Saturday, January 31, 2015

Statistics: Verschenkte and inherited assets are greater – evening paper Munich

Statistics: Verschenkte and inherited assets are greater – evening paper Munich


major assets are given away and inherited in Germany forever. The donated assets rose to 39.9 billion euros in 2013, since the inheritance tax reform of 2009 by more than three times



Wiesbaden – The bonus with the inherited assets fell by almost 42 percent (30.5 billion euros) significantly lower, the Federal Statistics Office in Wiesbaden


The number of given away assets fell in the same period by more than 21 percent to 46,832 back, mainly because after the reform, the allowances are increased. Donations that fall under the exemption limit are not included in the statistics. The proportion of donations of more than 20 million euros thus took from 12 to almost 49 percent


Because of the higher allowances and favorable regulations for the inheritance of business assets shrank taxable donations (minus 13.7 percent) and the actual fixed income (down 21.4 percent). The state took in 2013 approximately 4.6 billion euros from inheritance and gift tax on (2009: 4.5 billion euros)

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The operating assets was (except 2010) in each year, the largest gift of assets and liabilities. Due to the favorable legal position, these donations increased in the same period from 5.2 billion to 20.1 billion euros. The Federal Constitutional Court has partially explains this scheme in December 2014 unconstitutional. The old system had previously been used yet strong, the professionals

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Conciliatory tones from Athens: Real or change of tactics? Tspiras rows … – ABC Online

Conciliatory tones from Athens: Real or change of tactics? Tspiras rows … – ABC Online

Saturday, 01.31.2015, 21:51
“socInfo” Info

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On Friday, it was in Athens for the big bang: The new Greek government announced that it will no longer want to work with the Troika. A day later, the new Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is now back peaceful, inter alia, in a telephone conversation with ECB chief Mario Draghi.

Greece’s new Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has tried one day after the confrontation with the international creditors to a more conciliatory tone. The country would repay its debts and not act unilaterally, the radical left prime minister said on Saturday, according to government sources. He was sure that the euro-land and its lenders might find an agreement on the debt in the hundreds of billions of dollars, he added

Insider. Tsipras phoned Draghi

Tsipras’ party SYRIZA announced that it no longer with the so-called troika of lenders – to negotiate – the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Instead, one wants to talk to individual governments of the euro zone, it said. Tsipras said now but it was never his intention to unilaterally act

Also on the ECB Tsipras rowed apparently back. Have the new prime minister on Friday evening with ECB President Mario Draghi signaled the phone and willingness to
cooperate, said Saturday an insider. When the phone call “, it was confirmed that the will to find one for Greece and Europe alike advantageous solution”, was reported from the districts now. An ECB spokesman declined to comment it.

Finance traveling to Rome, London and Paris

The finance ministers of the last few days the ruling left-right coalition, Yanis Varoufakis had, on Friday, however, a very tense conversation with the Euro group boss Jeroen Dijsselbloem out. Now plans Varoufakis trips to Rome, London and Paris to meet with his counterpart, as it was called in government circles on.

Greece had 2010 after years of the boom thanks to low interest rates upon entry into the euro group on the edge of ruin stood. In exchange for multibillion dollar bailout fund of the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, the country had to drive an austerity plan and implement reforms. SYRIZA had announced before the election to make many of these measures reversed. Since the start of the new government there was already first tensions with the EU on the future austerity measures in Greece, but also about the attitude towards Russia because of Ukraine conflict

In the video. Here Greece throws the Troika out


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Two scenarios after the Troika expulsion of Greece – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Two scenarios after the Troika expulsion of Greece – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung



          What the Greeks really want?


The new Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his ministers know well how to do (bad) talked about in other countries: Only Tsipras stops a number of international donors agreed privatizations. Then he announced that he intends to many laid-off state employees again. A little later, Athens outraged by new EU sanctions against Russia. Greek Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis explains in a joint press conference with euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem suddenly cooperation with the troika inspectors closed. And the Greek Defence Minister Panos Kammenos finally flew shortly after taking office, some island off the coast of Turkey and triggers a fighter use of both countries from.


Alexander Armbruster Author: Alexander Armbruster, born in 1982, editor in business.

What is this ?, people in other euro countries that have kept Greece with a lot of money from bankruptcy wonder – and probably many Greeks who have not made at SYRIZA or her right-wing populist coalition partners Anel last Sunday of her back – at least 60 percent, so the majority of voters. Breaking the Greeks now their ties to Europe from and contact the Kremlin? Greece rises out of the euro and sets the debt service? Two scenarios are possible:


. 1 The major escalation

The new Greek government is on a collision course. She announced – with reference to its manifesto – One further agreed with international donors simple reforms on. It requires a haircut, rejecting further financial and returns the austerity measures in recent years back. All this she does on their own, without consulting the other euro countries.


