Friday, January 23, 2015

Video – State meeting in Italy: Merkel and Renzi insist on reforms – STAR

Video – State meeting in Italy: Merkel and Renzi insist on reforms – STAR

After a meeting with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi in Florence Chancellor Angela Merkel has called for greater reforms in the euro zone countries on Friday. more …

The decision by the ECB buying bonds from the previous day she would not comment. Given the very low interest rates, it is time to implement further reforms. O-TON GERMAN CHANCELLOR ANGELA MERKEL “I believe that we in the face of decisions more clearly, so to speak, must vacate aside everything growth precludes all bureaucracy aside to evacuate -. If it’s at home, whether the is in Brussels. ” Reforming zeal, it should not be only in Italy. Renzi said that his government would implement the announced new regulations even faster. ITALIAN PRIME MINISTER RECORDED MATTEO RENZI “The reforms must be accelerated, because we are ONE Europe. Because we are capable of a story to create a past. We want to leave something for our children that is even more

beautiful, even greater and even more important than that. ” With regard to the situation in eastern Ukraine Merkel reiterated that talks about a common economic space with Russia can only take place a fter a peace. O-TON GERMAN CHANCELLOR ANGELA MERKEL “Then one can imagine that, even if these problems with Ukraine a piece of dissolved far, of course, take place between the European Union and the established now Eurasian Union talks on trade issues.” Merkel pointed out that it had already made Russia before the offer of a free trade zone. In the style of Renaissance Florence capital protesting outside many people with a “sculpture of poverty” against the economic policies of the European Union. Merkel and Renzis Europe has only resulted in poverty was to read on their banners. LOCATION: FLORENCE, ITALY Close


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