Thursday, June 30, 2016

Unemployment in Segeberg continues to fall – Hamburger Abendblatt

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Unemployment: unemployment falls in June to 2.614 billion unemployed – ABC Online

Thursday , 30.06.2016, 19:49
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The number of unemployed in Germany dropped in June by 50,000 to 2.614 million.

These are 97,000 unemployed less than a year ago, as the Federal employment Agency announced in Nuremberg on Thursday. The unemployment rate fell by 0.1 points to 5.9 percent. This is the lowest level since German reunification.

“The labor market continues to develop positively,” said BA chief Frank-Jürgen Weise. The demand for labor is to be fast. “Unemployment has fallen again and the social security contributions increased considerably.”

number of employed persons increased by 45,000

After seasonal adjustment were in June 2.69 million people in Germany without work. The adjusted to seasonal influences number of unemployed fell by 6,000 compared to May. In West Germany, the number fell by 2,000, to the east by 4,000.

The employment and the number of people with a regular job at the same time grew further. According to recent data from the Federal Statistical Office in May, the number of employed persons increased from the previous month to a seasonally adjusted 45,000 to 43.56 million. That was 559,000 more than last year.

The social security payments put by extrapolation of the Federal Agency of March and April by a seasonally adjusted 33,000 to. With 31.33 million people, employment was on the previous year to 681,000 in Plus


continue to seek many new employees. The number of vacancies rose in June compared to the previous year by 93,000 to 665,000.

in video: Bamf employees rebelling at staff meeting against chief manner

“Schier hopeless situation” – Bamf employees rebelling at staff meeting against chief manner


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Tesla: first fatality – Autopilot overlooks white truck in front of sky – THE WORLD

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self-powered Tesla overlooks white truck before cloudy sky

For the first time there has been a death by a self-driving car on the road. The driver drove on autopilot as his Tesla sportscar overlooked a truck. The US traffic supervisory determined.

     For the first time there has been a death by a self-driving car on the road. The driver drove on autopilot as his Tesla sportscar overlooked a truck. The US traffic supervisory determined

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Photo: REUTERS The interior of a Model S in

The US Transportation authority NHTSA has confirmed in an accident with a self-driving car has been a dead the first time in the US. The driver of a Tesla sports car had the “autopilot” system of the vehicle used as he had come in a collision with a truck in Florida killed, the agency said on Thursday. The government now checks whether there have been changes in technology inconsistencies.

The accident occurred after NHTSA information in May, but has only now been officially confirmed. Preliminary investigations indicate loud NHTSA suggests that it came to the accident after a truck at the intersection of highways in the town of Williston was bent before the self-propelled car left. A traffic light there was therefore not on the turn. The Tesla driver of the “Model S” died of his injuries. Williston is located southwest of Gainesville.

Tesla announced on his website, neither the driver nor the sensors of the autopilot would have noticed the tractor. Basic recorded companies that the autopilot did not recognize the white truck against white clouds sky. The accident led to the first known death to more than 200 million kilometers of driving distance to the autopilot system.

Photo: AP Tesla Motors Model S

Tesla emphasized, however, that it is the autopilot system to a new technology in the so-called beta iN QUESTION, which is off by default. Drivers would explicitly requested the use of the program, not to take the hands off the wheel and to retain control and responsibility over the vehicle. According to NHTSA, the preliminary investigation covers about 25,000 Tesla “Model S” model year 2015.

The company of known tech billionaire Elon Musk revealed in an on published Thursday in the company blog entry dismay and to the relatives of the victim sincere condolences.

      dpa / AP / mol

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June unemployment drops to 25-year low – ABC Online

Thursday , 30.06.2016, 14:22
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The robust economy and the expiring spring revival have unemployment in Germany can sink to the lowest June level in 25 years

Overall, in the month was 2.614 million men and women without work -. and thus 50 000 less than in May and 97 000 fewer than a year ago, the Federal employment Agency (BA) announced in Nuremberg on Thursday. Fewer job seekers there had been in the month of June last in 1991.

The unemployment rate in June by 5.9 percent even at the lowest level since German reunification, raised BA CEO Frank-Jürgen Weise forth. In May the rate had stood at 6.0 percent. “Employment has continued to rise, the demand for labor remains high. The labor market thus continues to develop positively, “summed manner.

According to federal Labour Minister Andrea Nahles (SPD) the latest data show that the labor market in Germany” is a real anchor of stability “for Germany and Europe , The consequences of forced migration would probably more visible in the coming months, she presented on Thursday in a notice fixed.

