sitting -. tight. The Fischer-Werke domiciled still in Waldachtal-Tumlingen. They are led by Artur Fischer’s son and heir Klaus and had a turnover of 661 million euros last year. The company supplies the automotive industry with glove boxes or ashtrays, all made of plastic.

    “That was fucking times”

    In order to finally be able to really fly, had Artur Fischer is reported to the Wehrmacht. But he was 1.66 meters too small, too short-sighted as he was, and he had no high school diploma. So he came right after

    the outbreak of war as a mechanic for Jagdgeschwader 52 according Laugh Speyerdorf in der Pfalz. Christmas 1939 was announced for lunch a visit to the air force general Sperrle. It should come a special train. It was a code name, behind which Adolf Hitler hid. Fischer gave him a model airplane. I had the plane for my mother crafted, as a Christmas present. Then the commander told me, I was the best mechanic, and I should give it to Hitler. That was damn time. I was just only 19 years old. “

    1943 Fischer escaped with the last aircraft to the Stalingrad. After the war he began to tinker from grenades and cartridges other war scrap electric lighters and loom switch. The breakthrough as an entrepreneur came when fishermen wanted to take a picture of his newborn daughter: “At that time there was for interior shots only this powder flash, which you had to make to ignite with a cord that was dangerous and gave no good pictures, because all in shock. usually the eyes closed. I have only built a light reflector and then remembered my electric detonators. ”

    Take the severity easy and keep things light make

    Fischers Patent “magnesium flash unit for cameras” was purchased by Agfa and brought to market. The Germans took pictures the economic miracle with fisherman flash techniques. From the one-man workshop in Tumlingen the company “Artur Fischer Apparatus”. Was invented

    After the dowel Artur Fischer has mainly children’s toys. Colorful Knubbel potato starch for crafting (“fischerTiP”). Or the modular system “fischertechnik”, a kind of Lego for future graduate engineers. It was so high that the company it paid initially: The stones kept forever.

    you can not find what you did not, but that with which you played,” Artur Fischer said at the meeting in Tumlingen, a year ago. Perhaps true inventor actually want only one thing: playing. Take the gravity slightly and make things easy.

    As with the fly.


    Arthur Fischer – The pietistic problem solver – Frankfurter Rundschau

    January 29, 2016

    The Fischer dowel and its inventor: 14 million pieces are produced daily. Photo: AP

    Artur Fischer, Pat King and dowel-inventor, died with 96 years. More than 1,100 patents Artur Fischer has received. Today about 14 000 products sold his company.

    In the name of Artur Fischer immediately rattles the prejudice machine going. He was born in 1919 in Tumlingen. The place is mentioned for the first time 900. Today it has about 1,000 inhabitants. Since 1974 he belongs to the municipality of Waldachtal. In the last elections there was only the CDU and the Free Voters Association. We are located on the edge of the Black Forest. That was a while one of the poorest regions in Germany. Today Tumlingen advertises on the Internet with these words: “If you approach from the east of Horb Tumlingen ago, you have from above the lake Tumlinger a wonderful panoramic view. Past the famous Fischer works is the view of the picturesque town center. The residential area spreads on the slopes and to the side valleys of. “

    This is the world from which comes the economic miracle. Every day, for example, only 14 million dowel. The idyll is one of them for industrialization. They will be destroyed by it, and it brings forth repeatedly. When half of humanity now lives in cities, in megacities, then we know: If there growth should be done, it must be based on entirely new, previously unknown paths happen

    And to what. prejudice is at stake? The Swabians. This Schwaben, Daimler, Bosch – all tinkerers. More than 1,100 patents Artur Fischer has received. Today about 14 000 products sold his company, which now belongs to his son. There is a huge success story.

    The Germans tend to stick to the people of poets and thinkers. They follow the image that the French writer Madame de Staël drew from them the early 19th century. The Swabians brought the in this rhyme formula: “The Schiller and Hegel, Uhland and Hauff, who are with us the rule which fall not on.”

    This is a completely false picture of Germany and also from Württemberg.

    The history of Germany since the 19th century is an economic success story, thanks to its engineers and inventors, its engineers and their business acumen. What role have played the specific characteristics of Protestantism, for example, in Elberfeld and in Swabia, about prejudices long have formed concerning, for example, the tinkering pietism.

    How often is the Californian garage been described, in the internet age was born? The Swabian handicraft parlors of the 19th century are the senior citizens familiar. For example, from the biography of Robert Bosch, the former Federal President Theodor Heuss wrote in his years of inner emigration. But

    there is a job, or even a series of reports on the numerous garages and barns, where was developed after the war new?

