Sunday, January 25, 2015

Increased sales by 30 percent: The beer can is making a comeback – NEWS

Increased sales by 30 percent: The beer can is making a comeback – NEWS


 Sunday, January 25, 2015


 Soda and beer cans are again popular. After the deposit system was drastically break the paragraph, the rifle is experiencing a renaissance. Some breweries again sold twice as much beer in aluminum or steel Pack.



The beverage can experienced twelve years after the introduction of the mandatory deposit a little comeback. Last year (BCME) were nationwide sold 1.86 billion piece according to the Association of beverage can maker. This represents an increase of just over 30 percent compared to the previous year, as the “West German Allgemeine Zeitung” reported. The proportion of beer cans was paid according to the association at 44.5 percent, or 826 million pieces, there had even been an increase of over 54 percent.

“There is a certain return of the box,” said Horst Zocher the market research institute GfK “WAZ”. Even large brewery groups such as Carlsberg, Oettinger or Radeberger register according to the report a growing level of interest in cans of beer.

cans of beer for Singles

While going the box no 20 percent market share as reach the mandatory deposit, but they have a

realistic potential of eight to ten percent, said Jana Gebicke of the brewery Oettinger the newspaper. From 2010 to 2013, the canned beer business of Oettinger has doubled. Also in 2014 there was double-digit growth

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In 2002 -. Dosenpfand before – about 7.5 billion cans were sold. Then the sales dramatically collapsed. For several years, there are again significant growth rates. Especially with Energy-Dinks or coffee specialties dominated this type of packaging. Environmentalists see the return of the can, however, critical

“The box has certain advantages to the consumers now seem to remember: A good portability, light weight and unbreakable packaging.”, Said Radeberger- spokeswoman Birte Kleppien. The cans manufacturers also refer to changing consumer habits. Just singles rather bought drinks in smaller packages, for her, the can be attractive.



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