Friday, January 30, 2015

Cooperation terminated: Commotion in Athens: Greece raises the troika of … – ABC Online

Cooperation terminated: Commotion in Athens: Greece raises the troika of … – ABC Online

Friday, 30.01.2015, 18:16
“socInfo” Info

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scandal in Athens: Greece no longer works now together with the troika. This was announced by the new Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis today. This one had promised the voters in the run-up to the election. Greece now striving own reforms

Between the new Greek government and the Euro Group, there has been an uproar. Greece is, according to the new finance minister Yanis Varoufakis no longer cooperate with the international troika. They had promised the voters to end this collaboration with the European Commission, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), because you refuse to austerity measures, the minister said on Friday after meeting with Euro-group leader Jeroen Dijsselbloem in Athens.

Varoufakis: Athens wants to implement reforms

“Our first act as government can not be that we give up this position again where we require an extension of the program.” However Varoufakis assured at the same time that Athens wants to implement reforms to make the Greek economy more competitive and strive for a balanced budget. Only one will accept no deflation and unsustainable debt. What this means in detail, he left open

Video. Comment: why Tsipras is the big loser

Dijsselbloem: Help them conditional on the Greeks obligations to comply

Dijsselbloem said he had warned the new government before unilateral action and asking them to adhere to agreements which do exist. He stressed that Greece is not much time left. It lies now in the hands of the government in Athens to decide how it should go further. The background: the end of

February joins the rescue package for Greece. Without a new agreement Athens will be left to their own from March 1, then the money could be scarce.

The head of the euro group had previously met with the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and other senior officials of the new Greek government.

confrontation indicated already in the campaign to

Schaeuble said in Berlin, trust and reliability are the basis for further solidarity that all required in Europe. “It is little to argue with us, and beyond, we are hard to blackmail.”

Back in the election campaign, this confrontation had indicated to the euro partners. The government will run through the end of the austerity program, even if the Greeks of the money supply will turned off, a high official of the Finance Ministry in Athens had said on Friday the German Press Agency.

Since 2010, international financial aid Greece from bankruptcy


If necessary, Athens would even appeal to the European Court of Justice. Many decisions in recent years, which concern the tough austerity program were illegal, it was said in circles of Finance in Athens.

Greece is preserved since 2010 with international financial assistance amounting to 240 billion euros from bankruptcy. In return, the country has committed to massive savings and reforms that now wants to partially withdraw the new government. But the country plagued still liabilities of more than 300 billion euros – in terms of economic performance that is the highest mountain of debt of all euro countries

Video: This explains Tsipras the end of austerity


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