In a few weeks she realizes that everything does not work at the same time, because it simply has no money for all of their campaign promises. The euro countries on the other hand, maintain that there is no haircut and no new money without conditions. Then Greece would have no choice but to choose the state bankruptcy to escape from the euro and to introduce a new currency. The euro countries remain on their loan originators, or they get back drachmas.


If one assumes a certain rationality on both sides and the statements of all the pages are meant seriously, then it comes as no: Merkel wants Greece hold in the monetary union and the Tsipras government does not want to come out also – the majority of Greeks anyway not.



. 2 The big show

Alexis Tsipras and his government of course know that they can not make big jumps financial: the country is going sooner rather than later the money out if it can not agree with the donors. In addition, wiggle the Greek banks, now many people have money deducted. Tsipras can not make a complete over but a few days after his election, unless he wants to be hunted by his own voters go to hell. So he rumbles now once the louder in order to demonstrate at least some political successes can.


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Euro group chief in Athens The end of the grace period

Athens announces the Troika inspectors of international donors. After the change is the first big row between the damp land and the other euro countries there. Greek banks, meanwhile, goes out of money. An analysis. More From Michael Martens

30/01/2015, 17:31 clock | Economy

Athens Greece before the election

On Sunday, the Greeks elect a new parliament and Alexis Tsipras could lead the new government. Surveys see the left-wing party alliance SYRIZA first More

25/01/2015, 11:14 am Clock |. Policy



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Two scenarios after the Troika expulsion of Greece

After the Troika sacking

The big fight – or the big show

From Alexander Armbruster

Greece announces the Troika, flirting with Russia and provoked Turkey. What did before the new government in Athens? Hellas turns actually from Europe and the Euro? Here are two scenarios.

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Conciliatory tones from Athens: Real change of heart? Tspiras rows according to Troika … – ABC Online

Conciliatory tones from Athens: Real change of heart? Tspiras rows according to Troika … – ABC Online

Saturday, 01.31.2015, 21:51
“socInfo” Info

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On Friday, it was in Athens for the big bang: The new Greek government announced that it will no longer want to work with the Troika. A day later, the new Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is now back peaceful, inter alia, in a telephone conversation with ECB chief Mario Draghi.

Greece’s new Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has tried one day after the confrontation with the international creditors to a more conciliatory tone. The country would repay its debts and not act unilaterally, the radical left prime minister said on Saturday, according to government sources. He was sure that the euro-land and its lenders might find an agreement on the debt in the hundreds of billions of dollars, he added

Insider. Tsipras phoned Draghi

Tsipras’ party SYRIZA announced that it no longer with the so-called troika of lenders – to negotiate – the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Instead, one wants to talk to individual governments of the euro zone, it said. Tsipras said now but it was never his intention to unilaterally act

Also on the ECB Tsipras rowed apparently back. Have the new prime minister on Friday evening with ECB President Mario Draghi signaled the phone and willingness to
cooperate, said Saturday an insider. When the phone call “, it was confirmed that the will to find one for Greece and Europe alike advantageous solution”, was reported from the districts now. An ECB spokesman declined to comment it.

Finance traveling to Rome, London and Paris

The finance ministers of the last few days the ruling left-right coalition, Yanis Varoufakis had, on Friday, however, a very tense conversation with the Euro group boss Jeroen Dijsselbloem out. Now plans Varoufakis trips to Rome, London and Paris to meet with his counterpart, as it was called in government circles on.

Greece had 2010 after years of the boom thanks to low interest rates upon entry into the euro group on the edge of ruin stood. In exchange for multibillion dollar bailout fund of the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, the country had to drive an austerity plan and implement reforms. SYRIZA had announced before the election to make many of these measures reversed. Since the start of the new government there was already first tensions with the EU on the future austerity measures in Greece, but also about the attitude towards Russia because of Ukraine conflict

In the video. Here Greece throws the Troika out


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Greece’s Finance Minister: We need Germany – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Greece's Finance Minister: We need Germany – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung



          The criticism of the new Greek Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis would thus also of many a professor of economics may come into Germany.

          � �                                                  

The new Greek Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis was before his press conference with the Euro group boss Jeroen Dijsselbloem safely yesterday, Friday the most famous man in the Cabinet of the popular Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. Ever since he is in any case: For he announced alongside the Dutch finance minister clearly tried to pose that his country will no longer work with the Troika inspectors. That was almost immediate international headline. The observers wondered immediately: What does this mean? Is he really mean it?