From the British Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union-vote Federal Agency chief expected manner for the time being “no dramatic consequences” for the German labor market , “There is now no reason for us to go into crisis mode,” emphasized manner. But he did not rule out that some sectors could be affected by a withdrawal from the EU in Britain. With the labor market consequences in a big way he did not expect, however, for the time being, added way added.

Although the UK is an important trading partner for Germany. “But a single country, the German economy not so much influence.” It would also not equal capped with the British withdrawal from the EU all trade relations with Germany. And if it were, with the UK to arrange similar FTAs ​​as with Norway and Switzerland, the consequences for the German economy should be limited.

Much will however depend on how long the negotiations on an EU exit Britain lasted. If the separation process drag on longer than necessary, insecure CEOs could already push planned investments on the back burner. That would hurt the economy. “The hard part is the psychology.”

Manageable remains refugee unemployment. According to the Federal Employment Agency figures were at the job centers in June 131,000 “unemployed Escaped” registered. 100 700 of which came from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Eritrea, Nigeria and Somalia, it is apparent from the newly structured Statistics. The

number of registered refugees is rising, according to BA board member Detlef Scheele thus further month to 10000-15000. ‘/ P>

Other 170 000 asylum seekers who are still waiting for their asylum-recognition, would present with the employment agencies care, added BA board member Raimund Becker. They were officially registered there as a job seeker. Many of them completed language courses and other programs that they should prepare for a working life in Germany. could officially unemployed login asylum seekers at the job centers only after their refugee status.

Of the 131,000 in June as unemployed registered refugees are most predominantly male (73 percent) and younger to a large extent as 30 (47 percent). Good one in four of them did not graduate high school or similar statements, three out of four had no formal vocational training. After all, 26 percent have a the German Abitur comparable degree, 9 percent a university education. For 61 percent comes under federal agency because of their low qualification only a laborer job in question; 15 percent claimed to have last worked as an expert or specialist.

Raimund Becker still looks after appropriate promote good job opportunities for many refugees. He and way refer this to continue receptive German labor market. Thus registered, the Nuremberg-based Federal Authority in June 665 000 open sites – and 93,000 more than last year. Especially in service occupations continue to incur new jobs. In May are in Germany 43.56 million men and women in labor; those were seasonally adjusted 45,000 more than in April and 559,000 more than in May, 2015.


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Mobile: Many customers complain: Fault with Vodafone – ABC Online

Thursday, 06.30.2016, 20:59
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Round 1 , 8 million Vodafone customers had on Thursday night according to the company can not access the Internet. A fault in a computer network was the cause

Big loss for hours. The cable network of telephone and Internet provider Vodafone was still disrupted on Thursday evening in many parts of Germany , Up to 1.8 million customers could not make calls and surf the Internet or use the Internet-based video-on-demand, informed a spokeswoman. The television was not affected.

Since 17:30 there transregional restrictions in parts of the cable network, the report said. Cause is a malfunction in a computer network in Frankfurt

and Berlin. “Our engineers are working hard to resolve this failure,” Vodafone said in its Customer Forum with. Customers vented their displeasure on Twitter Air

2, 9 million customers

Vodafone acquired the cable network operator Kabel Germany. Vodafone had the end of 2015 claims to 2.9 million cable Internet customers, more than 16 percent a year earlier.

If the network still does not? Telekom has a tip for all customer

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Flixbus: More often from Cologne to London – Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger

Cologne –

After the purchase of the British remote bus company Megabus builds the German market leader Flixbus regardless of Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union Decision of the past week more on the links to London. “We believe very back to the market in the UK, Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union, Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union here,” said Flixbus-founder and CEO Jochen Engert on Thursday in Berlin.

As of July, the route network between the continent and London is going to six times increase daily, announced his business partner André Schwämmlein. The journeys of Cologne, Amsterdam and Paris to London were the first Megabus compounds, which can be booked on the Flixbus sites.

The remaining Megabus routes to the end of summer integrated into the Flixbus network will. Flixbus take over the network planning, technology and booking platform. Previous Megabus customers should have access to Flixbus service as free cancellation and rebooking up to 15 minutes before departure or paperless check-in by phone as soon as possible.

The buses themselves would initially further operated by Megabus, said Schwämmlein. In the medium term the still blue and yellow cars are visually adapted to the green-orange Flixbus fleet. Megabus travels in the UK, Germany, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain.

