Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Facebook tripled profits thanks to advertising revenue – SPIEGEL ONLINE

2.1 billion euro profit in the second quarter: Facebook sets thanks to the Smartphone advertising continues to grow. The stock rose after trading to a record high

the largest online network in the world exceeds with its quarterly figures analysts’ expectations significantly. The company of Mark Zuckerberg tripled its profit in the year almost by 719 million to 2.1 billion dollars (currently about 1.9 billion euros). Revenue rose 59 percent to 6.4 billion dollars.

“Our community and our business had another good quarter,” said Zuckerberg. Facebook was able to again attract new advertisers for themselves, the company said. Existing customers have also spent more money on ads on smartphones and tablets.

The advertising revenue, Facebook’s single most important source of income, increased by 63 percent to 6.2 billion dollars. The share of advertising on mobile devices to the advertising revenues grew yoy by 76 to 84 percent. had

Facebook late June 1.71 billion active users per month, in the same period last year there were 1.49 billion. The number of users who are logged daily, increased by 17 percent to 1.13 billion. The proceeds, which occupies Facebook on average per user, increased the previous quarter of 3.32 to 3.82 dollars.

sun / dpa / Reuters


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the ten largest IPOs in the world
Rank company year volume in billion dollars country
1. General Motors 2010 23.1 * USA
. 2 AgBank 2010 22.1 China
. 3 AIA (insurer) 2010 22.0 Hong Kong
. 4 ICBC (Bank) 2006 21.97 China
. 5 Visa (credit – cards) 2008 19.65 USA
. 6 NTT Mobile 1998 18.05 Japan
. 7 Enel (energy) 1999 16.59 Italy
. 8 Facebook 2012 16.01 ** USA
. 9 NTT (telecom) 1986
right " class=" spResultTableRow1 "> 13.75 Japan 10th German Telekom 1996 12, 49 Germany * In addition to the common and preferred shares; ** For the purchase price at the upper end of the range; Source Reuters

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