In the evening Varoufakis was then the British television channel BBC an interesting interview in which he himself and his government’s plans says (here in the original) and at the same time trying to smooth things over. In it, he answers the question of whether Greece will actually accept any more aid money, so: “Just imagine once, a friend comes to you and says she has trouble paying off their mortgage because they lost their jobs or from a other reason have lower disposable income. And then she presents you an idea: you would have there the possibility to get a credit card, and could therefore be paid in the next few months the rates. Would you recommend her to consider anyway “And he adds:” (…) this is the right approach for something that is primarily an insolvency problem. This is in Greece for five years now the problem “In Germany Varoufakis is therefore likely to encounter just under known economists significant agreement -.. Ifo President Hans-Werner Sinn speaks quite similar, AfD boss Bernd Lucke and


Varoufakis wants so now it’s over. And he wants, as he then says in the interview, do not terminate the cooperation with international donors and speaks of the other euro countries explicitly as “partners”. He sounds like someone who wants to soothe – so no one who plans burn all bridges are talking about. He also says: “This is not a game where it’s about who shrugs first.”


His government would be wise to sit down with the donors and find a way that it will not c ontinue as in the past five years. This would not improve Greece’s situation. And they had Europe politically seriously damaged in the sense that in many countries, extremist parties and movements emerged or have become stronger – an interesting statement in view of the fact that he himself is minister of a left-wing populist party formed a coalition with a right grouping. Him and his government it is a matter now to make a suggestion that minimizes the cost of the crisis for the average European taxpayers, “not only for the Greek.”

                                                             He would not know understood that any cooperation had become obsolete

His Troika utterances. His government would continue to cooperate with the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, the European Commission and each euro country. Upon request, he also says that his government will work with the troika as overall design further.

“We want a new program, a new deal for Greece.” He was defending itself against the Troika but so far they implementing a program in Greece itself and monitor that failed in the eyes of his government.


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He also rejects the accusation that his government wanted to important structural reforms to turn back – “On the contrary, we want they even deepen “. “We Greeks themselves but are fed up of living in a country that desperately needs reform, and they do not riff.” This spilled over the past five years, the program has many problems in Greece but not taken into account.


Finally, it is also asked how he keeps it with the German government Merkel, who is made for the country’s problems by many Greeks as Beater of “saving dictation” and therefore responsible. He points to a text written by himself contribution (read here in his blog) entitled “Europe needs a hegemonic Germany” and stresses the importance of Germany is a growth engine for Europe in his view. Even such a sentence has been by the Greek government – not heard

– at least publicly, and with such clarity.


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Radical change Tsipras examines the showdown with Europe

The new Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has announced a radical change in his country. He wanted to end the cronyism and negotiate debt relief with international donors. More

01/28/2015, 16:28 clock | Politics

Euro group chief in Athens The end of the grace period

Athens announces the Troika inspectors of international donors. After the change is the first big row between the damp land and the other euro countries there. Greek banks, meanwhile, goes out of money. An analysis. More From Michael Martens

30/01/2015, 17:31 clock ‘/ span> | Economy

Greece New government throws out the troika

On Friday, the battle lines harden in the dispute between Greece and the EU. The new Finance Varoufakis announced the collaboration with the troika of the European Commission, IMF and European Central Bank. More

31.01.2015, 13:09 clock | Economy



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Giani Varoufakis

We need Germany

Greek Finance Minister is an exciting television interview: Europe needs an economically strong Germany. Greece needs more reforms. And he says to the Troika surprising.

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Conflict between Greece and EU intensifies –

Conflict between Greece and EU intensifies –

Athens / Vienna – The conflict between the new Greek government under Alexis Tsipras and donors is getting worse. On Friday came from Athens more news about the termination of agreed measures. Besides the already known reinstatement of civil servants and the suspension of planned privatizations cooperation with the troika is now terminated. Greece’s new Finance Minister Yiannis Varoufakis, explained that they had promised the voters to end this collaboration with the European Commission, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), because they reject the austerity measures. “Our first act as government can not be that we give up this position again, by requesting an extension of the program.”


Varoufakis spoke after a meeting with euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem in Athens. However Varoufakis assured at the same time that Athens wants to implement reforms to make the Greek economy more competiti ve, and striving for a balanced budget. Only one will accept no deflation and unsustainable debt. What this means in detail, he left open. Dijsselbloem said he had warned the new government before unilateral action and asking them to adhere to the existing arrangements. You’ll decide before the end of February expiring utility, such should continue to be moved.


progress and commitments


The progress made so far in Greece may not be re-questioned said the Dutchman. Other European aid is conditional on Greece einhalte its obligations. The leading stock market slumped in Athens after the joint press conference both politicians further. The concern in the financial markets is growing that the highly indebted country is sliding in the absence of further aid money into bankruptcy. The cost of insurance against default of sovereign debt has exploded in the past week, the yield on government bonds rises above the threshold of ten per

cent. Particularly at risk are the banks that depend on a drip of the ECB. About the Greek national central bank, more than 50 billion euros stuck in emergency funds in the banks. Exacerbated the situation by the withdrawal of funds since the election of Tsipras. Insiders say that from the expiry of the utility end of February and the emergency funds under the title ELA (European Liquidity Assistance) will be blocked. Then it c ame under the Greek banks probably a domino effect, analysts said.


