With the German economy continues upward. Sigmar Gabriel could present a 0.2 percentage points to 1.5 percent growth forecast on Wednesday in the new Annual Economic Report 2015. more …
Thus, the development was relatively low and stable over the previous year. And say to the black and red German government and the associated Federal Minister of Economics an employment record of 42.8 million people ahead. And yet Gabriel warned at the economic outlook for caution, reason had diverse risks such as the future of Greece. It was in this country existentially dependent on a good performance and stability in Europe, RECORDED GABRIEL: “I would advise you not somehow accept these growth figures set or where, but I think it makes sense, with a mixture of optimism, but it is also realistic about the challenges may lie ahead of us to take these comparatively good prognosis note. ” In order to secure future growth, more should be

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