    Another prejudice is our talk of reconstruction. That’s not quite, but mainly wrong. The economic boom of the Federal Republic after the devastation of World War II would have been so rapidly impossible if you had to leave it at the mere reconstruction. You had to see that it was necessary to eliminate the destruction not only as something terrible. You had to see it to create something new a chance. That this happened, made a miracle out of the development of the Federal Republic. With the pure reconstruction of the old, it would not have given. The fact that so many men were killed in the war, was not only terrible, but also a chance for the younger


    It all began in Tumlingen

    Artur Fischer brings 1958 S-anchor on the market. He is one of the most successful products of the second half of the 20th century. In an enlightening interview that Alexander Smoltczyk conducted with him in the “mirror”, Fischer warns against imitation. You have to “search his own way,” he said. That can only say with as much conviction, who invented, for example, the “flash cubes” for the photographer. It’s not like that of his own way necessarily leads to success. Imitating one can already feel safer there. But the own way is a well, which is not anything goes. This helps one in the further search.

    Fischer works there are now almost everywhere in the world. In the United States, in Latin America, in almost every European country, in the United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, China and Japan. It lacks Africa, Australia and the whole area between Moscow and Beijing. It all began in Tumlingen!

    Artur Fischer (recorded in the 1960s). Photo: Fischer / dpa

    The capital may be sexy. In Opinions differ. There is agreement indeed about the fact that she is poor. The province makes Germany rich. There are not people who make the money of other people even more money where it is afterwards send other money, but they are the inventors who are not tired of small improvements, devise facilitation, according to which demand worldwide.

    Artur Fischer retired already in 1980 from the company’s management back. At that time his 1950 born son Klaus Fischer was overall manager of the company. Under his leadership, the company self-expression, “developed the still heavily focused on Germany and on plastic anchors SMEs into a global company.” It will be interesting, whether the family is similarly successful going into the third generation.

    On Wednesday Artur Fischer died. The pietistic hobbyist should have the last word today. On the question of Alexander Smoltczyk “Is there something you would like to have invented,” he said at the end of 2014: “One should do what one can think and just what you need. Inventing goes through the soul. The soul is both recipient and donor. We are a part of creation, so we can deal with it and we do business to be creative. From “



    Legendary inventor died: anchors, fishing technology, photo-flash: The … – ABC Online

    Friday, 01.29.2016, 21:50
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    Every craftsman knows its anchor, but they are only the tip of the iceberg: Artur Fischer filed for more than 1,100 patents and left unmistakable traces in everyday life of the Germans. Despite everything, the entrepreneur showed modesty – and stayed until the end inventor

    Its plastic dowels and the “Fischertechnik” -Baukasten have introduced him around the world.. For patents King Artur Fischer but that was no reason to go into retirement. Into old age he went almost every day in the which he founded Fischer plants in Waldachtal in the Black Forest. His office he had set up in the development center of the company, that is, grew up with his invention, the anchors.

    1100 patents and utility models

    He had his whole life “problems of his daily life transformed into solutions “, the European Patent Office honored once Fischer’s work and awarded him for his life’s work with the inventor price. More than 1,100 patents and utility model applications go to Fischer’s account. That he has developed alongside the gray plastic anchors well-known also sync flash for cameras and screws for the healing of bone fractures, few know.

    Researchers urge felt Artur Fischer at a young age. He always wanted something to tinker or assemble, he likes to tell. His famous art kit, with the children a lot to learn about machines he invented itself as a Christmas present for anchor customers – the usual case of wine or the pens were too boring for him

    War returnees with zest


    Born was fishing on 12/31/1919 in Waldachtal-Tumlingen, there he lived until recently. He was down to earth, but anything but worlds away: “In the early years of the company I was so many times in the wide world that it meant a sacrifice for my family.” After high-school diploma and apprenticeship as the young man had to first in the Second World War. He survived Stalingrad and was in his own words more than once “millimeter

    sidestepped the death”. After the war in a prison camp, and he was raring to go. As a photographer his daughter could not photograph because it was too dark in the room, he developed the synchronous flash. This invention enabled him to his own company, which he built in his Black Forest home 1948th

    The anchor was just the beginning

    Ten years later, he succeeded with the dowels the next coup. And he had even more ideas: Fischer also created steel anchors, drills and cement fortifications. “His inventions are every day a million times around the world uses,” reads the patent office.

    Successful Self Employed

    Annoying colleagues, too little content: Do you dream of being your own boss? FOCUS Online explained in PDF 28 pages , as you become a successful Founder and where the pitfalls lie in wait.

    Click here for more information and the Downlad

    The family business now has more than 40 subsidiaries in 32 countries, more than 4100 employees and a turnover of almost 661 million euros per year , Since 1980 son Klaus conducts business.

    Inventors until the end

    When he was asked about his 95th birthday if he still wants to invent something, Artur Fischer said : “It’s set in the stars.” With what he has achieved, he was quite satisfied. Last Wednesday, Fischer died at the age of 96 years surrounded by his family and was buried on Friday morning in Waldachtal-Tumlingen.

    “The group of companies Fischer mourns and commemorates Professor Artur Fischer with respect and gratitude,” says in the statement of Fischer works. Also the place is mourning: “We have lost our honorary citizen and a true entrepreneur and inventor who has made known our church world”

    said a representative of the 5700-inhabitant village Waldachtal in the video. This Trick repair overwound dowels and thread in no time

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