German Economics Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) has a report from the levels According frequently met with Edeka CEO Markus Mosa than previously communicated. Apart from the known two meetings, it should have another given on 22 December 2015 should have taken part in the next Gabriel also the boss of the services union ver.di, Frank Bsirske. The levels relied in his report on a response from the Ministry of Economy to a parliamentary question of the Green Bundestag Katharina Dröge. The Ministry has its details now published.
In the affair of the supermarket merger of Edeka and Kaiser’s Tengelmann Gabriel is under pressure. After the veto of the Bundeskartellamt the Economics Minister of the merger had issued a special permit. This in turn gets to the Higher Regional Court Dusseldorf in mid-July at the instigation of the retail group Rewe. Also Rewe is interested in the acquisition of Kaiser’s Tengelmann. The judge accused Gabriel partiality and lack of neutrality because he had conducted secret talks with the heads of supermarket chains. So far, only two of these conversations were known in which a protocol was made. A third of Mosa and Bsirske he had done according to the Ministry of Economy “in the wake” his meeting with Mosa and the Kaiser’s Tengelmann CEO Karl-Erivan Hub, Gabriel had not previously mentioned.
The Ministry rejected the allegations. Gabriel and his representatives had several interviews with applicants of the process as well as the unions led to gain a picture of the situation. Such talks were “possible and permissible usual”. The Minister himself had spoken at his press conference in mid-July this. However, he then had not
The Green MEP Dröge spoke of an opaque and untrustworthiness behavior of the Minister. Your party called on the head of the SPD to full transparency. Green Party Chairman Anton Hofreiter said: “Now Sigmar Gabriel has finally put everything on the table, we can not accept any excuses..” The Minister verheddere more and more in contradictions.
In reply to the parliamentary question Gabriel corrected the levels According to another statement he had made in public. Accordingly, he had met Tengelmann Haub owners and Edeka CEO Mosa together on 18 December. In the press conference on July 13, he had said to have met the two company heads separately.
Despite the problems around the special permission of Gabriel try ver.di and Edeka continue to meet the conditions imposed by the Minister of Economic Affairs for a merger. In corresponding talks in North-West Fallen there have however been no agreement, a ver.di spokeswoman said: “We have moved us in some respects one another, others are more controversial.” The negotiations in North Rhine-Westphalia will now be continued on 10 August.
One of the conditions is that Edeka with all workers agreed legally secure collective agreements that exclude over five years compulsory redundancies. ver.di had in the past accused to disregard central requirements of the ministerial approval Edeka.

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