Friday, July 22, 2016

Fraud and embezzlement: office is investigating Unister – Handelsblatt


The Leipziger Internet company made after the death of their chief for bankruptcy

(Photo: AP)

Dresden In connection with the death of Unister boss Thomas Wagner the Saxon General Prosecutor under investigation for fraud and breach of trust suspicion. Basis of fraud investigations is a lawsuit, public prosecutor Wolfgang Klein said Friday in Dresden. This would include a “large sum of money” to the Wagner should have been cheated in Italy shortly before the plane crash last Thursday.

Who has a complaint, he did not say. According to a further indication of Unister co-founder and partner Daniel Kirchhof, the investigation had been extended to suspect infidelity.

death of Thomas Wagner the enigmatic trip of Unister Chefs


e-mails provide information about the final journey of Unister founder Thomas Wagner. Perhaps he was involved shortly before his death in a dubious lending. The attempt to reconstruct. more …

“We have initiated but also automatically be investigated,” said Klein. Even the evidence of crimes in the extensive media coverage surrounding the death of Wagner and the insolvency Unister Holding would have made this necessary. Several media had reported that Wagner could possibly have been deceived in Venice as part of a so-called “Rip deal” by more than one million euros.

The General Prosecutor Dresden is leading the investigation. The Leipzig prosecutor was concerned with the clarification of the identity of the bodies after the crash found in Slovenia, Klein said. These checks, meanwhile, also an initial suspicion of wrongful. The said European Economic Criminal Matters Attorney Lutz Lehmann on Friday. Such testing is common after any bankruptcy.

Unister in turmoil

  • the death of the German Internet millionaire Thomas Wagner whose company Unister plunged into severe turbulence. Unister Holding, belonging to the travel portals like and had, as well as several subsidiaries file for bankruptcy. there are strange Details Wagner activities immediately before his fatal plane crash, even the liquidator speaks of a “crime”. Many Unister customers are confused.

  • on Monday Unister Holding GmbH filed for insolvency. The company justified this by saying that the company after the death of the sole manager Wagner was “without management and greatly restricted in their ability to act”. As a consequence, several belonging to Unister Group companies reported insolvency: the Interactive Affiliate Network, Unister Travel mbH, under whose umbrella agency portals for vacation packages flights are organized, Unister GmbH with portals like and and the U-deals GmbH.

  • According liquidator Lucas Flöther results “in most cases” for the customer, no change. Trips were only taught about Unister portals usually – payments went so directly to the relevant operator. In such cases, consumer advocates see no problem. If a package with the daughter Urlaubstours booked, it is guaranteed through insurance and finds loud Flöther also held.

    Different is for customers that on portals like ab-in-the-holiday-deals. de travel vouchers purchased. The vouchers may not be recognized by the contracting parties at your destination, admitted insolvency Flöther. Affected are up to 14,000 customers. There were already cases where hotels rejected the arrival of customers or further payment demanded. Flöther declared that he was seeking to “obliging solutions”. For bookings from 20 July the disbursement of vouchers were but assured.

  • have customers fear that their a Unister- portal could turn booked trip, they should, according to Stiftung Warentest in each exporting company – reinsure

    If you only buy a voucher, which now can not be redeemed for which – as the airline or hotel. it looks bad. Such customers will only be able to submit the money paid as a receivable in insolvency loud Verbraucherzentrale Sachsen. This should happen as possible in a verifiable manner, ie by registered mail. So the customer will be guided as creditors and may get sometime back some of the money. With questions about Unister complex customers can turn to the consumer centers.

  • This is hard to say. Flöther seeks possible to a complete sale of the Group. It is also conceivable a smashing.

    Many open questions also revolve nor Wagner travel with ultimately fatal. Besides Wagner was co-founder Oliver Schilling, the pilot and an alleged financial intermediaries in the aircraft. All four died. The plane was en route from Venice to Leipzig where Unister headquartered. Before the accident the pilot had reported icing problems.

    On Friday the “Focus” reported, citing judicial circles, Wagner had fallen in Venice on a breezy financial business. At the crash site cash is to be found. Liquidator Flöther said the “Wirtschaftswoche”, for him sword the whole “more like a thriller than for a classic case of insolvency”

    Source:. AFP

  • the question is, however, if it ever admit an accused person, the proceedings could be directed against the. Questioning’m only the manager of the company. “And we can only detect up survivors,” Lehmann said. The final DNA proof that it (38) and the 39-year-old co-partner Unister Oliver Schilling is among the dead to Wagner, was still pending.


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