The change of course is especially popular in Germany for detuning. Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble expressed willingness to talk on Friday though, but Tsipras warned to move away from reform agreements. Blackmail were not Europeans, said his spokesman. He stressed that Greece’s partners in Europe and the IMF had gone with their aids together of € 240 billion to the limit of what is possible.


The German government reiterated its position that it holds nothing of a debt restructuring for Greece and a European Debt Conference, as it had been elsewhere mooted by politicians in Athens. Also Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho, whose country also had to call on assistance from the IMF and the euro partners, opposed to any such Debt Conference. He would not support anything which would mean a waiver or debt rescheduling for countries at the expense of its part ners.


Tsipras want to travel next week to Cyprus, Rome and Paris to hold meetings with governments. A meeting with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker is planned a visit to Berlin is not. On the other hand, the German government has it not been invited. Angela Merkel, he would seem to meet at the EU summit on 12 February. (Red, Reuters, THE STANDARD, 31/1/2015)


GDP data for the fourth quarter: US economic growth disappointed Experts – NEWS

GDP data for the fourth quarter: US economic growth disappointed Experts – NEWS


 Friday, January 30, 2015


 The economy is booming again in the USA. The Americans have more money in your pocket and buy a hardworking. Obama sees already been confirmed. But the good mood is getting a little damper.



The economy in the United States has cooled down surprisingly year-end. In the fourth quarter of 2014, economic growth slowed to an annual rate of 2.6 percent, as the Commerce Department in Washington announced on the basis of preliminary figures. In the third quarter, the economy had grown by five percent. In the run Economists surveyed had expected 3.0 percent. Although the consumption increased so vigorously as since 2006 no longer, but companies decided to postpone their investment

had the consumer due to the low energy prices would more money and bought diligently a -. Consumer spending were fourth quarter as high as for almost eight years no more. However, business investment and exports rose comparatively slight. The background was particularly strong dollar and the weakening global economy.

For the full year, the Ministry was a growth of 2.4 percent known. The largest economy in the world so that section 2014 slightly better than 2013 as the gross domestic product had risen (GDP) in the United States by 2.2 percent. According to a forecast by the International Monetary Fund, the US will remain a global growth engines this year: She even goes out of an increase of 3.6 percent – more than in any other major industrialized country. Germany will be credited

only 1.3 percent.

Families should have something like this

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The White House evaluated the growth figures as confirmation of the policies of President Barack Obama. Whose economic adviser Jason Furman said that the President would boost with an “economic policy for the middle class,” the economy continues. The economic recovery must be “wide with all American families” shared. Because of the robust economy, the US Federal Reserve is expected later this year raise interest rates. Experts predict the summer with this step. Since the end of 2008, the interest rates are close to zero percent.

Even by the government could further stimulate the demand come. Obama wants to relax in his remaining two years in office in the fiscal consolidation over the reins noticeably. At an event with Congressman his Democrats in Philadelphia on Thursday night Obama called an end to the current austerity. In particular, the head of state will force since the spring of 2013, automatic spending cuts to the collar. As stated target US government circles before the speech in Philadelphia an end to the “stupid austerity” from. On Monday, Obama plans to present its draft budget for the financial year starting in autumn 2016.



Here Greece issued a removal of the Troika – ABC Online

Here Greece issued a removal of the Troika – ABC Online


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Even before it crackled huge. As Euro group boss Jeroen Dijsselbloem and Greek Finance Minister Giani new Varoufakis after two hours talking to the press room entered, the atmosphere was stretched to breaking.


The welcome of euro-group leader Jeroen Dijsselbloem by Greece’s new Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis in Athens was friendly. And yet the fronts hardened on Friday in the dispute between Greece and the EU. Varoufakis announced to working with the troika of the European Commission, IMF and European Central Bank. Which had been negotiated for the aid donors and runs with the land. Even the current bailout program, stand still from the payments do not want to extend the Greek government. At the same time assured Varoufakis, Athens would implement reforms to make the economy more competitive.

“Our government will continue the outermost cooperation with the institutions of the euro zone and look for the IMF, but with the Committee of the troika, the aims to implement a program that we think is anti-European and that is poorly structured according to the European Parliament, we do not want to work. “

Dijsselbloem warned Greece to unilateral decisions and urged the new government to to comply with the existing arrangements.