Position in Europe strengthened

Flixbus had to deal with the Megabus mother, the British transport company Stagecoach ,

signed on Tuesday. To purchase price, the chiefs declined to comment. The acquisition will bring but around 30 million euros per year, Engert said. The number of passengers going in the current year – increase by 50 percent to around 30 million

With the purchase of competitors Flixbus wants to strengthen its position in Europe – also because of the Megabus integration.. “It is very important for us to tap into new target groups,” said Schwämmlein. Since the merger with its competitor MeinFernbus early 2015 Flixbus offers already numerous foreign connections – currently at approximately 900 locations in 20 countries

railway builds remote bus range from

The acquisition of the British company. but was not a defensive decision been emphasized Schwämmlein. Megabus applies on the market as an aggressive player: Since last year, the British inter alia, with the 1.50 euro tickets to catch customers. In April Megabus had a market share of 2 percent.

Flixbus with 68 percent of the schedule-kilometers, the number one on the German market, have lost but play, because the web is expanding its remote bus service in Germany. After last published figures of rapidly grown Fernbusmarkt generally shrunk in the first half. The number of both the rides and the lines went in the first six months back.


Mediation between Lufthansa and cabin crew successfully – ABC Online

Thursday , 30.06.2016, 14:40
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Lufthansa -Passagiere need to foreseeable future no fear of strikes by cabin crew more.

the settlement between the company and the union Ufo has been successfully completed, as of spread on Thursday statements by the social partners is clear. The labor dispute with the hitherto harshest strike in the history of Lufthansa is therefore at an end.

About the details of the agreement, both sides and the mediator Matthias Platzeck however want to report until next Tuesday at a press conference in Berlin. Still open also the parallel bargaining with pilots.

The extensive conciliation result had been accepted by both sides and still had to be worked up in detail, said UFO negotiators Nicoley Baublies. A Lufthansa spokesman pointed yet at last to be clarified details. Baublies declined in deference to arbitrators Platzeck, to explain the contents. a partial agreement “That we however could only agree with a result which respects the needs of our members, everyone can imagine.”

At the beginning of the talks in January had the former SPD Minister of Brandenburg in key issues achieved, but were subject to an overall solution. So, the counterparties had already agreed on a short-term salary increases and outlines the future pension of more than 19 000 flight attendants at the core brand Lufthansa.

Ufo had thereby accepted that in future only firmly defined pension contributions are paid by the company, but not the absolute level of payments is guaranteed. The risk of particularly low interest rates are obtained at the workers over.

A number of regulations about promotion opportunities, operating times and dislocations within the Lufthansa Group to other airlines should be resolved below Platzeck mediation. In particular, the relationship with the emerging low cost subsidiary Euro Wings

needed the union believes an exact definition.

A new, existing services from October salary collective agreement was in the specifications of the arbitrator. The adoption of the arbitrators award is still subject to a ballot of over 10 000 employed at Lufthansa UFO members.

The Platzeck arbitration is the second in the since January 2015 continues escalated wage conflict of flight attendants , A first attempt of ex-politician Friedrich Merz (CDU) and Herta Däubler-Gmelin (SPD) had failed in the summer of 2015, the hard-line stance of both sides of industry, so that the arbitrator could only recommend further negotiations.

November last year Ufo had then organized a seven days long strike, in which some 4,700 flights had failed. Affected by the strike hardest in the company’s history were about 550 000 passengers. In the negotiations with the pilots a deadline 31 July, to be negotiated up to the true.


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Work: Unemployment rate drops to historic lows – THE WORLD

Historical Depression when unemployment in Germany: For the first time since reunification, the ratio fell below the six percent mark to 5, 9 percent as the Federal employment Agency on Thursday in Nuremberg announced. Furthermore, the labor market can absorb the refugee crisis without major problems. However, the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union-vote also provides for BA chief Frank-Jürgen Weise for uncertainty.

In June even 2.614 million people were looking for a job. These were less than 50,000 in May and 97,000 less than in June last year.

BA boss way pointed out that for the first time after the reunification less than six per cent of people of working age were unemployed. In 1991 there were, in absolute terms, although lower unemployment, time was measured but “little unclean”.

With 5.4 per cent in West Germany and 8.2 percent in eastern Germany, the current unemployment rate even after the old and new countries differed in each case a record low. In West Germany it was last given in 1981 such a low unemployment rate.

Even when employment went the positive development. According to the latest data of the Federal Statistical Office in May the number of employed persons rose by 45,000 to 43.56 million. Compared to the previous year to May, representing an increase of 559,000. After BA calculations, the number of social insurance contributions rose in March to 31.33 million, compared to the previous March, an increase of 681,000.

According manner the German labor market is so robust that it collects the refugee crisis. Although climb, the number of unemployed refugees, but on the other hand there are more jobs. Therefore, the BA expects for 2016 continue with an average unemployment rate of less than 2.8 million. This would be less than the annual average, 2015.

