Monday, July 25, 2016

California Environmental Protection Agency praises VW – Diesel recall possible – ABC Online

Monday , 07.25.2016, 18:55
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Volkswagen can in working up of the exhaust gas scandal in the US make hopes for a more cost effective solution.

the head of the California Air Resources Board Carb, Mary Nichols, is optimistic that the plans for conversion of the manipulated VW succeed -Dieselwagen with two-liter engine in the USA. “In our assessment, the vehicles can be repaired so that emissions can be reduced by 80 to 90 percent,” Nichols said in an interview with the newspaper “Handelsblatt” (Monday). Even with the larger three-liter engines it holds a conversion solution possible.

Would American authorities approve callbacks, to VW owners in the United States could also opt for an upgrade of their cars. This should be significantly cheaper for the Group as a redemption of all affected vehicles. “Some want to get rid of their cars safely,” Nichols said. “But I think many people just want to keep their vehicle if it can be repaired.”

“We know that constructive cooperation with the US authorities to appreciate,” said a VW spokesman. VW keep working hard on a form acceptable to the US regulators technical solution. “Together with the authorities we are well on our way.” Through the testimony of carb boss Nichols VW felt confirmed in this assessment.

In June VW had presented a billion compensation package after months of negotiations with applicants and authorities. It is about 480 000 Diesel cars with two-liter engine. Overall, Volkswagen will pay up to 14.7 billion dollars (13.3 billion euros) in compensation, repurchase and repair costs, penalties and environmental investments.

This Tuesday the competent US judge Charles Breyer wants at a hearing in San Francisco to decide whether to accept the proposed package. With Breyer actions are bundled. In the US, diesel scandal had its origin. Here also run additional actions of individual states, which are not governed by the negotiated comparison.

carb boss Nichols held out the prospect that slight technical shortcomings in the conversion by payments to the Environment Fund agreed with VW balanced could become. A reduction of emissions by 80 to 90 percent were indeed “not quite 100 percent, but that’s what a fund which compensates for the emissions, namely past and future,” Nichols said, whose authority had brought the proceedings against VW rolling , The to-filling of VW Environment Fund is a part of the settlement with US plaintiffs. . The fund projects for emission-free transport should be promoted

Nichols praised the Group for a greater willingness to cooperate: “The company has

recently come to meet us much more and was faster than it was to answer questions or to send us documents and information. “the EPA, the environmental agency of the uS government, and thus the second important authority which must approve the recall plans by VW, was on Monday not immediately be reached for comment.

A few days ago, the California Carb had rejected the recall plan of the Group for the larger three-liter engines. In letters to the three Group brands VW, Audi and Porsche criticized the California Environmental Agency, inter alia, that the recall plan lacked detailed descriptions of manipulation software and the proposed solution and different metrics. The EPA had the assessment attached that VW had not been provided at acceptable proposals

Despite the recent rejection of a recall plan for the larger three-liter engines, Nichols now but showed also optimistic. “We believe that Volkswagen can repair most cars. . But we have to work out the details, nor “It will also give penalties, Nichols said:” They will however not be as high “

Also the carmaker Daimler must currently deal with allegations, diesel engines from. Group violated US law. The carmaker considers such actions to be unfounded, but leads at the request of the US Justice Department is conducting an internal investigation. On the question of possible diesel scandals at other carmakers as VW Nichols said: “At this time we do not pursue any other cases against other diesel manufacturers.” With the VW scandal, the market had deteriorated for diesel cars namely: “But, there is currently no other bad news before. “


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