On Friday, it was in Athens for the big bang: The new Greek government announced that it will no longer want to work with the Troika. A day later, the new Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is now back peaceful, inter alia, in a telephone conversation with ECB chief Mario Draghi.
Greece’s new Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has tried one day after the confrontation with the international creditors to a more conciliatory tone. The country would repay its debts and not act unilaterally, the radical left prime minister said on Saturday, according to government sources. He was sure that the euro-land and its lenders might find an agreement on the debt in the hundreds of billions of dollars, he added
Insider. Tsipras phoned Draghi
Tsipras’ party SYRIZA announced that it no longer with the so-called troika of lenders – to negotiate – the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Instead, one wants to talk to individual governments of the euro zone, it said. Tsipras said now but it was never his intention to unilaterally act
Finance traveling to Rome, London and Paris
The finance ministers of the last few days the ruling left-right coalition, Yanis Varoufakis had, on Friday, however, a very tense conversation with the Euro group boss Jeroen Dijsselbloem out. Now plans Varoufakis trips to Rome, London and Paris to meet with his counterpart, as it was called in government circles on.
Greece had 2010 after years of the boom thanks to low interest rates upon entry into the euro group on the edge of ruin stood. In exchange for multibillion dollar bailout fund of the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, the country had to drive an austerity plan and implement reforms. SYRIZA had announced before the election to make many of these measures reversed. Since the start of the new government there was already first tensions with the EU on the future austerity measures in Greece, but also about the attitude towards Russia because of Ukraine conflict
In the video. Here Greece throws the Troika out

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