Berlin (dpa) – In response to the recent violence in Germany German Rail plans to increase its security measures.
“We plan to hire additional in the coming years in the DB security, several hundred employees and to improve their education and skills,” said Deutsche Bahn CEO Rüdiger Grube with in Berlin. He thus confirmed a report of the “Bild” newspaper.
The security forces should be used in trains and stations, and the work of Federal police support. There were currently about 3,700 train security guards and 5,000 Federal Police officers in action.
The Bavarian government advises in its closed further on the consequences of the violence. To kick off the discussions on Tegernsee Prime Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) and his ministers had announced on Tuesday to try to better protecting its citizens against attacks. As a first measure will equip the police better Bavaria’s state government. This is clear from a strategy document that present the papers of Funke Mediengruppe. The staff strength of the Bavarian police will continue to rise, it stated. “We expect the same from the other countries and the federal government.”
In addition to the Bundeswehr used for border security if the forces of the Federal Police are not sufficient according to the wishes of the state government. The Bundeswehrverband declared against it. “We are for a separation between external and internal security, as envisaged in the Basic Law, the Bundeswehr is no auxiliary police”, the deputy chairman Andreas Steinmetz told the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”. Only in bulk materials, which are without the help of the armed forces can not be controlled, there is no question that the Bundeswehr could be used at the request of countries.
Human rights activists urged the legislature to react calmly and with moderation to the violence of recent weeks. The human rights organization Amnesty International criticized the deportation this week brought delinquent refugees in conflict zones as a violation of international law. “No one may be deported to a country where his life or freedom are at risk,” said the head of the asylum department, Andrea Berg, the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”.
After the two suspected Islamist bombings of Wurzburg and Ansbach, Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) had for deportations pronounced in depressed areas and said they should no longer be taboo.
The deputy leader of the Alternative for Germany, Alexander Gauland other hand, demanded to suspend the right of asylum for Muslims. “We can no longer afford for safety reasons, to let more Muslims uncontrolled immigrate to Germany,” he explained. Why should “the right of asylum for Muslims be suspended immediately until all applicants residing in Germany, registered, monitored and whose applications are processed”.
In the Basic Law Article 16 states: “Persons persecuted on political asylum.” Exceptions are provided only when the refugees arriving from another EU country or from a safe country of origin.
After the rampage of Munich experts argue about marketplaces in anonymous segment of the Internet, the so-called darknet. The background is that the gunman had bought from Munich to previous findings in his gun darknet. The (English: dark net) “darknet” is a hidden part of the applied on open sharing World Wide Web and in the opinion of professionals grew strongly. It is used as criminals, but also by people who attach great importance to privacy or live in a repressive political system.
The Chaos Computer Club (CCC) warned to demonize the anonymous spaces of the Internet. In fact, had the gunman for the purchase of the weapon on the “darknet” used according to media reports months, said Linus Neumann from CCC Deutsche Presse-Agentur. In the real world, this would probably have gone much faster. The extent of drug and arms trafficking in “darknet” is far fewer than that in the offline world.
Rhineland-Palatinate’s Minister of Justice Herbert Mertin (FDP) is made after the shooting rampage in Munich it to examine how arms purchases in the so-called darknet can be effectively prevented. The weapons law must not be hand tightened in his view. The Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) is this Wednesday before his findings to the development of cybercrime, including the “darknet” is BKA President Holger Münch want to express.

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