In June, a total of 300,000 people who have come through the current refugee crisis to Germany, registered as unemployed. Compared to last year this is a doubling. Currently, there is an increase of 10,000 to 15,000 unemployed refugees per month, which is why the refugee crisis make impact on the labor market probably next year.

The Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union vote makes loud way at the moment not in the labor market noticeable. but he expected impact. The Commission acknowledges that a single country, the economy as a whole did not impress so much. “The difficult part is the psychology.” This could play a role in the financial markets. He was personally “appalled” by the vote of the British.

sage said, at a meeting of the heads of the EU labor agencies Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the

European Union had also been an issue. There is the expectation of changes in migration flows. People who are very qualified – approximately from Poland – are now likely to ask if they see in the UK for themselves and their families a future. “This will have an impact.”

Federal Labour Minister Andrea Nahles (SPD) called the German labor market as “real anchor of stability – for our country and in Europe.” In the coming months, but the consequences of forced migration would be more visible.

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Social spending in Germany climb to record level – THE WORLD

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social spending in Germany to rise to record high

According to a media report, the expenditure amounted to a total of 888.2 billion euros – an increase of 4.5 percent. For the first time, the cost of care than those in unemployment.

     According to a media report, the expenditure amounted to a total of 888.2 billion euros – an increase of 4.5 percent. For the first time, the cost of care than those in unemployment

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social spending in Germany to a report, rose to a record high last year. The “Bild” newspaper quoted figures from the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, after which these issues could be summed in 2015 to 888.2 billion euros. This amount is 4.5 percent higher than the previous year in 2014, when amounted social spending to 849.8 billion euros.

The highest single item in social budget thus were the pension with 282.4 billion euros, the insurance 211.9 billion euros and the civil servants’ pensions at 52.9 billion euros.

For the first time were reported to be spending on nursing care with 28.9 billion euros above those of unemployment at 27.4 billion euros. The contribution of private households for financing the social budget rose from EUR 278 billion in 2014 to almost 289 billion in the year, 2015.

      AFP / mol

Photo: Infographic the world the largest item in social expenditure

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2016-06-30T02: 26: 43.000 + 0200


Unemployment is down to 2.6 million – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

the construction of one of the pillars of the German economy at the moment.

the number of unemployed in Germany dropped in June by 50,000 to 2.614 million. These are 97,000 unemployed less than a year ago, as the Federal Employment Agency in Nuremberg announced. The unemployment rate fell by 0.1 points to 5.9 percent. This is the lowest level since German reunification.

“The labor market continues to develop positively,” said BA chief Frank-Jürgen Weise. The demand for labor is to be fast. “Unemployment has fallen again and the social security contributions increased considerably.”

After seasonal adjustment were in June 2.69 million people in Germany without work. The adjusted to seasonal influences number of unemployed compared to May fell by 6000. In West Germany, the figure dropped by 2000, in the East by 4000.

The employment and the number of people with regular jobs grew at the same time on. According to recent data from the Federal Statistical Office in May, the number of employed persons increased from the previous month to a seasonally adjusted 45,000 to 43.56 million. That was 559,000 more than last year.

More about

The social security payments put by extrapolation the federal agency from March to a seasonally adjusted 33,000 in April. With 31.33 million people, employment was on the previous year to 681,000 in Plus

Companies continue to seek many new employees. The number of vacancies rose in June compared to the previous year by 93,000 to 665,000.

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Free Trade – A Case for Brussels – Sü

CETA, TTIP, soon the trade talks with the British: the EU has transferred its Community trade for good reason. Whoever does not, undermines the very foundations of the Union.

The debate on FTAs ​​is full half-truths. Critics of the planned agreements with Canada (Ceta) and the United States (TTIP) argue that so that democracy law could be in Europe. From an arrogance of bureaucrats in Brussels there is talk that simply ignore the will of the citizens and wants as quickly as possible by pressing the Agreement. As a storm of indignation swept through the neighborhood, the increasingly directed against Jean-Claude Juncker. Here, the President of the European Commission merely his work.

In the EU’s authority is responsible for the common commercial policy. The Member States have so decided. You have also at their summit meeting in Brussels unanimously to known continue to strive for the two agreements. Juncker has given the public criticism prompted the leaders if they still wanted to – and he offered a breakdown in negotiations. The rejected the Government. Now the EU Member States must however accept that Juncker does not want to vote on Ceta the 28 national parliaments.