“I understand that the Greek population has been through a lot in recent years and had to endure harsh measures. But a lot of progress has been made in Greece to get back on track and I think it is important not to lose this progress. “

Dijsselbloem met on Friday in Athens with the new Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. This will in next week’s inaugural visits to a number of European partners and the European Commission, but not in Germany. During the campaign, he had German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the view expressed by its austerity policies for the social problems in his country partly responsible. The deadline to remove barriers to the payment of the last installment of the Euro-utility runs until 28 February. However, the Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanow has already signaled his country if Greece for financial help please, you’ll think about it.


Greece in the Euro group: Angry at Athens – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Greece in the Euro group: Angry at Athens – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung



          Euro Group CEO Jeroen Dijsselbloem on Friday in Athens


The “kicked out” of the troika of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Central Bank (ECB) and the Commission of the European Union is on the one hand not surprising: the new Greek government realized only what they announced during the election campaign. It certainly has high political symbol effect if the Greek Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis this step before the Athenians media in the presence of the Chief of the euro group, Jeroen Dijsselbloem announced.


Werner Mussler Author: Werner Mussler, born in 1966, business correspondent in Brussels

In Brussels, diplomats ponder already about whether this was well advised to travel to Athens and to express his good will and his willingness to talk there. Such public rebuff obviously did not expect the Dutchman. What are the consequences of the “eviction” for the Troika, which currently is not officially in place, it is too early to judge effectiveness. In the EU capitals – and by far not only in Berlin – outweighs the wrath of Athens. For the time being are the Euro finance ministers fixed in its position that Greece must stick to the agreement with the troika and otherwise get no more money. That you do not let blackmail.


The governments in Paris, Rome and Madrid hold anything from a haircut for Athens – because they have now all calculated through what they would cost, such a step. He would drive her anyway excessive government deficit in height. Voted gentleness are present in the EU only those who want to distribute money that is not them but have others.


There is EU Parliament President Martin Schulz, the Athens has explained in the “mirror” magazine before, as a compromise might look like at the end. He proposes an extension of the repayment terms. Since the French EU Monetary Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici, who set himself in the past week as the great Greek-Versteher scene. And there’s President Jean-Claude Juncker, who will receive the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in the coming week. Also Juncker distribute any money – and it may therefore even more promise better



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Tsipras will also travel to Rome and Paris. That he may also consider the local governments more or less left to his side, must be considered unlikely. The Greek calculating wrong if he thinks the poker with creditors on a power play between themselves and stylize the Chancellor, said in Brussels. “The European series were closed so rare,” says one diplomat. Of course, many capitals are lucky if they can hide in the dispute behind Berlin.


After it is Dijsselbloems verunglücktem visit to Athens than likely that the euro zone finance ministers meet next week for an extraordinary meeting to come to a quick common language. It also remains to define the behavior of the IMF, which has much more stringent statutes as the euro countries. If he is unable to verify compliance with the agreed conditions with a country as lenders – and that might be impossible with the Troika thrown out – he would be until early 2016 running tool may cancel immediately


Editor’s note: An earlier version of this article was accidentally that Giani Varoufakis works as Foreign Minister. This is obviously not true. He is the Minister of Finance of Greece.



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Euro group chief in Athens The end of the grace period

Athens announces the Troika inspectors of international donors. After the change is the first big row between the damp land and the other euro countries there. Greek banks, meanwhile, goes out of money. An analysis. More From Michael Martens

30/01/2015, 17:31 clock | Economy

After parliamentary elections EU wants to work with Greeks

After the electoral victory of the left alliance SYRIZA in Greece, the EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker said he was prepared to cooperate with the new Greek government. The chairman of the Euro Group Jeroen Dijsselbloem stressed that the Greeks have to adhere to agreements. More

01/26/2015, 16 25 Clock | Politics

Athens Greece before the election

On Sunday, the Greeks elect a new parliament and Alexis Tsipras could lead the new government. Surveys see the left-wing party alliance SYRIZA first More

25/01/2015, 11:14 am Clock |. Policy



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The euro countries are disgraced

Werner Mussler, Brussels

The visit of the Chief of the euro group in Athens was a crashing failure. The public has caught removal Jeroen Dijsselbloem and the euro States cold. But after the insult, the European series united than ever before.

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Athens announces the troika: the end of the grace period – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Athens announces the troika: the end of the grace period – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung



          Euro group boss Jeroen Dijsselbloem (l) and the Greek Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis after their first meeting in Athens.

