The fate of Yahoo is decided: For just five billion dollars of the search engine operator hits the US telecom giant Verizon. Yahoo boss Marissa Mayer can look forward to $ 55 million
was founded as Yahoo, Google and Facebook were not even planned. The worldwide web in 1994 was so young that you could arrange the pages as in a phone book by theme. The Stanford students Jerry Yang and David Filo did exactly with “Jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide Web.” A little later, they changed the name to Yahoo, a winking acronym for “Yet Another hierarchically Organized Oracle” (Still a hierarchically ordered oracle). The idea came to, Yahoo has been for many users to home on its way into the net.
But the Web quickly became too large for this type of cataloging. This was the moment of Internet search engines such as Google, detect the contents themselves and sort by an algorithm. Yahoo also tried his hand in this business, but could not keep up with Google. Incidentally, it was Yang who recommended the Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin to start their own business, rather than continue to try its search formula to sell for a million dollars to former major players like Excite.
It was one of many moments where would the course of history of the Internet industry Yahoo leaders can change – and missed the chance. Years later, the former Yahoo CEO Terry Semel made a start, for up to three billion dollars to buy Google – but now more mature founders were rebuffed him
The former Hollywood executive Semel, who of the business. Yahoo should stabilize after the bursting of the New Economy, 2006 also offered a young man named Mark Zuckerberg one billion US dollars for the emerging online network. A joke, Zuckerberg found and investors who invested in Facebook, without wanting to take it sought. Today
The Web Although pioneer has continued to hundreds of millions of users in its services, such as email or news – but is knocked behind Google and Facebook in the business of online advertising. Yahoo wore out a top executive after another. Yang, the Semel 2007 replaced at the top is so remembered that he rejected a 45-billion dollar takeover offer from Microsoft
Four years ago came Marissa Mayer, who seemed to have a clear plan.: More users attract with lush media offer, so that the advertising business is growing. But they built New portals of, invested in the return to the search engine and bought for a billion dollars a blog platform Tumblr to attract younger users. But Mayer did not work out. The online advertising migrated to Google and Facebook. Tumblr lit not, two-thirds had to be written. If the 41-year-old should be fired after the takeover, you are at least 55 million dollars – Three million in cash, the rest in shares. On Tumblr told Mayer that she wants to stay. Whether that want the new capital watchman, you will see.
What can now align with Yahoo the telecom giant Verizon and its online subsidiary AOL? “It is a hard integration”, wrote the well-connected to Yahoo technology blog “Recode”. Even after Mayers job cuts of Internet pioneer still has 8800 employees – and AOL already has a own small media empire of “Huffington Post” to the technology blog “TechCrunch” and “Engadget”

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