Monday, January 26, 2015

Left-right coalition in Athens: “A downright frivolous policy experiment” – NEWS

Left-right coalition in Athens: "A downright frivolous policy experiment" – NEWS


 Monday, January 26, 2015


Just one day after the parliamentary elections in Greece is the change of government in Athens perfectly: Hours after his historic election victory forged SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras a controversial coalition with the right-wing populist Independent Greeks. Tsipras, who took off his oath of office on Monday even as the new prime minister promises to protect the interests of the highly indebted euro-crisis country. The common denominator of both parties is the strict rejection of austerity programs and the requirement of debt by international lenders. The euro zone finance ministers reject a new haircut for Greece but from. What does the election for the country’s future and for the EU? What he teaches Europe? . Discuss the commentators in the German press

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung is stretched: “For Tsipras and his coalition troops beats now . The moment of truth Everything so far has been done in a responsible free space now they need to transition to create the demagogic rhetoric to reality of governance, the heroism of the road to serious European Partnership In other words, strong ‘. > Now begins phase of Abrüstens in expectations and voter frustrations . Greece’s way just does not effortlessly into alleged welfare paradise of the young guard. The Old Guard knew way forward not back past. But many voters did not like her to follow it “

Full expectations put the Stuttgarter Zeitung : “The Europeans have an opportunity to correct its own errors . Thus, the Troika lack of social balance if not dictated, as approved at least. The costs of the crisis have largely paid for lower and middle income groups, while the upper crust were unscathed. But the recent ruling parties have shied away from being to mess with their own clientele and the oligarchs in the country. This is now a freshman, especially with such a clear government order, create. Ironically Tsipras could So a radical restructuring of Greek structures initiate , which is necessary to increase competitiveness and attractiveness of the country for investors. But would accommodation in reducing the mountain of debt worth

In the Nürnberger Nachrichten is to be read.” Greece and the rest of southern Europe need no empty promise, but actions, projects, sustainable investment , an almost incalculable number first break ground. No one needs to ‘capture’ the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras again: If he wants his country to bring growth, will have to

skip he ideological barriers and political alliances with donor countries need

Alarmed responding to the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger .” The explosiveness of SYRIZA success lies not a threat to the survival of the euro, but Strengthening populist, europe critical movements . The change of government in Athens could political shift of power in southern Europe initiate . all the more urgent it is, previous rescue strategy to rethink . In Greece, the sterile austerity has proved to be a mistake. The country has not healthy, but poor saved. Greece needs more room for investments and for social assistance. The success of the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn is a warning sign that you should not miss in Europe. “

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The newspaper group Straubinger Tagblatt / Landshut newspaper sees it differently: “However difficult it may be for the people of Greece also: incisions in the labor and social costs can not be undone because increases are not easy to achieve. And as I said: No one can expect for example Slovakia , where the standard of living is lower, for higher benefits in Greece comes “<. / p>

What the Austeritätspolitiker must have learned from the Greek case that further reforms is the Wetzlar Neue Zeitung takes the view that “(…) now time to collaborate and sustainable products need , which distribute the burden of adjustment fair. This is not always happened in the past few years. Only then will it be possible to bring Tsipras and the problematic Polterer his coalition on the path of virtue. “

The common Government trying very left and very right bestowed Greece in the view of Minden Tageblatt a downright frivolous policy experiment . The old elites of links to law have ridden the country into the mess and knew how to make quite in the old clientele Spirit, the previous cleanup. Now get even the fundamental opposition a chance – for example, to fight corruption. This could be instructive. And be it a visual example of the disenchantment of populists “.

Compiled by Susanne Niedorf



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