Tuesday, July 26, 2016

iPhone sales more than expected: Apple exceeds expectations – ABC Online

Tuesday, 07.26.2016, 22:40
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Apple all decline analysts again disabused. The earnings per share were higher than expected. The iPhone sales were stronger than predicted.

The earnings per share was $ 1.42, revenue at $ 42.4 billion , Analysts had only expected $ 1.38 earnings per share and a turnover of 42.09 billion.

In addition to the higher profit Apple also surprised at iPhone sales. Although this did not break in the previous year by 15 percent, but as strong as expected. The company sold 40.4 million iPhones in the last quarter. Wall Street analysts had anticipated only 40.02 million.

share increases despite declining business


On an annual basis which is nevertheless a significant decline in business for Apple. Sales fell by 15 percent, the profit by as much as 27 percent. The share of iPhone sales to total business fell to just over 56 percent of last around two thirds.

The share of technology-company put after announcement of the results after trading at significantly and traded at 22.40 almost five percent over the closing price

the sales of iPad tablets were indeed continue -. by nine percent to 9.95 million units. With the more expensive models of the iPad Pro sales but by seven percent to nearly $ 4.9 billion. This was the first growth in the business for a long time

In the video. IPhone SE and Galaxy S7 compared

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