Saturday, January 31, 2015

Greece in the Euro group: Angry at Athens – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Greece in the Euro group: Angry at Athens – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung



          Euro Group CEO Jeroen Dijsselbloem on Friday in Athens


The “kicked out” of the troika of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Central Bank (ECB) and the Commission of the European Union is on the one hand not surprising: the new Greek government realized only what they announced during the election campaign. It certainly has high political symbol effect if the Greek Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis this step before the Athenians media in the presence of the Chief of the euro group, Jeroen Dijsselbloem announced.


Werner Mussler Author: Werner Mussler, born in 1966, business correspondent in Brussels

In Brussels, diplomats ponder already about whether this was well advised to travel to Athens and to express his good will and his willingness to talk there. Such public rebuff obviously did not expect the Dutchman. What are the consequences of the “eviction” for the Troika, which currently is not officially in place, it is too early to judge effectiveness. In the EU capitals – and by far not only in Berlin – outweighs the wrath of Athens. For the time being are the Euro finance ministers fixed in its position that Greece must stick to the agreement with the troika and otherwise get no more money. That you do not let blackmail.


The governments in Paris, Rome and Madrid hold anything from a haircut for Athens – because they have now all calculated through what they would cost, such a step. He would drive her anyway excessive government deficit in height. Voted gentleness are present in the EU only those who want to distribute money that is not them but have others.


There is EU Parliament President Martin Schulz, the Athens has explained in the “mirror” magazine before, as a compromise might look like at the end. He proposes an extension of the repayment terms. Since the French EU Monetary Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici, who set himself in the past week as the great Greek-Versteher scene. And there’s President Jean-Claude Juncker, who will receive the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in the coming week. Also Juncker distribute any money – and it may therefore even more promise better



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Tsipras will also travel to Rome and Paris. That he may also consider the local governments more or less left to his side, must be considered unlikely. The Greek calculating wrong if he thinks the poker with creditors on a power play between themselves and stylize the Chancellor, said in Brussels. “The European series were closed so rare,” says one diplomat. Of course, many capitals are lucky if they can hide in the dispute behind Berlin.


After it is Dijsselbloems verunglücktem visit to Athens than likely that the euro zone finance ministers meet next week for an extraordinary meeting to come to a quick common language. It also remains to define the behavior of the IMF, which has much more stringent statutes as the euro countries. If he is unable to verify compliance with the agreed conditions with a country as lenders – and that might be impossible with the Troika thrown out – he would be until early 2016 running tool may cancel immediately


Editor’s note: An earlier version of this article was accidentally that Giani Varoufakis works as Foreign Minister. This is obviously not true. He is the Minister of Finance of Greece.



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The euro countries are disgraced

Werner Mussler, Brussels

The visit of the Chief of the euro group in Athens was a crashing failure. The public has caught removal Jeroen Dijsselbloem and the euro States cold. But after the insult, the European series united than ever before.

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