Saturday, January 24, 2015

Federal Statistical Office – More than three million working end are at risk of poverty – Sü

Federal Statistical Office – More than three million working end are at risk of poverty – Sü

  • the end of 2013, based about 3.1 million employees an income below the poverty line, according to a survey by the Statistical Bundestamtes.
  • The subject is no longer sufficient heat due to lack of money, half a million people only takes every other day a full meal.
  • In December, a survey had shown that one in five people in Germany is affected by poverty or social exclusion.

Dramatically increase in the number of impoverished employed workers

Before Thilo Sarrazin became the best-selling author, he advised poor people how they could save money. You might as well with a “thick sweater” at 15 or 16 degrees room temperature “reasonable living,” he claimed (more here).

In fact, it is so that those affected often do exactly what Sarrazin spoke. The heater turn off to save money. As this is not always about welfare recipients, but more and more often to workers at the shivering, occupied by the Federal Statistical Office. The result: Germany employed impoverished

the end of 2013, based about 3.1 million employees an income below the poverty threshold.. The increase within a few years is massive: There are 25 per cent more than in 2008, the year when Sarrazin made his sweater saying. At that time, the number of working poor remains at approximately 2.5 million, as the Saarbrücken Zeitung reported, citing a special analysis of the statistician.

heat less, eat less, rent later transfer

The lack of money affects for those concerned not only for heating drastically from: household surveys revealed that 379 000 workers at risk of poverty in 2013 could not pay their rent on time. 417000 waived adequate heating, and 538,000 savings while eating, took her by only every second day a full meal.

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Youth Poverty in Germany only every other day a warm meal

You have to live with less than 980 euros a month, their future prospects are bad: According to a study, one in five young people in Germany are poor or at risk of poverty. Reasons, consequences and possible solutions.

A one-week vacation in the year already had for about every other stakeholders (1.5 million) was not affordable. Almost 600,000 victims could not afford their own car.

shall be deemed at risk of poverty according to the report, including all who state transfers such as residential or child benefit achieved less than 60 percent of median income. 2013

16.2 million people out of poverty or social exclusion was concerned that threshold in Germany for 979 euros net per month.

In the same year were 20.3 percent of the population of poverty affected or social exclusion, such as the Federal Statistical Office reported December 2014. Accordingly, one in five residents of the Federal Republic is concerned. 16.2 million people (more here)

2013 reached child poverty in Germany’s population-rich state of North Rhine-Westphalia also a particularly high level Every fifth child was the Statistical. According to the State Office of poverty. Exactly, there were 21.3 percent of children and adolescents under 18 years of age. 2012 There were 20.2 percent.


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