Saturday, June 18, 2016

VW “leaves us no choice”: shareholders want to force special – NEWS



 Saturday, June 18, 2016


 A law firm established on behalf of the Board, CEO Muller has announced reforms, and a general “culture change” at Volkswagen. Influential investors is not enough that all of the exhaust gas in response to scandal.



Influential investors want to force the VW group, if necessary through the courts to an independent investigation in diesel scandal, according to a media report. At the AGM on Wednesday a request should be made, reports the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung”. Although the motion on the voices of the families Porsche / Piech and Lower Saxony have no chance, but is a prerequisite for the subsequent judicial process.

“If the General Meeting only matched times over, you can go to court and to bring this way a special “, said the manager of the UK pension fund Hermes, Hans-Christoph Hirt, the” FAS “. His fund company see special indeed generally critical, “but if there is a situation in which such an audit makes sense, then, it is Volkswagen -. Due to the serious incidents related to Diesel scandal and ownership structure”

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So argues, the German corporate governance expert Christian Strenger in the “F.A.S”: “The group leaves us no choice,” Stern said. “Volkswagen forces us with its siege mentality, to litigate the incidents on the way of a court-ordered special audit.”

Einig are the investors in the demand for new, non-family overseers for the VW Group: “the VW supervisory board lacks independence and relevant knowledge. There are clear gaps in competence,” Hirt said, urging, “experienced, highly competent people from outside” to choose the control panel. This should prevent that VW will continue rocked by scandals.



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