Sunday, January 25, 2015

Several companies complain with German rail against air cargo cartel – Tiroler Tageszeitung Online

Several companies complain with German rail against air cargo cartel – Tiroler Tageszeitung Online

Berlin / Frankfurt (APA / AFP) – The AUA mother Lufthansa and other large airlines encounter due to collusion on prices for cargo flights debts of around 3 billion euros. An action for damages in the DB before the Landgericht Köln conditions have now “several other large companies” connected, said a railway spokesman on Sunday, confirming a report in the “Bild am Sonntag”.

would Together now 2 demanded billion euros in damages and € 900 million interest.

Many airlines have agreed the terms for cargo flights, according to the European Commission, between December 1999 and February of 2006. They agreed bilaterally and multilaterally its approach to fuel and security surcharges, for which no discounts were given. The German train looks through the collusion

their transport subsidiary Schenker damaged.

Therefore, the railway reached in December 2014 in Cologne lawsuit against a ten airlines, including Lufthansa, Air Canada, British Airways, Japan Airlines and Qantas. Of them, the Group requires about 1.2 billion euros in damages, plus interest EUR 560 million.

What companies are now joined this lawsuit, did not want to tell the web spokesman. The German railway is also in the US legal action against the air cargo cartel before

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