Saturday, July 23, 2016

economy | ROUNDUP / study: Dax-boardrooms have again increased … – IMAGE

BONN (AFX) – The boardrooms of DAX companies & lt; DAX.ETR & gt; are always German according to a study. The third year as a result of foreign population declined in the leadership circles of the 30 largest listed companies, such as an analysis of the consulting firm Simon-Kucher & amp; Partners revealed the possession of the German Press Agency. Accordingly, the proportion of foreigners in 2016 fell further, namely by mid-year to 27.2 percent. “At the peak of 29.1 percent from 2013, the DAX companies do not approach this year. But by international standards, they remain at a high level,” said study author Christoph Lesch.

Even more striking, the development at the CEO. “For some years, German companies increasingly entrusted German group handlebars,” Lesch said. Fraud, the percentage of foreigners among CEOs in 2013 still 28.1 percent, so the value is according to the study now at 16.7 percent. Only five DAX companies have foreigners at the top: lt German Bank &; DBK.ETR & gt; (John Cryan, United Kingdom), Fresenius Medical Care (Rice Powell, USA), Henkel & lt; HEN3.ETR & gt; (Hans van Bylen) and RWE & lt; RWE.ETR & gt; (Peter Terium, both Netherlands) and SAP & lt; SAP.ETR & gt; (Bill McDermott, USA)

However, in parts there despite the trend an opposite movement. The rate of companies in which at least half of the board position is held by foreigners, rose compared to last year of five to six companies. Trigger is the German bank in which the proportion of foreigners on the board of 44 climbed to 63 percent

In the proportion of

women, however, there are new records recorded. 21 women (10.8 percent) are in the DAX-boards , five more than the previous record year 2015. The proportion of women had thus more than quintupled since of 2010. This depends in mind that the proportion of women was below the newly appointed directors with strong 20.7 percent

The percentage of companies that have a woman on the board is at a record high. 57 percent have female board members, by 43 percent a year ago. Lesch expects ahead: “If the increase in the coming years so continues as in 2016, the women’s quota would in 2023 reach the current level of foreign board members by 27 percent.”

It is worth noting the international nature of the top decision-makers : 80 percent of newly hired women coming from abroad, whereas only about 50 percent of total new hires are foreigners. “This raises the question of whether it falls to businesses easier to find suitable candidates abroad or whether they want to improve two quotas at once with the appointment of a foreign woman,” Lesch commented

Yet.: Among the foreign directors, the proportion of women lies at 13.2 percent only slightly above the overall average -. and still far below the often required by the policy size of around 30 percent


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