Thursday, January 29, 2015

Surprising turn: Burger King store operator shall file for insolvency back – ABC Online

Surprising turn: Burger King store operator shall file for insolvency back – ABC Online

Thursday, 01.29.2015, 20:13
“socInfo” Info

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For weeks it was quiet at the back opened branches Burger King – now there are surprising news: The operating company withdrew the bankruptcy petition. Now it remains to be seen how to proceed.

The file bankruptcy for operating company of 89 after weeks of closure reopened Fast food is off the table. The district court Stade announced on Thursday that a request from the company had been accepted. Behind the company is the Russian investor Alexander Kolobov. According to a statement he has put together a financial package to over 15 million euros for the operating company. The stores have about 3,000 employees.

Burger King had its largest franchisee Yi-Ko, to which the operating company Burger King GmbH heard terminated without notice with reference to breaches of contract in November. Then the stores had to close. After a bankruptcy petition Burger King GmbH, the fast-food chain had with the previous provisional liquidator Marc Odebrecht entered into a license agreement, and also provides a mass credit in the millions. This paved the way for the reopening of the

branches had become free.

“No one is interested to risk jobs”

As it now goes for fast food restaurants remains to be seen. The bankruptcy filing of the operating company were multi-day negotiations between Burger King and Europe Kolobov preceded, but failed. From the fast-food chain no opinion was initially available in the evenings.

The Russian investor has now been brought restoration experts of the company Fritz Nol AG under the direction of Ingo Voigt on board. This told Deutsche Presse-Agentur on Thursday night: “We are confident that we can achieve a reasonable agreement.” The branches should be operated under the name of Burger King on. “We assume that no interest has to risk the jobs.”

The release announced that the financial package now granted by Kolobov would allow the company to “pay the claims of creditors and workers who had accumulated during the closure of plants and led to the company filed for insolvency had”.

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