Europe States must clarify whether they still want free trade

But there hand it massive resistance. Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) holds Junckers decision “incredibly stupid”. The “dumb Pressing Ceta” will be “explode” all conspiracy theories on the proposed FTA. He is probably right. He is no doubt also. Instead of hitting from election campaign tactics and intraparty reasons on the side of those who “Brussels” accuse a democratic deficit, and Gabriel should acknowledge that there is a democratically elected European Parliament to the vote in any case on the contracts. The EU is not a trade agreement into force, that has not been approved by the European representatives.

Now you can ask anything wrong with an additional decision of the Bundestag, of course? So yes even broader democratic basis would be laid. True, but in trade agreements first deals with a legal question: Just when Ceta also relates to national competence, the national parliaments of all EU countries have to vote.

Among lawyers, opinions are divided as to whether the agreement with Canada is such a “mixed agreement”. Juncker himself is the “schnurzegal”. He would just like clear evidence of the mixed contractual nature. In the end it is in any case to each Member State to have such matters resolved by the European Court.

Voters in all EU countries would lead to Ceta will probably never decided. From TTIP to mention. In Belgium one of the four regional parliaments has been set to a “no”. The Luxembourg Parliament called on the government, Ceta initially does not agree. In the Netherlands, there is likely to be a referendum.

As with the referendum on the trade and association agreement with Ukraine, which have rejected the Dutch, is the actual content of the commercial contract for most voters not matter play. It’s like playing Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union referendum in the UK: The cipher EU becomes a projection of all evils – and against the evil one must be naturally

Right now, after the vote by the British, it comes to a question of principle. : Does free trade in the EU at all to be desirable? The internal market, ie the free movement of goods and services, which is not subject to tariff barriers, part of the foundation of the EU. This internal market has to be defended against all those who seek their salvation in the nation state and call for a reversal of European integration. With the new government in London, it will be important to find a way intra-European free trade. That will be hard enough alone.

With Canada and the United States far more is at stake. It is about the role of Europe in a globalized world. Here is the good reason why trade policy in the European Union was declared to be a matter for the Community: trade internationally. Not TTIP or Ceta citizens should be frightening, but the economic power of the PRC about. To compete against the market power of China, Europe must stand together in its trade policy and new alliances – without European standards and values ​​for sale. Exactly which needs “Brussels”.


“EU only” – Europe is at Ceta again the big mistake – THE WORLD

Europe is posted after the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union. President Jean-Claude Juncker pursued at the EU summit on Wednesday, therefore, one objective: to demonstrate their unity. We, the EU-27, now hold together. We move in closer to the people. We have a plan for the future of Europe.

These plans are obviously very much needed. For how great is the distrust in Europe, shows the discussion about Ceta, the trade agreement between the European Union and Canada. After Juncker said at the EU summit, it would be sufficient to resolve the Agreement at EU level rather than in all national parliaments, followed an outcry. Part of the federal government evaluated the announcement Junckers even as a challenge.

German Economics Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) made his anger in itself unusually sharp for him words air. “To decide now that the national parliaments have nothing to say to this trade agreement, is incredibly foolish,” snapped the head of the SPD towards Juncker. “If the EU Commission makes at Ceta, is also the EU trade agreement with the US, TTIP, dead,” Gabriel told the Berliner “Tagesspiegel”. Also CSU chief Horst Seehofer scolded, Junckers vetoed the participation of national parliaments was “irresponsible” and go “in no case”.

Photo: REUTERS Jean-Claude Juncker speaks after the EU summit in Brussels to press

The answer Junckers was not long in coming. Him it personal “relatively schnurzegal” whether national parliaments agreed or not. If the governments of the EU countries came to the conclusion, legal opinion did not count in politics, he was the last person to defend himself against it, he said in the direction of the federal government. The sat. Otherwise it is always the Germans who rap in Europe on compliance with rules.

SPD leader Gabriel in a sensitive position

the dispute between Juncker and the German government had already indicated in the past few weeks. Responsibility for trade policy is formally only at the EU Commission.

But still mainly the federal government is under pressure. Ceta has already been completed and will soon be approved negotiated parliament. The Canada-Agreement shall be considered a blueprint for the agreement with the US, TTIP, which should be negotiated by the end of the year.

Against both agreements has in Germany formed a never held for possible resistance. Last October, went to Berlin at least 200,000 people against the two trade agreements on the street. It was the biggest demonstration since the Iraq war.

Also in the ruling party SPD, the two agreements are controversial. therefore particularly SPD leader and Economy Minister Gabriel is in a delicate situation.

