Friday, January 23, 2015

“Charlie Hebdo-’-Schmähung: Daimler works council threatens impeachment – SPIEGEL ONLINE

"Charlie Hebdo-'-Schmähung: Daimler works council threatens impeachment – SPIEGEL ONLINE

Rastatt – a council member of the Daimler plant in Rastatt threatened impeachment proceedings for statements about the attack on the satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo”. Both works council and IG Metall and companies wishing to seek the dismissal of workers’ representative to the labor court in Karlsruhe. This was confirmed by all three sides on Friday. Previously, local media reported it. The council was informed on Thursday evening of his decision.

The man did with comments on his private Facebook page as “Everyone pays for his actions! The one earlier and later … Fuck Charlie Hebdo the other” caused an uproar in the workforce, it was IG Metall. These were the union believes far beyond a normal expression beyond. She pointed to an attitude that “ murder as a legitimate means in the political debate justify “. In the attack on the French satirical magazine twelve people were killed by Islamists on 7 January in Paris.

distancing rejected

union and works council had asked the man to distance itself from the

remarks. He got rejected, said the chairman of the council Ullrich Zinnert. But a works council have the legal mandate to stand in operation for equality and democratic rights, established the first representative of IG Metall in Gaggenau, Claudia Peter the procedure.

If the dismissal before the labor court success, the man loses his council post for which he was released, but can return to the same job again. Other consequences not threaten: opinions expressed on Facebook and other social media are private, said a Daimler spokesman. Prerequisite for employment consequences are clearly related to the employment relationship as well as a violation of the labor law obligations. “This is not the case here.”

Also, a process of elimination from the IG Metall is not currently provided by the words of a speaker. The case will however still being examined.


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