Monday, July 25, 2016

Economy – The Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union-vote follows mood damper in the economy – Sü

Direct from the dpa news channel

Munich (dpa) – After Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union-poll in the UK, the mood in the German economy has deteriorated slightly. The Ifo business climate index fell in June by 0.4 to 108.3 points as the Ifo Institute for Economic Research announced.

Although the expectations of the companies surveyed for the coming months are less optimistic, but appreciated the companies their current situation even a little better than in the previous month. “The German economy appears robust,” said Ifo President Clemens Fuest in Munich.

Accordingly, the sub-index rose for the current business situation is slightly different from 114.6 to 114.7 points, the sub-index for business expectations contrast, fell significantly from 103.1 to 102.2 points. The industry looks “significantly less optimistic” in the coming months. This applies especially to the automaker. “The automotive industry is even reported by pessimistic expectations,” said Fuest

Blinding mood

contrast prevails noisy business climate index continues to be in the construction industry -. The indicator will climb to “always new records,” Fuest said. In retailing, the mood has improved, deteriorated slightly in wholesale it.

Jörg Zeuner, Chief Economist of KfW, expected after the vote by the British for an exit from the EU that the export growth of the German economy slows and “quite a few investment projects” are initially set by the company on the ice. “That is unfortunate, but not a disaster.”


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