for Hartz IV recipients parental benefit shall continue as income, as for low earners. This now ruled the Federal Social Court and thus dismissed two lawsuits.

couple with pram in Berlin (2007)
A father has failed before the Federal social court in Kassel with an attempt to overturn the parental allowance rules for Hartz IV recipients. For her parents money also counts more than income.
The action of the father was the highest German Social Court rejected as inadmissible. The fourth Senate thus had to content not deal with the issue. The legal requirements are not met, said the presiding judge in Kassel.
Even with low incomes will be credited parental benefits for the calculation of the child allowance as income. As the Federal Social Court ruled that scheme did not infringe the right to a dignified subsistence.
A family from Lower Saxony had received the child allowance until the end of 2010, according to an amendment to the parental benefit Act in early 2011, but no longer. That court Osnabrück and the Social Court of Lower Saxony-Bremen had decided the family was not entitled to the child allowance, because the payment of parental benefits, there was no longer need. That court dismissed the revision of the family against those judgments back.
The family’s lawyer had argued that minimum parental allowance of 300 euros is not paid compensation but serves the recognition of educational and child care services.
Also, the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe has already dealt with the parents’ money. However, a constitutional complaint against the date rules for granting parental benefit was as unsuccessful as the complaint against the parents money as so-called income replacement power.
asa / dpa
a total of 7 posts
Sad society we have. The are anyway have little so twice disillusioned, angry, incited and brought into a hopeless situation in which everything is matter.
The top funds for problems.
Sad society we have. The are anyway have little so twice disillusioned, angry, incited and brought into a hopeless situation in which everything is matter.
The top funds for problems.
An absolutely real and comprehensible verdict.
An absolutely correct and comprehensible verdict.
Who will be given more. And who has nothing, even gets nothing.
Who will be given more. And who has nothing, even gets nothing.
So typical. The have nothing and are already at the bottom get ripped off again.
Couple million resin IV receivers brings parental benefits so nothing.
The only which parental benefits are somewhat uses the [...]
So typical. The have nothing and are already at the bottom get ripped off again.
Couple million resin IV receivers brings parental benefits so nothing.
The only where the parental benefit some uses the high earners in which one parent stays at home.
The do not actually need the money parents get it hinterhergeschmissen and those counts for each Euro get it charged with resin IV.
Something is shabby, is strongly punished in the next election.
Reminder: The parental allowance is grown on the dung of the CDU
Just, take it on the poorest away and taxable investment income! with only 25%. Since Comes a right that breakfast back up.
Just, take it further away the poorest and taxable investment income with only 25%. Since Comes a right that breakfast back up.
The family allowance
Mothers and fathers can apply for parental allowance since 2007 at the birth of a child. It has served as the net replacement from the education allowance. Mothers and fathers who leave the education of children temporarily from the profession, receive 65 percent of their last net pay , a maximum of 1800 Euros per month. Single parents and low-income earners receive a monthly basic amount of EUR 300 . The parental allowance is first for one year paid . It is granted two more months, if the employed parent accepts the child care. Single parents receive parental benefits the full 14 months .
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