Gabriel had the trade critic always thus pacified, the Bundestag must Ceta and thus later TTIP agree. Because if it were mixed agreements touched national law. Therefore, the people would need to worry about. The SPD faction will certainly not agree to a bad trade agreement in the Bundestag.

But now is not to vote the Bundestag. Next week Brussels will make the decision on a “EU-only agreement” officially announced. The EU argues the one hand legal: If a legal examination shows come Ceta was not a mixed agreement, it falls now time alone in their area of ​​responsibility. Since it is also a matter of European law to defend.

“No one will believe that it is not running at TTIP just”

On the other hand drives the European Commission but by political considerations. She’s sure: Ceta would fail in national polls. Because

the agreement would have a total of 42 parliaments, in Germany for example by the Bundestag and Bundesrat.

Photo: AP demonstrators protested in Brussels in May against Ceta, the trade agreement between the European Union and Canada

would in Belgium agree even alone four regional parliaments, and there has already come out against the Walloon Ceta. The Bulgarian and Romanian Deputies have also linked their agreement with the demand for visa-free travel. In this complex situation, it does not make sense from an EU perspective to hunt Ceta without any prospect of success through a national reconciliation process.

From the perspective of Gabriel falls contrast the EU Commission so-traders like him in the back. “The stupid Pressing Ceta would make all conspiracy theories on the proposed FTA explode,” he warned. Moreover, the approach of Juncker bring the already plug end in a dead end free trade agreement with the United States even further into trouble.

“No one will believe that it will run at TTIP not the same as in Ceta,” Gabriel said. That the EU at this stage in their credibility is tarnished because of the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union in any case, in such a highly politicized issue relies on it alone, Gabriel can not understand at all.

Italy agrees to an “EU-only agreement”

preventing it, a “EU-only agreement” but barely. For this purpose, the Council of European trade ministers would unanimously oppose the actions of the European Commission.

Italy to the European Commission already announced in a letter a few weeks ago, to propose to the Junckers page and a “EU-only treaties “to vote. There, as in many other EU countries be expected from the trade agreements great benefits and I will therefore not derail in national polls.

To an “EU to put -only agreement “into force, it needs, however, in addition to the consent of the European Parliament and a qualified majority in the Council of Ministers trading. Qualified majority is 55 percent of the members of the Council, at least 16 members, and 65 percent of the population.

“The majority of EU Member States has, however, always the opposite, namely, positioned on a mixed agreement,” reads from the Federal Ministry of Economics. Block the Minister Ceta from the Council, it would not enter into force. The political damage would however enormous.

In the SPD resentment grows

So what to do? Juncker suggested the governments, even with a “EU-only agreement” could the member countries their parliaments ask how their governments in the EU Council should vote on Ceta. Gabriel wants to do just that. “Whatever the EU Commission decides: In Germany, the Bundestag will decide,” he said. Without the Yes he would “agree in no case Ceta”.

For Gabriel, it’s not a risky game. Because by the Brussels push the number of Ceta opponents in the Bundestag is certainly not small. Especially in the SPD is growing resentment. But it was nevertheless confident that the SPD would approve the agreement in parliament, sources in party circles. therefore

Juncker was defiant. “I’m not on the altar of legal issues to die,” he said, “but I would like occupied by unique appeal that this is not an EU agreement.”


Debacle in Hahn airport deal sets state government under pressure – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

The recently announced by the Rhineland-Palatinate state government sale of Hahn Airport threatens to fail. The competent Interior Minister Roger Lewentz (SPD) said on Wednesday in Mainz that Chinese buyers would allow a period set by the country. The company named Shanghai Yiqian Trading Co. Ltd. (SYT) has paid unlike allegedly promised anything yet; as a reason was given for the purchase of the Chinese one is not present approval from the Chinese government. The Rhineland-Palatinate state government then requested documents in order to check the reasoning can. This not arrived.

Timo Frasch Author: Timo Frasch, political correspondent for Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, headquartered in Wiesbaden.

the SWR had previously nourished doubts about the seriousness of the buyer. A correspondent of the transmitter located at the address of a “Guo Qing Investment Company” a tire sales and a vacant office floor, but not said by the provincial government leading contractors. The majority shareholder of this company is also partner of SYT. Lewentz asked the parliamentary groups to suspend the legislative process for sale now.

The deputy chairman of the CDU parliamentary group, Alexander light, spoke of a “catastrophe cubed”. Overlooking Prime Minister Malu Dreyer (SPD), the had defended the sale, he said. “. the fish begins to stink at the head” Perhaps one must the state government accused Insolvenzverschleppung at Hahn airport that the difficulty in selling would known a few weeks after winning the SPD state election, bordered on fraud.