                 � �                                           

Today has begun for the new Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his Finance Minister Yannis Varoufakis the seriousness of governance – and he started with a veritable dispute: “Our country refuses the to cooperate Troika “Varoufakis said after his meeting with Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the Minister of Finance of the Netherlands and head of the euro group. The Greeks of the Troika (consisting of the EU, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund) restrictions imposed austerity program was “not feasible in practice,” said Varoufakis. In addition, the Greek people have rejected it in the parliamentary elections last Sunday.

                        � �                                    

Michael Martens. Author: Michael Martens, born in 1973, political correspondent for Southeast European countries based in Istanbul

The new Greek government calls instead for an international conference on a (renewed) debt relief for Greece. Such a conference rejected Dijsselbloem in the name of the other countries of the euro zone. “There is already such a conference, and the euro’s group,” he said.


The Dutch Social Democrat had previously always found particularly strong words of criticism for Athens. Immediately before the Greek Parliament election on Sunday he had warned in an interview with “Spiegel Online”, “Who needs support in order to finance its economy and public spending that must also abide by conditions.” There is a whole series of Dijsselbloem citations by this pattern. Before Dijsselbloems arrival in Athe ns bandied Athenians media his warning: “The message is. We want your support, but not your conditions’, will not ignite” a haircut, as it Tsipras promised his constituents, it will not give

The Athens Treasury described Dijsselbloems visit, however, as the real start to the aims of the Government Tsipras subsequent negotiations with Greece’s creditors: “The negotiations with our partners, start with this visit,” it said in a statement the Ministry, in a target the

upcoming talks is called a “viable, comprehensive agreement”. Core of renegotiation, the line of the ruling party SYRIZA, had a haircut of 60 percent to be. The current debt burden was unsustainable. Indeed, Greece’s de bt amounts to about 175 percent of gross domestic product. This is the highest debt ratio in the EU and the second highest in the world after Japan.


However, even though Greece as measured by the annual economic output unquestionably has an overwhelming high acting debt ratio, there is also another statement: Due to the extremely favorable for the country credit conditions (the creditor already granted lifetime extensions of up to half a century, and lower interest rates) Athens has much less on debt service than spend much less indebted member states of the euro zone, despite the absolute level of debt. 2020 Greece has its European creditors anyway repay anything, any repayment is suspended until then – and then the repayment be gins at very reasonable rates


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Greek troika throw out The euro countries are disgraced

The visit of the Chief of euro group in Athens was a crashing failure. The public has caught removal Jeroen Dijsselbloem and the euro States cold. But after the insult, the European series united than ever before. A comment. More From Werner Mussler, Brussels

30/01/2015, 22:09 clock | Economy

Athens Greece before the election

On Sunday, the Greeks elect a new parliament and Alexis Tsipras could lead the new government. Surveys see the left-wing party alliance SYRIZA first More

25/01/2015, 11:14 am Clock |. Policy
After parliamentary elections EU wants to work with Greeks

After the electoral victory of the left alliance SYRIZA in Greece, the EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker said he was prepared to cooperate with the new Greek government. The chairman of the Euro Group Jeroen Dijsselbloem stressed that the Greeks have to adhere to agreements. More

01/26/2015, 16 25 Clock | Politics



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Euro group chief in Athens

The end of the grace period

From Michael Martens

Athens announces the Troika inspectors of international donors. After the change is the first big row between the damp land and the other euro countries there. Greek banks, meanwhile, goes out of money. Analysis.

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Friday, January 30, 2015

Greece wants to throw Troika – Hamburger Evening Gazette

Greece wants to throw Troika – Hamburger Evening Gazette

01.31.15, 02:25

Euro group chief Dijsselbloem travels to Athens to negotiate. Finance Varoufakis has its own plans

By Jan Dams, Martin Greive, Boris Kálnoky

Athens / Berlin. Between the new Greek government and the Euro Group, there has been an uproar. Greece will will no longer work with the lender inspectors of the troika, the Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis said after a meeting with euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem in Athens. The imposed austerity program was not implemented. The Greek people have rejected it in the elections last Sunday. Dijsselbloem urged the Greeks to honor their promises. An international conference on a haircut, as the new government calls them, refused Dijsselbloem. “There is already such a conference and the euro’s group.” The reform controls the troika of the EU Commission, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank will be rejected by many Greeks as patronizing.

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) have made clear the new Greek government led by the radical left SYRIZA coalition that a haircut is not an option. “There have been a voluntary renunciation of private creditors, Greece has been adopted by the banks billions already. Another haircut I do not see,” the Chancellor said in an interview with the Evening Gazette clear. The federal government also denied a “mirror” report, which Berlin was prepared to give Greece another tool from the euro bailout fund. The new bailout need a volume of up to 20 billion euros, the magazine writes, citing government sources. The federal government rejected the report back clear. “There are no plans for a new program,” said the spokesman for the Treasury, Martin Jäger, in Berlin on Friday.

