German Economics Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) has denied against the accusation that he may give information on the special permit for the acquisition of Kaiser’s Tengelmann by Edeka hesitant award. As it was revealed by a report from the levels on Thursday, Gabriel had often met with Edeka CEO-Markus Mosa, as previously claimed. Besides the two known meetings between 1 and 18 December 2015, further to have taken place on 22 December 2015 attended by the head of the trade union ver.di, Frank Bsirske, to have participated. “It is clear that such conversations are possible, common and acceptable”, it is now the Ministry of Economics. They served the necessary care so that the ministers can gain a comprehensive picture before taking a decision.
As the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reports wrote Gabriel in a letter to the chairman of the economic committee of the Bundestag, Peter Ramsauer (CSU), he stands for a current report and questions of deputies available. Gabriel had ignored received special permission to supermarket merger of Edeka and Kaiser’s Tengelmann over the veto of the Bundeskartellamt. In mid-July had stopped this ministerial approval to operate the retail group Rewe, the Higher Regional Court of Dusseldorf. The judge threw Gabriel before partiality because he had conducted secret talks with the heads of their preferred supermarket chain Edeka.
Several discussions with applicants and unions
In the letter to MPs Gabriel writes now that the General court raised many questions, procedural questions about and welfare reasons for its decision, such as the “security of workers’ rights”, to which he would not take now. He had only been focused on the meeting of 1 and 18 December 2015 because they were associated with the OLG decision.
“He had already publicly emphasized at that time that he and our Ministry have conducted several interviews with applicants and unions to get a comprehensive picture of the to gain position, “reads the letter.
In addition to the request by 22 December of the Greens deputies
“takeover by Edeka is the worst of all possible variations”
Gabriel ministerial approval was met with great opposition. Daniel Zimmer, who had been entrusted as head of Monopolkommissionmit with the examination of the matter was, resigned in protest against the decision of the Minister of Economy. In an interview with Spiegel Online the Professor of Commercial Law said now, the real problem would no longer be discussed: “The acquisition by Edeka is the worst of all possible variants.”
After the Bundeskartellamt had rejected the acquisition of 451 markets from Kaiser’s Tengelmann by Edeka, the Monopolies Commission had been turned on. You should consider whether Gabriel’s special permission was justified. The Minister may in fact defy just about decisions of the Cartel Office if a takeover “benefits for the common good” brings. The Monopolies Commission came after months of testing to the judgment that decision does not constitute a reference to the common good. Your recommendation was clear: the merger should not be approved.
Ex-boss room now renewed his concerns: the acquisition of Kaiser’s Tengelmann by Edeka would lead to a “clear lessening of competition”. There were very many areas in which talked both supermarket chains stores. For Edeka it would make sense, at these locations to close a branch. “The negotiated by the Minister inventory warranty applies only to the Kaiser’s Tengelmann branches. Accordingly, the Group has incentives, old Edeka shops to close,” says Zimmer. For this protection does not apply. Room proposes hand before splitting Kaiser’s Tengelmann and to give to different buyers.

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