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the current sale process evokes dark memories of previous attempts to privatize the Nürburgring. At that time in the second half of the 2000s, the state government had embarked on dubious figures and funding models. Light said, apparently was “the

Nürburgring disaster used as a blueprint for the tap” been.

Lewentz tried on Wednesday to dispel this impression. The planned privatization was carried out “in a tender procedure in accordance with international standards”. There had been “prepared and accompanied” by the auditing firm KPMG. The SYT have submitted the highest price offered. “With regard to the relevant provisions especially of EU law this company was therefore to grant the award.” The implementation of an integrity check did not reveal any evidence of credit risk or violations of the law.

Lewentz emphasized that one is to remain “in an ongoing contractual relationship” with the buyer, the latter had expressly promised to want to escrow. Why – why that? – He ask for your understanding that it for any further questions – why more? There was no – could not be available.

The fractions of the traffic light coalition gave then known, they would interrupt the legislative process for Hahn Airport. The advice of the bill should be removed from the agenda of a planned joint meeting of the four advisory committees, a scheduled hearing should be postponed. “Instead, we propose that, scheduled joint meeting of the committees to be used for a detailed report of the Minister of the Interior,” it said.

What sounds consensus obscures that especially the FDP, which is new to the government , about the recent evolution is not happy. Your Economy Minister Volker Wissing said in a press release just so authentic that it does not have to be regarded as an affront to the coalition partners: “The sales process of Hahn Airport should be suspended, after doubts about the reliability of the buyer have occurred,” it said. “The issues that now need to be clarified quickly by the body responsible for the sale process of the Interior. The rooster and the region need certainty about the future of the airport. “


What the Ikea recall for German customers means – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

After the death of several infants in North America, the furniture giant Ikea withdraws 36 million dressers. Even in many German bedrooms and living rooms are the Malm-dressers of the Swedish furniture manufacturer, German customers need to worry about? Let them give back the pieces of furniture to the manufacturer

In theory, they could do this: For almost two years ago Ikea has its customers given an unlimited right of return. Who submits the receipt, can furniture anytime exchange after purchase yet and get his money back. Also whom the Malm dresser is not haunted by the recent events, could do this.

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However, there is no reason to – and the German customers also seem to see it that way. In Europe, the pieces of furniture are sold, because, according to local regulations they are safe. “Ikea dressers are safe when they are attached to instructions on the wall,” the company wrote in a press release.

In the United States there is a voluntary safety standard of the industry, which applies to freestanding wardrobes. “Ikea has set the standard for free-standing cabinets not accepted because Ikea dressers are to be attached to the wall,” said the spokeswoman. After the incidents in North America you got an agreement with the US Consumer Product Safety Commission CPSC on the recall

The company also took its customers in the duty. “For many years puts IKEA furniture, which must be secured, always a wall-mounting kit with, “reads the furniture manufacturer. “Warnings on the importance of using the supplied anti-tips can be found in the assembly instructions with a gradual

explanation of their use. We have no information about tipping accidents with properly anchored dressers. “

So if you install the dresser with the included fixing kit on the wall, play it safe and can retain its chest.

the authority blames the pieces of furniture for the deaths of six infants. In February a 22-month-old boy in the US state of Minnesota was killed because a Malm dresser had fallen on him, it said in a statement. 2014 there were two deaths in the states of Pennsylvania and Washington.

The other three cases are, according to the authority further back. Thus died a 20-month-old girl in 1989. From the recall affected were different versions of the Malm-dressers also other shelves with drawers. According to the CPSC about 29 million pieces of them were in America in recent years been sold in Canada 6.6 million.

It is in this month for the fourth time that Ikea with callbacks in the headlines device. On Monday, the furniture company had recalled dark chocolate because milk and hazelnut content was not sufficiently indicated on the packaging. Because the stair gates “PATRULL” had unexpectedly opened in several cases, Ikea asked its customers to return it because of risk of falling, a year before the night light the same series had caused problems. Earlier this month, the Sweden refrigerators and freezers recalled because users could get an electric shock.


Juncker and the Ceta-alone: ​​”For me personally is the schnurzegal” – N24

The German policy is stunned: EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker will decide the FTA Ceta without national parliaments. The criticism because he does not understand.


Clearly has European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker to criticism of the handling of his authority with the Free Trade Agreement with Canada (Ceta) responds. The EU Commission was for a legal analysis suggest that Ceta was an exclusively European agreement and the approval of national parliaments so that would not be necessary

Also interesting:. How Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union could prevent the TTIP

“I that is personal but relatively schnurzegal” Juncker said after an informal meeting of 27 EU leaders in Brussels. Ceta was the best deal that the EU has ever negotiated. nobody have content something to complain about it.

