Friday, June 17, 2016

+++ +++ Greece crisis: rescue fund is 7.5 billion euros for … – ABC Online

Updated Friday, 06.17.2016, 10:59
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Greece gets under the 3rd aid package total of 86 billion euros. Of the country needs at least ten billion for its ailing banks. But the government is still hesitating with the required reforms. The Greeks thriller Ticker.

rescue fund is EUR 7.5 billion for Greece free

Friday, June 17, 2016, 10:55: After months of delays, the financially troubled Greece is replaced next week by the Euro-partners a further 7.5 billion euros in financial assistance. The Board of the European rescue fund ESM gave this sum on Friday morning in Luxembourg finally free. Thus there is no danger that Athens due to upcoming billion repayments to the European Central Bank (ECB) again threatened with bankruptcy in July.

The country will use the 7.5 billion euros on the one hand, to its obligations to the international creditors met, the fund said. A part can also be used to settle domestic payment obligations, as compared to companies with state contracts. So also the Greek economy will be awarded a boost.

Let the payout “in recognition of the commitment of the Greek government to implement significant reforms,” ​​said ESM chief Klaus Regling. So Athens have laws for reform adopted the pension system and income tax as well as launched a new privatization and investment funds.

In addition, the agreements with creditors will now see an “emergency” mechanism before. He obliged Athens to further reforms and austerity measures if it misses targeted budgetary targets in 2018th “Thanks to these measures and others reacted reforms Greece on the way to return to economic growth,” Regling said.

of thousands of Greeks demanding resignation of the government Tsipras

Thursday, June 16, 2016, 08:32: Several thousand Greeks have called for the resignation of the government on Wednesday. According to police, around 7000 people participated in the protests against the new austerity measures in Athens. The rally was “Come on” under the motto and was mainly directed against Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras . “We want an impartial caretaker government that is not led by Tsipras “, said co-organizer Giorgos Koutsoukos.

The government reacted angrily to the new protests. Calls for his resignation at the present time “do not meet the needs of society and are harmful to the country,” said government spokeswoman Olga Gerovassili. The government had recently decided new austerity measures, including pension cuts and tax increases. In return, the international donors gave free new billion-aid for Athens.

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