Friday, January 30, 2015
The Troika is not to further burden Greece, asks the new government of the country. But who says Alpha, Beta must also say that the Greeks do now and waive Milliadenbetrag .
Greece’s new government has indicated its willingness to surrender to the expected end of February tranche of the EU. In return, Hellas wanted the troika of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission to get rid of in its present form, said Finance Minister Yannis Varoufakis in Athens. In Strasbourg advised German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President François Hollande and European Parliament President Martin Schulz on the situation.
Euro group boss Jeroen Dijsselbloem warned the government of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, understandings of its predecessors with its European partners to break , “Disregard agreements, is not the way forward,” he said after his meeting with Varoufakis in the Greek capital. Several Union politicians called after the announcement of the Greeks to eliminate aid for the country.
Varoufakis assured that his country aspiring “the greatest cooperation” with those of EU, ECB and IMF facilities to. But they no longer wanted to work with an “anti-European troika”, which is based on a “shaky foundation.” Assumed
240 billion loans
Since the crisis began in 2010, beating experts unpopular in Greece Troika regularly in Athens, to direct the government to enforce measures to reduce debt such as privatization and massive layoffs of state employees. In return, Greece received since 2010 loans of 240 billion euros to avert national bankruptcy.
The visits of the Troika representatives in Greece were often held under heavy police protection. In many Greeks who are affected by mass unemployment and have to make do with halved wages and salaries, they encountered strong opposition. The last two meetings between the Troika representatives and the government of the right-wing conservative Tsipras predecessor Antonis Samaras were not then
the end of February to decide the troika experts, whether Athens the required measures transposed so that the payment of the remaining loan tranche may be granted over seven billion euros. Varoufakis had already said on Thursday in an interview with the “New York Times”, he did not want the seven billion euros. Instead, he wanted that “the whole program” will covered.
Tsipras does not travel to Berlin
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Before his meeting with the Greek finance minister led Dijsselbloem talks with Prime Minister Tsipras, his deputy Ioannis Dragasakis and the Commissioner for International Economic Relations Vice Foreign Minister Euklidis Tsakalotos.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande on Friday for a confidential working lunch in Strasbourg met. European Parliament President Martin Schulz had invited to the informal meeting and expected guests at the entrance of the Strasbourg restaurants near the European Parliament. It was said that after the tripartite meeting no explanations were given
Tsipras and Varoufakis travel next week to meet with their colleagues to Italy and France -. In the hopes of encountering there on sympathy for their suggestions. ” / p>
The Greek Economy Minister Giorgos Stathakis reiterated his government’s intention, “definitely” to stay in the euro zone. But talking to the “mirror” he demanded renegotiation of the EU rescue package. This should not be done with the troika, but with governments.
The Athens Stock Exchange, which was launched on Friday in Plus, listed in the afternoon a drop of almost two percent. The interest rate on ten-year Greek government bonds exceeded 11.5 percent again the ten-percent mark.

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