Thursday, July 21, 2016

+++ +++ Market News: soar past: Dax falls below 10,000 points – FOCUS Online

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Exhaust scandal burdened Volkswagen with another 2.2 billion euros

Wednesday, July 20 11.30: strain the aftermath of the gas scandal Volkswagen more difficult. In the first half 2016 were “negative special items in the amount of 2.2 billion euros” was recorded, the company said in Wolfsburg on Wednesday. She explained mainly to legal risks, “which relate primarily to North America” ​​

Dax ends with a minus

18.00:. The German index Dax ended trading on Tuesday at 9981 points. He recorded a decline of 0.81 percent, but remained above its arrived at noon daily low. On the last two days, the Dax had barely moved from the spot and wrestled with the technical chart significant 200-day moving average, which is an indicator of the medium-term trend. In the previous week the stock market barometer had risen dramatically and had his slump almost completely offset by the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union recommendation. The MDAX Medium-large values ​​won on Tuesday 0.5 percent, while the TecDAX forfeited 0.3 percent.

Best Dax value was Adidas with gains of just over one percent. At the end of the ranking, the shares of Deutsche Bank was a decline of almost three percent.

<- finance-chart.tag!: {"M_LINK":"","PERF_PCT":"+2,39%","PRICE":"13,26","NAME":"Deutsche Bank","PERF_PCT_RAW":2.3938,"WWW_LINK":"","CURRENCY":"EUR","PERF_ABS_RAW":0.31,"PRICE_RAW":13.26,"CHART_URL":"","PERF_ABS":"+0,31"} ->

Monsanto also rejects higher takeover bid from Bayer from

15:15: the billion Poker Bayer and Monsanto continues: the US seed producer also holds the increased multibillion takeover bid of the German pharmaceutical and chemical company for too low

the offer rich financially. made to ensure a deal, Monsanto announced in St. Louis on Tuesday. Monsanto but remains open to discussions with the Leverkusen-based company and other parties, it said.

Bayer said on request only: "We consider the answer." Bayer had raised slightly its offer last week from 122 to 125 US dollars per share. Overall, mean an extra cost of around 1.3 billion US dollars.

At the market, it is assumed that the Germans wanted the Americans to move in this way to provide insight into the books. This would facilitate Bayer, to get an accurate picture of the value of the US company.

Bayers origin offering totaled $ 62 billion, including the debt of Monsanto. Bayer offered Monsanto beyond last a so-called break fee of $ 1.5 billion in case the antitrust approvals should not be granted.

The Leverkusen had surprisingly announced the proposed acquisition of seed specialists from the United States in May. The German company would rise through the record-merger the world's number one in the agricultural chemicals business. Nevertheless, the deal from the beginning was controversial: Monsanto is in Europe for years because of its genetically modified products in the review

EU competition authorities punish truck cartel

12:47. : Because of price fixing punished the EU Commission several truck manufacturers with a record fine of nearly 2.93 billion euros. Are affected Daimler , Iveco, DAF and Volvo / Renault , as the European competition authorities in Brussels mitt rushed. The Munich VW subsidiary MAN comes unpunished as whistleblower thereof. The highest individual sentence account for roughly one billion euros to Daimler.

The cartel was founded in 1997 was 14 years active, according to the EU Commission, there was collusion at the highest management level. The Company therefore admit their guilt and have agreed to a settlement. The Commission reduced the fines for Volvo / Renault, Daimler and Iveco, because they have cooperated with the authorities in their investigations.

The members of the cartel have can be several forms of unauthorized collaboration guilty. So they have denied their selling prices for medium and heavy trucks, and also agreed to the timetable for the introduction of technologies to reduce harmful emissions. The cost of these technologies they gave to their customers.

Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager stressed the economic importance of trucks for transport of goods in Europe. Therefore, the anti-competitive behavior of the truck manufacturer can not be got there

<- finance-chart.tag.!: {"M_LINK":"","PERF_PCT":"+1,26%","PRICE":"59,42","NAME":"Daimler","PERF_PCT_RAW":1.2611,"WWW_LINK":"","CURRENCY":"EUR","PERF_ABS_RAW":0.74,"PRICE_RAW":59.42,"CHART_URL":"","PERF_ABS":"+0,74"} ->

Thanks "Pokemon Go" hype: Nintendo always valuable

11:45: the global enthusiasm about the smartphone game Pokemon Go gives the Japanese video game company Nintendo a phenomenal rise in the stock market. On Tuesday, the stock during the morning again rose by almost eleven percent and the market capitalization of Nintendo reached 4.36 trillion yen (37.3 billion euros). The company pulled the electronics group Sony by .

Since the release of the game app Pokékom Go on July 7 Nintendo its market value more than doubled. On Friday, the Group also broke the previous record for the highest number of traded in one day in Japan stocks

Nintendo Pokémon Go has not developed -. It comes from the home of Niantic. The Group only supported his daughter The Pokémon Company and Niantic. But investors believe that the enthusiasm for Pokémon Go also the parent company of Super Mario and Pikachu will inspire. The hype is considered a good sign for Nintendo's quite late entry into the business with game apps.

Pokémon Go was initially available only in the US, Australia and New Zealand, came in last week to Europe and can be downloaded in 26 other countries since the weekend.

