The Web pioneer Yahoo, which is losing its independence by selling it to Verizon after more than 20 years, is from the internet history not indispensable. Some stations of the steep ascent and long decline:
1994 The students Jerry Yang and David Filo founded “Jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide Web”, a ordered by theme directory of websites. A little later, they change the name to Yahoo
1996:. Yahoo goes public
2000:. Yahoo is temporarily worth more than 120 billion dollars. Unlike the rival AOL, the Time Warner wants to take over, the Internet pioneer uses the evaluation for a great deal. The bursting of the Internet stock market bubble, the stock by around 90 percent falls
2002. Yahoo CEO Terry Semel tried to buy three billion dollars Google. The founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin refuse
2004:. Yahoo tried to build its own search engine business
2006:. Semel, a former head of the film studio Warner Brothers wants Mark Zuckerberg buy Facebook for a billion dollars. likely to Zuckerberg, but decides against a sale
2008:. Microsoft provides approximately 45 billion dollars for Yahoo to upgrade its web business in competition with Google. Co-founder Yang, who Semel now
2009:. Microsoft provides in one laid out on ten years of deal the search engine technology for Yahoo
2012: After several top managers fail to Yahoo Google manager Marissa Mayer brings to the forefront. She wants to expand its media business and return to the Web search again
2013:. Mayer buys for more than a billion dollars, the blog platform Tumblr to attract younger users
2016:. Yahoo presents its web core business for sale, investments in Alibaba and Yahoo Japan are in the old society remain.
25. July 2016: The American telecommunications giant Verizon assumes the core business of Yahoo for $ 4.83 billion (4.4 billion EUR)

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