Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Facebook competition is increasing rapidly – share at a record high – THE WORLD

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Facebook competition is increasing rapidly – share at record high

the Turbo-growth at the largest online network in the world continues: profits and sales put at Facebook continue vigorously. The stock jumps after trading at an all time high of over 130 dollars.

     The Turbo-growth at the largest online network in the world continues: profits and sales put at Facebook continue vigorously. The stock jumps after trading at an all time high of over $ 130

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the Turbo-growth at the largest online network in the world continues: a booming advertising business has facebook rinsed in the second quarter a billion-profits into the coffers. Especially with ads on smartphones, the company earned splendidly. The quarterly figures released by US-market close on Wednesday surpassed analysts’ expectations significantly

Even with investors the results were well received. The Facebook shares shot after trading hours by more than six per cent upwards and marked outside the regular trading session, a record high of over 130 dollars.

“Our community and our business had another good quarter” Commenting Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. His company tripled its profit in the year almost by 719 million to 2.1 billion dollars (currently about 1.9 billion euros). Revenue rose 59 percent to 6.4 billion dollars.

The advertising revenue, Facebook’s single most important source of income, increased by 63 percent to 6.2 billion dollars. The share of advertising on mobile devices to the advertising revenues grew yoy by 76 to 84 percent.

Facebook had the end of June 1.71 billion active users per month which were 15 percent more than the same period last year. The number of users who are logged daily, increased by 17 percent to 1.13 billion. From this mass of Internet Group suggested more capital. The proceeds, which occupies Facebook on average per user, increased the previous quarter sharply from 3.32 to 3.82 dollars.

      dpa / mak

This Facebook drone will bring global Internet

              Facebook’s solar-powered “Aquila” -Drohne has completed its first flight successfully. The company wants to build a whole fleet: You should even bring Internet connections to remote regions of the world Source:. The World

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2016-07-27T23: 46: 28.000 + 0200


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