But when would the governments of the EU member states to consider that legal opinions did not count when it comes to politics, he was the last person to defend against it. “I will not die on the altar of legal questions, but I would like occupied by unique appeal that this is not an EU agreement.” He had also suggested that one could ask the parliaments in the member countries, as their governments in the EU Council should vote on Ceta.

Gabriel calls the European Commission “foolish”

German Economics Minister Sigmar Gabriel had previously criticized the refusal of the European Commission to allow national parliaments a say. “The European Commission wants the FTA with Canada with the head against the wall,” said Gabriel. “To decide now that the national parliaments have nothing to say to this trade agreement, is incredibly foolish.”

Gabriel called himself a “proponent of good trade agreements”. However, the European Commission fall all of good will in the back and make them work even harder. “The stupid Pressing Ceta

would explode all conspiracy theories on the proposed free trade agreement,” he warned.

“If the EU Commission makes it, is TTIP dead”

In addition, bring the procedure Juncker and his authority that anyway plug end in deadlock FTA TTIP with the US even further into trouble. “No one will believe that it will run in the agreement with the US TTIP not the same,” he said. Located opposite the Berlin “Tagesspiegel” was Gabriel even further. “If the EU Commission makes at Ceta, TTIP is dead,” he said.

In a vote of the Bundestag there would be no German yes to the agreement with Canada. “Whatever the EU Commission decides: in Germany chooses the German Bundestag,” he explains. Without a Yes the Bundestag he would “agree in no case Ceta,” said the SPD chairman.

Lammerts announcement Seehofer criticism

Bundestag President Norbert Lammert (CDU) insists on being involved the German parliament. “The federal government can not give its necessary for the putting into effect of the contract agreement to the contract according to the legal provisions in force without the participation of the German Bundestag,” said Lammert.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had on the EU pledged summit, she will ask the parliament to an “opinion”.

Seehofer criticized on Wednesday Junckers veto as “irresponsible”. “This is by no means,” said Seehofer in Munich.

Ceta is not only highly controversial in Germany. are defendants inter alia, the non-transparent negotiations and lack of citizen participation. The negotiations on the agreement have been completed between the EU and Canada. According to the EU Commission, it provides for the abolition of 99 per cent of all tariffs before.


Bye, bye Great Britain | Vodafone and Visa are planning Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union-flight – IMAGE

The EU summit the matter without the British Premier. The Scots boss is warmly welcomed in Brussels. Recent reports in the live ticker.

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Economy – consumers in the mood for summer – Sü

Direct from the dpa news channel

Nuremberg (dpa) – Consumer confidence in the German economy is brightening after a dip at the turn further on. The consumer confidence index sets for July, the third time in a row, as GfK market research institute announced in Nuremberg.

The value increased by 0.3 points to 10.1. The income expectations of German even jumped to its best ever since reunification. Only the willingness to make major purchases decreased compared with the previous month decreased slightly.

However, could the EU decision of the British to leave, can dampen the further economic development in the euro zone. The head of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi, warned that growth in the next three years, therefore, be lower together by 0.3 to 0.5 percentage points could be used as previously thought.

In Germany the situation according to estimates by GfK expert Rolf Bürkl currently stable. A good employment situation, pending tariff and pension increases, a very low inflation – the general conditions for confidence in the economy are very low, he said. . Thus, the economic expectations rose significantly by 9.7 points to 18 points to – a high since June 2015

This trend also has an impact on the income expectations of German: With 59.6 points, the value is on a highest level since reunification. Because of the good environment this is,

however, “is not so surprising,” said Bürkl. The increase in pensions from July 1 about caring for a significant increase in purchasing power.

Partly declined the propensity of consumers. She walked by 3.3 meter back to 54.4 points. After twelve-month high in June should this decline, however, not be overestimated, Bürkl said. “The level is still very high.”

After Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union-vote of the British, the expert calls for a quick start of negotiations between the EU and the UK. “Should be a stalemate, there is a risk that consumers will be confused.”

The fear of job losses could then lead to a willingness to make major purchases declining. However, it is my hope that the consumer – as already during the euro debt crisis -. will respond relatively left

Draghi had declared on Tuesday, according to diplomats at the EU summit in Brussels, might be because Britain’s role as a major trading partner lower growth there also hit the euro-zone economy. Rating agencies have already withdrawn from the country, the top grade.