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble had criticized, Germany have other euro-countries imposed too tough austerity, but now losing its influence in Europe. “This is nonsense. We indeed no longer live in the time of Bismarck.” For all decisions in Europe there must be a majority, some decisions have to even be unanimous. “Even so the rules and the Stability Pact are anything but a German diktat.”

On Thursday, European Parliament President Martin Schulz had traveled to Athens. Then it was said that the original information from two SYRIZA Minister, after ongoing privatization should be undone had been hastily. There were just young colleagues that one must see them. The reason for

this apparent reversal of course was not the warning forefinger of the EU, but the brutal reaction of the markets. For because of the announced privatization stops the Athens Stock Exchange was broken into.

As Schulz had also signaled Dijsselbloem in advance that he (as opposed to SYRIZA) an openly confrontational tone wanted to avoid. He excelled also in practice that there could be, despite everything easier for Greece. You have already said in 2012: “. If Greece has fully met and a primary surplus generated and the economic situation so requires – an important consideration – then, as we said at the time, we could talk about further reductions” This could, for example, interest rates and maturities of rescue loans concern, also could you talk about measures how they could help the Greek economy to growth.

On the question of whether because if so violated by implication Greece from the euro zone if it does not comply with the agreements, Djisselbloem said, “No, I will not say” – he’ll go one accepts that the Greeks will adhere to the agreements .

Quite different it sounded in Athens: Dijsselbloems visit was the beginning of the negotiation process, at the end of the required SYRIZA reorganization of debt issue will stand. At the same time it was announced that Finance Minister Varoufakis soon wanted to travel to France and Italy – both highly indebted countries – probably to try to build a coalition with them in the EU against the thrifty Germans. The problem Tsipras needs a success, to avoid being the electorate as a full-bodied cream puffs. After all, he has not made the election campaign a 50 percent haircut in view, and that the other half of the debt must be paid so late that the current generation would not be affected. Quick clarifications and make more debt

A general situation impossible – Conversely, the EU can not accept this, because otherwise other highly indebted countries could direct their future spending it. makes. So it sounded because even after the end of the talks: There is “No results or decisions,” said the Euro Group boss. They had “discussed possible solutions”. He lives obviously in a very different world than Treasury Varoufakis. He said: “Greece is no longer cooperate with the troika” – that is, with the European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Euro Group. With people like Dijsselbloem So, who was flown in to negotiate.


Break with the Troika: Greeks give up several billion euros – NEWS

Break with the Troika: Greeks give up several billion euros – NEWS


 Friday, January 30, 2015


 The Troika is not to further burden Greece, asks the new government of the country. But who says Alpha, Beta must also say that the Greeks do now and waive Milliadenbetrag


Greece’s new government has indicated its willingness to surrender to the expected end of February tranche of the EU. In return, Hellas wanted the troika of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission to get rid of in its present form, said Finance Minister Yannis Varoufakis in Athens. In Strasbourg advised German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President François Hollande and European Parliament President Martin Schulz on the situation.

Euro group boss Jeroen Dijsselbloem warned the government of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, understandings of its predecessors with its European partners to break , “Disregard agreements, is not the way forward,” he said after his meeting with Varoufakis in the Greek capital. Several Union politicians called after the announcement of the Greeks to eliminate aid for the country.

Varoufakis assured that his country aspiring “the greatest cooperation” with those of EU, ECB and IMF facilities to. But they no longer wanted to work with an “anti-European troika”, which is based on a “shaky foundation.” Assumed

240 billion loans

Since the crisis began in 2010, beating experts unpopular in Greece Troika regularly in Athens, to direct the government to enforce measures to reduce debt such as privatization and massive layoffs of state employees. In return, Greece received since 2010 loans of 240 billion euros to avert national bankruptcy.

The visits of the Troika representatives in Greece were often held under heavy police protection. In many Greeks who are affected by mass unemployment and have to make do with halved wages and salaries, they encountered strong opposition. The last two meetings between the Troika representatives and the government of the right-wing conservative Tsipras predecessor Antonis Samaras were not then

to Greece, but in Paris.

the end of February to decide the troika experts, whether Athens the required measures transposed so that the payment of the remaining loan tranche may be granted over seven billion euros. Varoufakis had already said on Thursday in an interview with the “New York Times”, he did not want the seven billion euros. Instead, he wanted that “the whole program” will covered.

