Wednesday, June 15, 2016

German Railways – high time – Sü

The crisis in the train meets now the Board: Vice director Volker Kefer cedes. One reason: the cost explosion in Stuttgart 21. But the group has a lot of other problems.

Berlin – There are very troubled times at Deutsche Bahn: trains arrive late, the freight is not working as desired, Stuttgart 21 is significantly more expensive. The crisis of the web has now found a prominent victim: Vice director Volker Kefer, 60, has announced not wanting to extend his running until the end of September 2017 contract. Kefer, responsible for technology and infrastructure, was considered a rival of CEO Rüdiger Grube, 64, secretly he had made hopes so its successor, they say. Even mine who has been in office since 2009, is considered controversial. His contract expires at the end 2017th When will a decision on its extension, will not be answered now, but only “to the end of this year”, Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU) said on Wednesday. The Supervisory Board of the web, which met this Wednesday for the second time in eight days, all the time problems are well known. Nevertheless, the meeting of a special kind, because Kefer had less than 24 hours previously resigned. The former Siemens manager who invited too many tasks at the end, was last in the group suffered only bad. After the Supervisory Board informed very late about the fact that the controversial underground station Stuttgart 21 together with the connected tunnel route probably only in 2023 and not 2021 and completed 500 million euros more expensive, he came with the retreat probably being thrown before. Kefer was previously also for the modernization program “future path” responsible. A successor does not exist yet. As we go from here in the web? If you want to put it in one sentence, one could say: It is weitergewurstelt, and at all levels. On the topic, the customers most annoying: the delays. It is one of the probably most difficult management tasks in Germany to let go as many trains run on time. By 2015 counted the Eisenbahnbundesamt 174.63 million minutes of delays, (the train-competitors) have retracted all railways. 7974 hours, day after day. And this year will probably not it: The project of the web that 2016 arrive at least 80 percent of long-distance trains at scheduled times and not more than five minutes late, is likely to remain a nice wish. To the punctuality of ICE and IC trains, it is a bad way. In April, only 78.5 percent of long-distance trains were in time.

Now comes the summer time, which is in the path of construction. In freight transport, the languishing for years, the austerity plan is under pressure from the unions probably not be as hard as initially planned. The plan was to strike up to 3000 of the 18 000 jobs at DB Cargo and to close 215 Güterverladestellen. Now it will be less. “There will be no requirements for job cuts,” says a company representative. On the plight of the freight trains will change but nothing: trucks drive currently unrivaled favorable because of low fuel prices. The toll for lorries has fallen. At the same time raises Germany, according to the “Alliance for Rail” the second highest electricity tax on railway traction current, which does not make the freight railway just competitive. The federal government takes the tax rate for traction current to zero to reduce, as in Belgium, Sweden or the United Kingdom to help the freight trains, calls for the alliance.

It paddle more people by rail, but mainly because of Airline tickets

in the long-distance reads: muddling. Currently, the railway attracted again more passengers in the trains. The cheap tickets from 19 euros, which sold the state-owned company as an alternative to the cheap offers of long distance buses and airlines, arrive at the customers well, in 2016 a record number of passengers is expected. “But now is accused us that we do not really make money,” says an executive from the Berlin train-Tower

Here it comes big picture. What do the web at all? If the Group owner Bund deliver as high a dividend? Or bring as many passengers best time, low and comfortably from A to B without the long-distance transport must be profitable? Is the rail network there to achieve a high profit? Or shall all the railway companies pay the lowest possible infrastructure charges for rail use in order to promote competition?

Matthias Gastel, a member of the Transport Committee of the Bundestag and spokesman for rail policy with the Greens, missing clear guidelines of the Federal Government and the Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU). “The clearance of personnel issues in the DB Management Board is necessary,” he says. But if the federal government “not finally provides clear management objectives and fair competition of rail, new heads at the top of the web group can achieve little”. Personnel changes alone did not solve the structural problems.

Chancellor Angela Merkel at the moment but all other, more important issues. Officials at the Chancellery can make the train. The main thing, she bathes from the hassles of customer, and not the government. In Berlin Bahn Tower see this many managers as well. It is an open secret that a detachment of mine, to keep his critics too hesitant and too weak, would not bring much.

With the disposal of Kefer the probability is now increased that pit remains. This is also suggested that currently is not a top manager in view of a – rather meager total content of last 1.44 million euros in so much trouble charging – as measured by the content of Dax CEOs. Mine does the job like and would like to extend his contract at once. Last but he has hinted that he can imagine a life beyond the web -. If him the trouble is too much


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