<- finance-chart.tag!: {"M_LINK":"","PERF_PCT":"-3,33%","PRICE":"235,00","NAME":"Nintendo","PERF_PCT_RAW":-3.332,"WWW_LINK":"","CURRENCY":"EUR","PERF_ABS_RAW":-8.1,"PRICE_RAW":235,"CHART_URL":"","PERF_ABS":"-8,10"} ->

235, 00 EUR
- 8.10 (- 3, 33%)

Ratinagentur Moody's is considering downgrading Turkey

11:22: After the coup attempt in Turkey runs the risk downgrading of its credit rating. The US rating agency Moody's explained that the current grade of Baa3 would be reviewed. Competitor Fitch will also review the assessment of currently BBB-. Turkey is both rating agencies have now just one notch above junk status.

"Although the coup failed, holding Moody's what happened for mirroring broader political challenges, and the credit risks remain elevated," the company said , "The recent increase in political uncertainty domestically and specifically the coup"

could affect economic growth in Turkey. In addition, the country was economic reforms slowly approached as expected.

Fitch explained the failed coup attempt and the subsequent crackdown by the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan against suspected conspirators "show political risks for the credit profile of the state at". Whether this leads to a downgrade, also depended on whether further action by the government "political divisions deepened"

Zalando stock takes off

10.30:. The online -Modehändler Zalando has raised its profit forecast for 2016 in the second quarter for a good business. In the margin based on adjusted for special items, profit before interest and taxes (EBIT) now a value between four and 5.5 per cent is expected to 3.6 percent in the previous year, which is listed on the MDAX company said in Berlin. This is the target range of one percentage point higher than previously.

With the proceeds, the company continues to expect an increase of up to 25 percent. Thus, the turnover would rise to almost 3.7 billion euros in the current year. Operating profit would now climb the simultaneous achievement of the upper region of the targeted range of EUR 107.5 million in the previous year to around 200 million euros. Investors rewarded the optimistic forecast with a rapid increase in the share.

<- finance-chart.tag!: {"M_LINK":"","PERF_PCT":"-0,42%","PRICE":"32,22","NAME":"Zalando","PERF_PCT_RAW":-0.4173,"WWW_LINK":"","CURRENCY":"EUR","PERF_ABS_RAW":-0.135,"PRICE_RAW":32.215,"CHART_URL":"","PERF_ABS":"-0,14"} ->

Dax tumbles into the red

10:21: the recent recovery of the Dax has stalled on Tuesday. The German index fell in early trading back below the 10,000 point mark and lost 0.83 percent to 9979.54 points.

Already in the past two trading days had entered the market indicator almost on the spot. In the previous week, the DAX had its price collapse caused by Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union made up almost completely.

seems According to the Investmentanalystin Antje Laschewski by Landesbank Baden-Württemberg, the German stock market after the recent rally to be ripe for an early backlash, especially among numerous other risk factors also provides a solution to the banking crisis in Italy still leave time coming.

the MDAX of midsize companies were down at 20 588.24 points on Tuesday to 0.20 percent. For the technology index TecDAX was about 0.53 per cent to 1635.56 points down. The Euro-zone leading index Euro Stoxx 50 lost 0.83 percent.

On Dax end the preference shares at Volkswagen. Several US states want to bring another lawsuit against the automaker on the way despite the negotiated settlement billion.

<- finance-chart.tag!: {"M_LINK":"","PERF_PCT":"-1,22%","PRICE":"121,95","NAME":"Volkswagen Vz.","PERF_PCT_RAW":-1.2151,"WWW_LINK":"","CURRENCY":"EUR","PERF_ABS_RAW":-1.5,"PRICE_RAW":121.95,"CHART_URL":"","PERF_ABS":"-1,50"} ->

121, 95 EUR
- 1.50 (- 1, 22%)

purchase of corporate bonds: criticism of ECB is loud

Tuesday, July 19 , 7:30: In the euro zone, many companies ECB President Mario Draghi who owe a lot. Since June, the European Central Bank (ECB) buys fight the sluggish economy and low inflation bonds of companies that are domiciled in the Euro zone. Now the monetary authorities published the first time a list of the names of the companies on the purchase note. And that reads like a Who's Who of German corporations. From Allianz on Siemens and the energy provider RWE and E.on to the carmakers Daimler , Volkswagen and BMW and more what the big names

the result of the purchases. the ECB shall ensure a strong demand and in return for ever lower yields in corporate bonds. For companies, it has never been so low, to get fresh money through bonds. What the company is pleased, but calls critics on the plan, who denounce a market distortion

The most important stock exchanges in the world

  • USA:. New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) - Dow Jones , S & amp; P 500 , Nasdaq 100 , CBOT and CME
  • UK: London Stock Exchange - FTSE 100
  • Japan Tokyo Stock Exchange - Nikkei 225
  • Germany Frankfurt Stock Exchange - DAX , MDax , SDax , TecDAX , Xetra, Eurex
  • France Bourse de Paris - CAC40
  • Switzerland: Börse Zurich - SMI
  • Brazil exchange Sao Paulo - Bovespa
  • Hong Kong Hong Kong Stock Exchange - Hang Seng
  • China Shanghai Stock Exchange - SSE
  • Russian Market - Moscow Exchange, RTS
  • Australia Exchange Sydney - Australian Securities Exchange, ASX
  • list of trading hours