Tsipras does not travel to Berlin

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Before his meeting with the Greek finance minister led Dijsselbloem talks with Prime Minister Tsipras, his deputy Ioannis Dragasakis and the Commissioner for International Economic Relations Vice Foreign Minister Euklidis Tsakalotos.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande on Friday for a confidential working lunch in Strasbourg met. European Parliament President Martin Schulz had invited to the informal meeting and expected guests at the entrance of the Strasbourg restaurants near the European Parliament. It was said that after the tripartite meeting no explanations were given

Tsipras and Varoufakis travel next week to meet with their colleagues to Italy and France -. In the hopes of encountering there on sympathy for their suggestions. ” / p>

The Greek Economy Minister Giorgos Stathakis reiterated his government’s intention, “definitely” to stay in the euro zone. But talking to the “mirror” he demanded renegotiation of the EU rescue package. This should not be done with the troika, but with governments.

The Athens Stock Exchange, which was launched on Friday in Plus, listed in the afternoon a drop of almost two percent. The interest rate on ten-year Greek government bonds exceeded 11.5 percent again the ten-percent mark.



Minimum setback-truck drivers slow down from Nahles – IMAGE

Minimum setback-truck drivers slow down from Nahles – IMAGE

Hardly introduced, Labour Minister Nahles must portions of their minimum wage law to withdraw again. more …

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Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis ensures scandal: Greece announces … – Daily Mirror

Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis ensures scandal: Greece announces … – Daily Mirror

30/01/2015 23:58 clock

Greece does not want to cooperate with the inspectors of the Euro group in the future. But the troika demands that the Greeks keep their promises.

Between the new Greek government and the Euro Group, there has been an uproar. Greece will will no longer work with the lender inspectors of the troika, the Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis said on Friday after a meeting with euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem in Athens.

Greek Finance Minister holds the austerity program not feasible

“Our country refuses

to cooperate with the troika,” Varoufakis said. The imposed austerity program was not implemented in practice. The Greek people have rejected it in the elections last Sunday.

Dijsselbloem urged the Greeks on the other hand, to honor their promises. An international conference on a haircut, as the new government calls them, refused Dijsselbloem. “There is already such a conference and the Euro group called” Dijsselbloem said. The reform controls the troika of the EU Commission, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank will be rejected by many Greeks as patronizing. (AP)


Cooperation terminated: Commotion in Athens: Greece raises the troika of … – ABC Online

Cooperation terminated: Commotion in Athens: Greece raises the troika of … – ABC Online

Friday, 30.01.2015, 18:16
“socInfo” Info

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scandal in Athens: Greece no longer works now together with the troika. This was announced by the new Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis today. This one had promised the voters in the run-up to the election. Greece now striving own reforms

Between the new Greek government and the Euro Group, there has been an uproar. Greece is, according to the new finance minister Yanis Varoufakis no longer cooperate with the international troika. They had promised the voters to end this collaboration with the European Commission, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), because you refuse to austerity measures, the minister said on Friday after meeting with Euro-group leader Jeroen Dijsselbloem in Athens.

Varoufakis: Athens wants to implement reforms

“Our first act as government can not be that we give up this position again where we require an extension of the program.” However Varoufakis assured at the same time that Athens wants to implement reforms to make the Greek economy more competitive and strive for a balanced budget. Only one will accept no deflation and unsustainable debt. What this means in detail, he left open

Video. Comment: why Tsipras is the big loser

Dijsselbloem: Help them conditional on the Greeks obligations to comply

Dijsselbloem said he had warned the new government before unilateral action and asking them to adhere to agreements which do exist. He stressed that Greece is not much time left. It lies now in the hands of the government in Athens to decide how it should go further. The background: the end of

February joins the rescue package for Greece. Without a new agreement Athens will be left to their own from March 1, then the money could be scarce.

The head of the euro group had previously met with the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and other senior officials of the new Greek government.

confrontation indicated already in the campaign to

Schaeuble said in Berlin, trust and reliability are the basis for further solidarity that all required in Europe. “It is little to argue with us, and beyond, we are hard to blackmail.”

Back in the election campaign, this confrontation had indicated to the euro partners. The government will run through the end of the austerity program, even if the Greeks of the money supply will turned off, a high official of the Finance Ministry in Athens had said on Friday the German Press Agency.

Since 2010, international financial aid Greece from bankruptcy


If necessary, Athens would even appeal to the European Court of Justice. Many decisions in recent years, which concern the tough austerity program were illegal, it was said in circles of Finance in Athens.

Greece is preserved since 2010 with international financial assistance amounting to 240 billion euros from bankruptcy. In return, the country has committed to massive savings and reforms that now wants to partially withdraw the new government. But the country plagued still liabilities of more than 300 billion euros – in terms of economic performance that is the highest mountain of debt of all euro countries

Video: This explains Tsipras the end of austerity


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